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Symbolism represented

in the text (Cited



In spite of our warnings

and explanation it drew
him as the moon draws
water, but drew him nearer
than the light pole on the
corner, a safe distance
from the Radley house.
(Lee Pg.8)

The Radley home is seen

as a very dark depressing
place. The moon is only
seen at night when the sky
is black and the moon is
the only thing illuminating
it. That shows how in the
Radley home theres still
something good in it.

Chapter 2: He had
probably never seen three
quarters together at the
same time in his life.
(Lee Pg.

It symbolizes the real

economic standing of
some families in the 1930s
due to the great

Chapter 3: His neck was

dark gray, the backs of his
hands were rusty, and his
fingernails were black deep
into quick.
(Lee Pg.

HIs neck was dark grey is

the sign that the
depression of the nation
has drifted to a young age.
The rusty hands meaning
unused a childhood
because of the very harsh
and unloving environment
do to the countries

Chapter 4: I missed you

today, said. The house
got so lonesome long
about two oclock I had to
turn on radio.
(Lee Pg.

The radio symbolizes the

sound of comfort for her
loneliness. Being a black
women in the deep south
of Alabama in the 1930s
she couldnt go out and
talk to whoever she wanted
because of her
appearance. Resulting in
her desperation to see her

Image/ Symbol/ Picture

Chapter 5: Maybe he died
and they stuffed him up in
the chimney.
(Lee Pg.

She is is saying how the

character of Boo Radley us
practically dead in his life.
He no friends, little to no
loving family members,
and will never life his life a
normal human should. His
life has left him like a
dream not coming true.

Chapter 6: Scout Im tellin

you for the last time, shut
your trap or go home-I
declare to the Lord youre
gettin more like a girl
everyday! With that, I had
no option but to join them.
(Lee, Pg.24)

Girls at the time were

considered very loud and
obnoxious by men. Jem
stated to the lord signifies
that Scout is becoming
more of a talkative woman
than a mellow boy she
pretends to be.

Chapter 7: As Atticus once

Walking around in
someone's is a term that
means to pretend to be
someone for that day.
Saying that there would be
a funeral so quick would
mean that she would be
killed by Boo so so quickly
by her imagination.

advised me to do, I tried to

climb into Jems skin and
walk around in it:if I had
gone alone to the Radley
place two in the morning,
my funeral would have
been held the next
afternoon. So I left Them
alone and tried not to
bother him.
(Lee, Pg.57)

Chapter 8: My stomach
turned to water and I
nearly threw up when Jem
held out the blanket and
crept toward me. He
sneaked out of his houseturn round-sneaked up,
and went like this!
(Lee Pg.72

The fear that held scout in

the moment of uncertain
doom left her in a state of
utter fear for her life and
safety. Using a blanket as
the fearful image is
significant because a
blanket is usually a loving
comforting object.

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