Formulas To Know For The Final: SE SD N

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Formulas to know for the Final

Z = (Value Ave)/SD and for chance processes Z= (Value Expected Value)/SE

Regression Formulas:

Slope = r (SDy/SDx)

SD of the prediction errors = 1 r 2 * SDy

Know how to do regression estimates by converting values (and percentiles) to Z scores and
multiplying by r

Standard Error formulas for sum, average and %: (See p.173 and chart on p.201)
SEsum = SD of the box n

SEave = SD of the box/ n

SE% = SD of the
box/ n *100%

Only one formula for the Expected Value: EVsum = n * ave of the box

Know how to compute

the SD when there are only 2 types of tickets in the box
(see page 166 in Notes)
Significance Test Statistics: (See blue chart on 261-262 in Notes)
1 sample Z = (observed expected)/SE ( page 213)

2 sample Z = observed difference/SE diff where SEdiff = SE A2 + SE B2

t-test = (observed-expected)/SE ave except the SE ave = SD

degrees of freedom= n-1

(Use the t-test when you have a small sample and you only know the SD of the sample,
NOT of the box, so you estimate the SD of the box
with SD+= n n 1 * SD )
(observed expected) 2
X goodness-of-fit test = sum of
df= # of categories -1
Use to test whether 1 random sample with multiple
categories fits the box model defined by the
null good
(observed expected) 2

X Independence test= sum of
df= (#rows-1)* (#columns-1)
Use to Ind to test whether 2 variables (each with 2 or more categories) are independent. Use when you
have 2 samples each with multiple categories and you want to see whether the differences in the sample
responses could be due to chance or whether they reflect some real difference in the population. (For

example, do males and females really feel differently about some issue or not. If the question is just 2
categoriesYes or No, you can use either a X2 Ind Test or 2 sample Z, but if the question has 3
categories- Yes , No or Dont know then you have to do a X2 Ind Test

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