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ORR 2070 REL So” Hest SONgS Ofte Great Composers Frederic W. Root. NOTE.—This edition ts designed to bring within the average capabilities of Singers, songs of the greatest calue, which, in their original form, are not available bccauise of Tbeir oo dificult accompaniments, or too extended compass, or avkward setting of words, or ully printing. Tbe songs’ of this collection, tterefore, are all transposed, or seletied, fo be ctithin medium compass, Ihe melodies remaiiing unallered; most of them lie be tage C (frst line below) and E (frurtb space), aud one run bigber than: F (ff line). ‘The accompaniments are simplifed as much as possible and yet retain the charaGeristics Of ike originals, and in the olber respects they are prepared witb unusual care. Tbe origi- ‘ial, unaltered” editions of these songs can he obtained of the publisbers. WAbere tbs edition is Desired {t should be Described as Root's Special Edition. RS mE Laas, 2 3gu-pn omy von seavmy, cae, aaa a 2 bee aE . (GEER mist Pan dwar, - Mi Btwy oan, Eran Tara, 10 RY ea Ta, EVES Gasca Give Pangy) anual 3 18 ou YORING, = YE HEARD THE ANOHES, Team 33s 006 Stab OF EVE, ee 3 Cincinnatt: Bublisbed by Tee FOHN Church Co. 74 w. gourth st. chicago: g ew Dork: Root & Sons Music Co. 3. Church & Co. 700 Taba Bente 55.5. 19th Steet. a ROOTS SPECIAL EDITION: NO 2. LOV’ST THOU FOR BEAUTY? English version by F.W.R. > 4 Not too slow. Gjgra_ Schumann. Lov’st thou for Liebst du um Schénheit, eee Love thou the. sun. shineTis beau-ti-ful-, al Lic. be die Son - ne, sie trigt-ein gold-nes. O -love not me! o- nichtmich lie. ~~ be! 7 ¢ the + 7 —_—=__ ‘Then love not mel. If youththou lovest, - © nicht michlie - - bet Liebstdu um Ju-gend, nf ‘Then youth comesev2ry year+ Lovst thou for Liebst du um Love thouthe springtime? der jung ist je- des Jabr! Lie - beden Fri mf Copyright, 1885, by The Jobu Church C2 4502-2 Nymphs .of the 0 - - cean have treasure? Lie . -be die Meer - frau, sie Schitze, © nicht mich lie - - be! Faster. SF If forLovethou lovest. ‘Ah, thenlove pearls beyond com. pare. Liebstduum Lie-be, 0 ja- mich hat viel Per-len Klar. Fr Ahthenloveme! I. willlovethee, Yes, for, - If tis for love, lie - bemichimmer,dich lied ich Liebst du umLiebe, 0 jamich liebe, T = ré-tar| dan -do. =

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