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Alcinous calls an
assembly of his
Phaeacian counselors.
Athena spreads word
that the topic of
discussion will be the
godlike visitor
(Odysseus) who
recently appeared on
the island.

The Phaeacians show

Odysseus that they are
not only great at
shipbuilding, but also
with sports and
Alcinous suggest
providing a ship for
Telemachus and everyone

They play games

including boxing,
wrestling, racing, and
throwing of the discus.
Odysseus is asked to
join, but denies, saying
he is not young enough.
Odysseus talks about
his travels
A storm sent by Zeus
sweeps brings them to
the Lotus-eaters


The natives give

Odysseuss men the
the lotus, an
intoxicating fruit . As
soon as they eat this
fruit, they lose all
thoughts of home and
long for nothing more
than to stay there
and eat fruit.
Odysseus can only get
his men off the island
by dragging them
back to their ship and
locking them up.
They sail to the land
of Cyclopes
Cyclopes are one eyed
giants who are
They go into a cave
when its inhabitant
It is Polyphemus, the
son of Poseidon.
Polyphemus turns
hostile and eats two
of Odysseuss men,
but imprisons
Odysseus and the
others in his cave for
future meals.


The Achaeans sail

from the land of the
Cyclopes to the home
of Aeolus,
Aeolus is the ruler of
the winds
Aeolus gives Odysseus
a bag full of all the
The winds guide
Odysseus home
They are in sight of
Ithaca after ten days
Odysseuss shipmates
think Aeolus gave
Odysseus a fortune so
they tear the bag
The winds escape and
stir up a storm
Odysseus and his men
go back to Aeolia
This time, Aeolus
refuses to help them,
They dont have any
wind, so they row to
the land of

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