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Tenms and Conditicns of Supply of Ready rclixed comcrete



conditions under u,hich we manufactured and deliver ready mixed concrete are based on the specified

strength confiete in cornpliance to B.S. 5328.

In the absence of contract specifications, lve guarantee the compressive cube strength at 28 days for the required grade
of concrete to comply u,ith B.S. 5328. $re, hou,ever, will not be responsible for coucrete or rejects due to :-


Poor handling and placing methods ;

Additions ofwater. chemical or any other substance by your site personnel or such act done at their request ;
Delay in placing time of exceeding m,'o (2) hours ater time of batching as recorded on lJre delivery order.




test purposes and the preparation, curing and crushing of the test cubes

are to be done

in accordance to

B.S. 5328

We will provide at our cost for the preparation, curing and crushing of the test cubes atourlaboratory
supervised by our Quality Control personnel using our SIRIM approved Compression Machine ;


But should you require the test cubes provided by us to be tested by outside independent laboratory, it


has to be done at


c,651 ;

Should the tested cube shength at 28 days fails to cornply with clause (2) above, \,e must be given notification
within 3 days of testing. To confirm that the cube strength are lepresentative of the concrete batch, both parties
shall rhen agree, at our cost, on a suitable method of testing the haldened in-situ concrete, e.g. a rebound
hammer test, a core test or ultrasonic pulse test, The test must be conducted in our presence unless with our
written exemption.
Should the concrete be found to be below the specified strength, we will reimburse 1ou for all expenses
includlng hacking and rernoval of all defective concrete and overtime works in order to meet
with the schedule of remedial rvorlts. trn such even! v.,e'*'ill not be liable for any consequential damages or cost.



The quantity of concrete delivered to you urill be based on the delivery order u'hich is provisional up to 5 days
after delivery. Shoutd yotr have any disagreernent uith the quonlity supply on the delivery order, vou rnust
lodge in ru'iting within these 5 da56 after which it is irnplied that you have accepted the quantiry as correct and

shall invoice you accordingly.



the event of such disagreement, the quantity of concrete supplied shall be detennined b), measurement
at the worksite. The results of your site measuremenl to be verified by us shall be accepted as the corect
quartity. This measurement must be accordance to the Standard lr4ethod of i\4easurement for Building Works.
A u'astage of 3o/o is to be ailorved in the calculation of concrete quantity.
Our liability on complaint of short supply shall be limited to 'rhe volume of concrete to cover the shortfall.


You u,ill provide us with one day advance notice for all ),our concrete requirenrent.
Acceptalce oforders placed for Sunday and Public Holidays shall be at the cliscletion ofour X4anagement, sub.fected to a
minimum order of 100 cubic meter of concrete. An additicnal sun of RM500.00 shall be imposed on supply less than the
stipulated 100 cubic meter ofconclete.


Orders placed for less than 4 cubic meter ofconcreie are subjected to an undercarriage surcharge ofRI\450.00.


Wewill send monthly statement of accounts to irou fbr confirmation of transaction and balances. If you do not agree rvith
the statement, please notif. us withiu 7 days, failure u,hich it would be tal<en as agreed by you. A late palment interest of
I.5 per month would be charged on all overdue accounts.
right to stop supply u,ithout prior notice if you have committed any default on any terms of business or
your accouut outstanding erceeded th6 temfis and limit grarrted b1, us.
\4/e reserves the


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