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‘Cambridge University Press (978-0-521-54709-3 - Messages Student's Book 2 Diana Goodey and Noel Goodey Frontmatter Messages Student's Book 2 & CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS he, '# Interests and '* Read about a British teenager —_# Write the results of an opinion fos York Ask for and ive pewsonal Information Module 1 My life Unie 2 + Presene simple: + Exressons of + Read about teenagers inthe © Write about fe n your AAslice of life affirmative negative, "frequency usa county ‘questions + Everyiay routines Read about everyday routines Tlk about your utes Frequency aves + Link words *Uisten 9 a sang = Do a questonnaie «toy: Wis Fowers2 "ite about your average dy ‘Ielieland ia! Life and eutre: Making muse Study sls: Using your book How's ie gong? Progress check Cousework Life in Britain Past simple of be + Numbers and dates Ustenand tnd the he piture » tavent and talk abou ‘a word Past simple of regular = Holidays | Read a text and gues the recor” and regular vers: missing words “= Write about a holiday Sfimative negate & Pronunciation: 1 Read a poor Discuss and wate a shor stow © Sto Wie Fowors 3 © tite and culture: The garden chat pee 15,30, 3085, Unit 4 Pas simple: obs "= Uston and answer pesonal ——_» We and abk questions for Entertainment — questions and stot + Past ime ‘questions aque answers expressions 1 Read and oe a story ‘Talk about an amzing weehend (ustions with wha, © Uston ta sone © Wie and act an inteniow with Which Howse. "6 er fland ll 6 Sto Wid Plwes & asa tite ana cuter: Making 1 Wit about a visit the Study skli: Punctuation How's it gong Proatss check | Coursework: Blogtaphies Present continuous: « Intown © Readamotice and a newspaper» Ask orand give directions affimative negatve, —» Dyetions arte Talk abou what you're dong ‘questions « Aistn to drectons and folow atthe moment Present continuous» Stess in words ona map “We and acta telephone and present simple «Read an stent 390 conversation © listen eo short conversations at» Wie about an imaginary sation person © Sta Wis Flowers "fe and cata The Eo Challenge Race eee Tere was/ ewes» Paces Read a sho histor ext “Talk abou ie nthe pst Pas continous steno andidentty sounds» Talk and wate abou your affimodve. negative, © Htenation a ‘Sto! Wild Flowers town nthe past westons (weston Lie and cate: The ise, | Descibe what was happening soul cou ‘americans at parttime Wie a ghost ton. “Talk abou things someone ld and could’ do. Sty Sis: Remembering vocabulay Hows Ie gningtProates check Coursework A meekend In Manchester e@ Map of the book Lstening and aii ead) Communicative tasks Compaativs: ——» Adjecthes * Uiston to a tlephone “te an aver and compare Semore. than Computes conversation things aaa Modern inventions © Read a newspaper ance “Talk about ifeences and Possessive Stone Swintt similares pronouns Rhythm dil: /al 6 Life and euture: Poem Mum, __* Talk about people's possessions Whose . 2 ad and me tetors Supetatives Hows adjctve «Listen to and complete a «Tak about famous paces © The uu wlth ‘conversation and things going to Rada school stay 1 Ask quostions about yout aiemate, a Stag? Smimt2 county of tom regate, questions fle and culture: The longest road» Talk about your plans The comparative in the wots « Descibe plans fora tp ae ier * Share yout opinions errr Stuy sls: Recognising sentence pattems How's fe going? Progress check Coursework: Supetative places! Te fru with Immporant evens Road a magazine ance “Wie predictions abou a ené val: aftrmatve, > Future time Usten toa song | Ask and answer questions negate. questions” expressions Store Swit 3 about evens Inthe ute Present continuous Life and cultures basketball star * Tacabout future arangements Used forthe future» I + Practise telephone convetsation| Unit 10 Countable and « usten for food vocabulary “Ask or and offer food and dink Some ‘countable nouns | Read aboutan average person In ¢ Waite and acta conversation ketchup, Polite requests and the usa Ina canoen please! offers: tke. 1 Story: Sia “Make questions fora ‘quatiy outa nave. Ute and culture: Would you the iz Would you tke? some wales? "Wate about your teste How muct/many? alot of/ much/ many 2 FS > Fy PS x a ‘Stuy sis: Guessng what words mean How's going Progress check Coursework On hai © can/cantfor + Verbs of ction «Talia vite abou les at bossy Usten to radio pogtamme you shoot = Muse/mustn’tfor © Sand fast Road a book review «Wate a eter asking for advice cbilgaton Stone Swims * Give advice + Should/shouldn’t Tite and cuture:Ateter ram + Share you opilons about what foradvice anata peopl should and stout do + Revision: ‘+ fveryday materials Readabout the environment Talkaboutasuney ewressing «ste tan argument between + Talk and wit about recycling opinions, must, fey and ie a teenager and her parents and he envrenment should «Rad abet the tiger 1 Make a poster + Fist conditional ster wa song = Sean: Swint6 © te and etre The Worl Wide ‘Study sls Studying at home How's igang? Progies check Cousework: Aust to my courtly = Grammarlndex * Communicate functions Index + Worllst « iegulr vets « Spelng nots + Phonetic symbols © Songs Map of the book we ‘Cambridge University Press (978-0-521-54709-3 - Messages Student's Book 2 Diana Goodey and Noel Goodey Excerpt More information My Life In Module 1 you study Grammar Be, can, have got, there Is/are Question forms Lke+ -ing Present simple Frequency adverbs Vocabulary Expressing opinions Adjectives Interests and activities Expressions of frequency Everyday routines unk words, so that you can Talk about facts Write some facts about your class Understand, ask for and express opinions Talk about things you like and don’t like Ask for and give personal information Talk about your daily life Describe what ather people do Talk about how often you do things Write a questionnaire about your favourite pastimes Talk about everyday routines \Write about your average day J Wild Flowers Chapter 1 ~ Where's Mr Roberts? Chapter 2 ~ Tom wants to find out Life and culture |Uive in New York Making Music Coursework 1 Life in Britain You write a newsletter about your country. eae © Cambridge University Press vcam ‘Cambridge University Press (978-0-521-54709-3 - Messages Student's Book 2 Diana Goodey and Noel Goodey Excerpt More information What can you say about the pictures? Now match the pictures with sentences 14, In Book 2 you study 1 think it's great the language of the world 2 Teenagers in the USA like rollerblading, around you 3 He works in the Antarctic. so that you can 4 The alarm clock rings at half past seven. describe life in your country, and complete an English Coursework folder Your Coursework has got six parts: Part 1 Life in Britain You write a newsletter about your country. Part 2 Biographies You write about famous people in your country. Part 3A weekend in Manchester You write about your town, or your capital city, Part 4 Superlative places! You draw a map of your country and write about places there. Part § On holiday You write about holidays in your country. Part 6 A visit to my county You write about a visit to your country. © Cambridge University Press Getting started Instep 1 you study PAL © be, there is/are, can, have got. ive, eat etc. so that you can talk about facts © write some facts about your class Reading what do you know? @ © Read the texts. Find at least three words you don't understand, Look in your dictionary (or ask your teacher. You've got four minutes! b Match the words in A with the words in B. Make ten true sentences. 1 Little Italy isn’tin Healy. A 8 1 Little taly can understand sign 2 People in Britain language. ira & you can hear Spanish 3 Ther Italian and Chinese. ¢ Dts isr'tin taly 5 Thered-kneed can't fy tarantula drink a lot of tea, 6 Penguins hasn't got a mobile phone. 7 “General Sherman’ 9 ate cheetahs In Africa and Asia, B In New York hives in Mexico, 9 Matt Long i have got powertul eyes. 40. Chimpanzees jis avery all tree 2 Grammar revision Verbs Complete the sentences with these words. Is are There's There are can can't has got have got haven'tgot eat lives, 1 Owls can. see very well at night. 2 People in the USA seven million pizzas every day Penguins wings but they fly a place called El Barrio in New York Spiders si legs. ‘General Sherman’ 83 metres tal, Chimpanzees ry intelligent animals 290 million people in the USA. The red-kneed tarantula red knees, Ie ina hole in the ground, MANCHESTER EVENING GAZETTE Letters to the editor LEAVV GORY The cheetah lives in Aiea and Asia. Ie has st very powerful legs Tecan run 100 kilometres an hour Penguins ean swim bat they can fly Chimpanzces can’t talk but they can use sign language Owls have got very lange eyes, They ean see i the dark I want to start an ‘Anti-Mobiles’ group. think mobile phones are dangerous and Idon't think they are necessary. Ifyou agree, please write to me. Matt Long 231 Albert Terrace Manchester MN4 9FZ mattdlong@yourline ‘Cambridge University Press (978-0-521-54709-3 - Messages Student's Book 2 Diana Goodey and Noel Goodey Excerpt ‘Moreinformation There's spider in Mexico with real nees. IP called the New York isan Mexican rede exciting and beautiful {need tarantula city. People of many different nationalities live here. Little Waly, Seer a Chinatown are There's a tree in California called General Sherman, es 83 metres tall Reading and speaking Facts and opinions 18 Which of these sentences is a fact? Which sentence is an opinion? 1 Penguins can’t fy. 2. think mobile phones ae dangerous. Find a fact in the texts that you think is interesting, Read it to the class and give your opinion, ‘Owls can see inthe dark. think that's interesting bb Can you complete these sentences? 1 The capital of Brazil is Brasilia i 2 There ae... people in our country. Bie santana: stout your class, i 3 We eat alot of There are thirty people in our class. 4 Bats can’t 7 tiend Jamal comes from Morocco. + 5 Chicago is | i © If you have time, think of more facts and tell the class. Unit 1 © Cambridge University Press vcam so that you can (© understand, ask for and express opinions In Step 2 you study Ug 1 agree /1 don't agree © I think i's good / 1 don't think it's good © adjectives (My name's Ben Wilson and my favourite subject at school is ar: This is my art project. t's a giant | chicken. What do you think of i? | Key vocabulary Expressing opinions ‘a Read the text. Who's speaking? Can you guess? Match the five opinions with the photos of Ben's friends. I think number one is Joe. It’s a bit strange. I don’t tke It very much, aS —— (2 | don’t agree. | really Uike it I think it's funny. b (55 Listen and check. Write the answers. 5 I think it’s great.) Have i —= (4 tdoreknow. —) Is OK, | suppose. —s ese SAL ie et 3. I don't think it's funny. 1 think i's stupid I think it’s funny. | don’t think it’s funny. We don't say: Hhiniesore- funy 1 Joe © Complete the explanations with the same and different. Vocabulary revision Adjectives haunts HEE Sone) Make two lists with these adjectives \on't agree! means we've got meine awful silly Interesting beautiful boring Complete the sentences with Joe, Jack, etc. exciting briliant nice good fantastic 1. Sadie doesn’t agree with Jee... She likes it. 1 5 Joe and agree. They don’t lke it 2 3 agrees with Sadie. She Ukes It to. funny stupid a Speaking @ What about you? Work with a friend and talk about Ben’s giant chicken. ‘a: What do you think of itt 8: I chink i's funny. ‘a: Idon’t agree. | think it’s stupid. bb Make conversations like this. ‘A: What do you think of Beyoncé? ': I think she's great. | tke her. ‘Change the underlined words. Use him/her/it/ them, Listening and speaking It’s a bit strange @ E55) Look at the pictures and listen to Jack and Lisa. Have they got the same opinions? b Listen again. Write the adjectives for the pictures. Jack — Lisa 1 strange interesting © Give your opinion. (Faves we accion) (eo saga art mh Speaking and writing ‘An opinion poll Work with the class. Choose 2 famous person or a TV rogtemme, tea st In our class: My i git of adjectives on the board. 4 people think \ Voietereeaeciveyou great sorewmncnuewe res | Teceplethink awh ‘Then make a pie chart and he/shefit’s we youre voning b being interesting In Step 3 you study ‘¢-names of interests and so that you can # talk about things activities you lke and don't lke Hike + -ing ‘6 ask for and give ‘@ questions with Bo you..? personal information Have you got. ? Can you . 7's there. ? 1 Key vocabulary interests and activities Match the words withthe pictures. computer games swimming horror films Using the Internet going shopping athletics {0ing out meeting friends astronomy [5 Listen and check. | ike athletics and computer games. | don’t tke going shopping. b What about you? Say at least two things you like and fone thing you don’t like © If you have time, talk about >“ other interests. (Tie volleyball. | Uke going to the cinema | read a lot of books. | lke reading, |-can swim well. | enjoy swimming, Reading and speaking About Matt 2 Look at the questions ‘Then read the text and find the answers. 1 live in Manchester. SS ‘Where do you live, Matt? M Do you lke football? Have you got anyother interests? Can you rn ast ‘What's your favourite food? What sort of TV prosrammes do you ike? Is there anything you dor tke? ‘My name's Matt Long and I tive in ‘Manchester, Yes, | ike football But my main interests are astronomy and athletics. T can run 100 metres in 13 seconds. My favourite food is pasta. | enjoy watching harror films and programmes about animals, like music, and | read the newspaper every ay, [also lke writing letters to our local newspaper. There's fone thing really hate ~ mobile phones! b (2 Listen to the conversation with Matt. Then work with a friend and practise. Writing Imagine you've got a new friend. Write questions about these things. 1 What's your telephone number? 2 Can you play basketball? address and telephone number abilities brothers and sists pers interests favourite subjects at school Speaking Interview a classmate Use what you know Work with a friend. Use sentences from Exercise 3 and ask your friend at least three questions. ‘Cambridge University Press '978-0-521-54709-3 - Messages Student's Book 2 Diana Goodey and Noel Goodey Excerpt ‘Moreinformation Wild Flowers Where’s Mr Roberts? Tt was another boring day at school, “Tom! shouted my history teacher. Tom!” ‘Tom? That's mo; I said. But I said it in an American accent. ‘The class laughed. They think 'm funny, but the teachers don’t. They think I'm stupid, ‘Tsuppose you think you're very clever, Tom, said the history teacher. ‘But you're not clever’ "No, sir’ T said. Neesha smiled at me. She's my best friend. She understands me. She knows that I don't like history, But I really like science. It's because of Mr Roberts, our science teacher, He's great. Our next lesson was science, but at 11 o'clock Miss Kay, the head teacher, eame into our classroom. ‘Good morning, class,’ she said. ‘Can you all go to the library, please?” ‘But we've got science; I said. ‘Tknow, Tom, said Miss Kay. ‘But there isn't any science today? "Where's Mr Roberts? asked Neesha. “Mr Roberts is at home,’ said the head, “Why? asked. Is he ill?” “No, Tom, said the head. "Mr Roberts isn’t ill. He doesn’t work here any more.’ Suddenly it wasn’t a boring day. It was a bad day, a very bad day. Questions 1 WhoIs the man character nthe story? What can you say about him? 2. Who are Neesha, Mr Roberts and Ais Kay? 2 Toms clas aren't having a slence lesson today, Why not? © Cambridge University Press ww cambridge Extra exercises 1 Choose the right words. la 1 My brothers favourite sports basketball and athletics. a are bis isnt 2 Bats 2 got bb have got has got 3 ‘any wild elephants in Britain, a Theyre b There are There aren't 4 Eva is good at swimming but she dive very well b can't ¢ isn't very big ears. 5 Our friend Silvana b comes © coming 6 Jack likes pasta 2 eat eats © eating from Italy, Read the descriptions. Complete the names of the animals. 1 This animal can fy, butitisn’t a bid bat. 2 This bird is black and white. te ean’ fy. p. 3. This animal has got eight legs s 4 This animal can walk (on two legs. It can’t talk but is very intelligent. ¢ 5 This large wild cat lives In Africa and Asia, I can run very fast. c 6 This bird usualy flies at night and sleeps in the day, °. 3 ‘Match the words in A with the words in B. 1d A 8 1 play shopping 2 read b afilm 3 90 the Intemet 4 meet 6 football 5 use the newspaper 6 watch 1 my fiends: 4 ‘Complete the questions. Then match them with the answers. 1 Can... you swim? ¢ a In Liverpool 2 you got any pets? b 01638 427991, 3 you like using a computer? ¢ Yes, I can. 4 do you tive? 4 Yes, | love it 5 your telephone number? | think it's boring 6 do you think of this music? No, I haven't. 5 ‘Complete the conversation between four people. ad ‘A: What do you think ofthis 1 agree with you. ‘book. Chris? I think ies awtull f: I'm not sure, * Idon't agree. | can’t understand it very well 4. It’s. a bit strange. we Nove it? Ion‘ think © Yes, Its great think it’s brilliant Bt It’s sometimes auite funny, I suppose, but 5 the story’s very ‘good. Winat do you think of i David? bs I don't like it. © How do you say these sentences in your language? 4. What do you think of ie? 2 It’sa bit strange, 23. think it's stupid, 4 It’s OK. | suppose. 5 I don't tke it very much, 6 agree. Extra reading I live in New York What do you know about New York? Have you got any friends or relatives in the USA? Hi! My name's Tiffany Morton and 1 live | ‘York. Our apartment is in Greenwich Village. I go to East Side Middle School. I'm 14 so I’m in the eighth grade. I travel to school on the subway. ‘My famnily is a typical New York family. My. grandfather is from Poland and my grandmother is from Italy. My mom’s' grandparents were Irish. Thave an aunt from Puerto Rico and an uncle from Brazil. So my relatives speak five different Tanguages! My dad’s a sculptor and my mom’s an art teacher. I suppose that’s why I'm interested in art. There are some fantastic museums and galleries in New York. My favorite’ is the Museum of Modern Art. Another of my favorite places is Central Park. It’s four kilometres long and there are 75,000 trees. I go rollerblading there with my friends and, in the summer, we swim at the pool after school. I like going to the theater’ on Broadway but it’s very expensive. People think New York is dangerous, but I don’t agree. It's “certainly « busy, noisy place. After Read the text and find the following things. The name of a part of New York The names of four different countries, At least two of Tiffany's interests Her parents’ jobs, Two things you can do in Central Park ABOUT NEW YORK Te population of New York Did you know that the city’s nickname is ‘the Big Apple’? Aslice of life InStep 1 you study PA © present simple so that you can talk about your dally life © describe what ther people do Presentation He lives in the Antarctic ore @ Hatey Bae @ What can you say about the photos? ; wie i @sournroxe b EE} Cover the text and listen to Nick. Does he talk about all these things? 1 work 2 food 3 travel 4 clothes 5 school 6 free time 7 the weather c Listen and read about Nick's life in the Antarctic, Check your answers in 1b, ‘My name's Nick Bowen, I'm a scientist | work for the British Antarctic Survey. | study the climate and the stars. | live at the alley Research Station. Our food comes by ship. It arrives twice a year, In March and October We travel on skidaos or we ski, We've also got five small planes. But we don't travel by plane in the winter because i's dark all the time. Outside we wear special clothes and big boots, and sunglasses when it's sunny. In our free time we play a lot of games. We play cards. We sing and | play my guitar. Every Saturday we have a party and a special meal. We can't watch TV but we've gota lot of videos and every week someone chooses a film, It's always very cold, of course, but in the summer we sometimes go swimming and diving. The Antarctic is a fascinating and beautiful place. | love it QO ww Answer the questions about Nick's life. 1 7 8 9 10 He's a scientist He works for the British Antarctic Survey. What's Nicks job? What does he study? Where does he live? ‘When does their food arive? How does Nick travel? Why doesn’t he travel by plane in the winter What does he wear when he's outside? What does he doin his free time? Does he watch TV? Does he like living in the Antarctic? Key grammar Present simple Complete the table Nick ne in the Antarctic. ‘don’t watch Nick watch Do you Nick Uke the Antarctic? Practice a Co implete these sentences with V/you oF he, 1 2 What do yew. do in your free time? usually wears glasses. Does have cereal for breakfast? don’t like travelting by plane. doesn't go to school by bus. sometimes play cards at the weekend. 7) What sort of food do (ker Qe wen you sen tok the Gamar tes athe ack of the Wooo Where does liver Try this How many words can you think of for things you ‘ean seein the Antarctic? penguins bb Test a friend Write another sentence for 3a. Leave a blank for /you/he. Can your friend complete the sentence? walks te school, Key pronunciation /s//2/ iz! [CB Listen and repeat the verbs. 1 sf works takes eats 2 Ia} comes wears travels 3 2! watches. chooses uses Now listen and put these verbs in the right group. lives dances likes sits finishes arrives, Writing and speaking a What about you? Write at least three questions for your friends about the topes in Xb. Do youweor your baseball cap every day? How do you travel te school? by Work with a friend. Ask and answer your questions. (Bayou wear yourbatebatl”) cap every day? Yes, Ido.) J to.) © Tell the class about your friend, Carlos wears fis baseball cap every day Writing Life in my country eae aca Think about the sort of life you and your friends have. Write a short description for someone who lives in another country. My name's Carlos. I live in Spain and I go to school in Valencia. We don't wear a uniform at school. In our free time, we In Step 2 you study ‘© frequency adverbs © expressions of frequency so that you can ik about how often you do things ‘© write a questionnaire about your favourite pastimes Presentation How often do you play? ‘@ What can you say about the photo? bb EH Close your book and listen to Lisa and Sadie. 's Sadie a computer addict? Sadie spends «Tot of time om her ‘computer Lisa's asking her some questions about it USA: Hey, Sadie, let's do this questionnaire, Computer games. Are you addicted?” ‘SADIE: OK, then. Usa: First question: Do you play computer games every day? SADIE: Not every day, no. Lisa: How often do you play? SADIE: Five or six times a week, I suppose USA: That's neatly every day! Next question: Do you often play for a long time? SADIE: Yes, Ido, USA: Do you always try to beat yous top score? SADIE: Usually, but not always 1USA: And, if you can't play, do you feel anxious? SADIE: Anxious? No, of course I don’t, USA: Are you sure? Never? SADIE: Well, sometimes, perhaps. USA: I think you've got a problem, Sadie. You're addicted! © EEF Listen again and follow in your book. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. 1 False. She doesn't play every day. Sadie plays computer games every day. She enjoys playing computer games. She often plays them. She usualy plays Five or sx times a doy. She never plays fora tong time She always les to beat er top score. She sometimes feels anxious if she cant play. Sadie isnt addicted to computer games. Key grammar Frequency adverbs Complete the lst of frequency adverbs. How do you say these words in your language? always enjoy computer games. sometimes Practice & What about you? Make tue sentences. Use always, often, et 1 Tnever sing in the shower. 1 singin the shower 2 argue with my friends 3. read poems 4 wear my socks in bed 5 wory about the future b Work with a friend. Ask and answer at least two questions. ‘Do you argue with your friends? : Yes, sometimes. ‘Do you sing in the shower? 8: No, never Key vocabulary Reading and speaking Expressions of frequency Teenagers’ lifestyles Read the information about teenagers in the USA. Are seat pooms? if they very different from teenagers in your country? How often do you travel by bus? tidy your room? /eenagers all over the world once oy gether ta tart vice wee eines oe wating snd ‘Three times: ‘month. playing sport and listening to music. Four tines year. ‘Arecrt survey shows tha the mast popula por scttes inte tver day Usa owning beste Not ver often Jeu owing Total bse Neve Meeclsang tn and valebal American teenagers also lke using the intemet, playing computer games, reading books and magazines, going to the cinema, playing cards and games, and spending time with their friends and families. What about you? Make at least two ‘questions with How often ... ?Then ask and answer. How often do you tidy your room? bb Read the text again. Find these things 1 Four things that you doin a team. 2. Four things that you can do at home. 3 Four things that you usually do outside © What about you? Use words from the text and Speaking make atleast two sentences about your pastimes. ‘Work with a friend. Ask him/her the questions 1 99 rollerblading. I play tennis. in the conversation in 1b. like spending time with my friends Do you play computer) (No, I don't.) games every day? 's your friend addicted to computer games? | go swimming jogging/bowling/rolleblading, | play basketball/footbal/baseball/volleyball/tenris, Writing and speaking Questionnaire Use what you know Choose at least four activities and write a questionnaire. Ask a friend and tick the answers. How often do you use the Internet g0 jo ian oy t | play volleyball sten to music? } ‘vo oF three times a week w about once a week not very often pn neers ieeieelonss enacts Ifyou have time, make sentences about your friend. Selma doesn’t often go jogging wz @ InStep 3 you study ‘© names of everyday routines Ws tink words so that you can ‘© talk about everyday routines ‘© write about your average day Key vocabulary Everyday routines © Match the words with the pictures. You've got two minutes! wash get dressed get undressed get home get ready for school ‘wake up go to bed go to sleep hhave a drink have a shower (255 Listen and check. Reading Matt's routines a Read about Matt’s day. Find three verbs that aren't in the pictures in Exercise 1. Matt's alarm clock rings at half past seven. Matt usualy listens to the radio before he gets up. Then, after about ten ‘minutes, he gets up and has a shower. After that. hhe has a drink and some toast. Then, after breakfast he gets ready for school. Matt goes to bed about ten and he usually reads before he ‘goes to sleep. bb Read the text again, then look at these ‘get up sentences. Only one sentence is right. Can you find 4. Matt gets up and then he listens to the radio. 2 He has breakfast. After that, he has a shower. 3 He gets ready for school and then he has 4 He has a drink before he goes to school. ‘5 He reads before he goes to bed. fe Unk words before after © Module 1 ie then after that Listening song @ E55} Listen to the song. Do the singers: like Monday? Listen again. Match the words in A with the words in B and make sentences from the song, a e 1 Thealarm clock a to get up. 2 lean't » begins 3 Another week —¢ Is burning 4 Idon't want dings. 5 Your toast © amess 6 Don'tfoget wake up. 7 Your hait’s your bus pass Writing An average day Taira Write about your average day. Use vocabulary from Steps 1, 2 and 3 and the ‘link words My day usvally starts at seven otlock. Thave a shower and then I get dressed. After that, I have a hot chocolate and some cereal. Wild Flowers [5 Chapter 2 Tom wants to find out ‘The class went to the library, but I wanted to find out about Mr Roberts. I always want to find out about things. That's why I like science. So I walked back to the science room. Miss Kay, the head, was there with another teacher, Mrs Price. [hid outside the door and listened. “This is very bad,’ said Miss Kay. ‘You know that all the exam papers came from London this week.” "Yes’ said Mrs Price. ‘And; said Miss Kay,‘no one sees them before the exam. ‘Mrs Priee said ‘ves’ age ‘All the exam papers are in a cupboard in my office,’ said Mias Kay. ‘But this morning the cupboard was open and I looked inside and ‘This was exciting, I thought. ‘ue the science paper wasn't there’ Miss Kay said. "So what did you do?” Mrs Price asked. ‘came in here. The exam paper was in Mr Roberts’ desk. Tran back to the library. ‘They say Mr Roberts took an exam paper; I told Neesha. “That's terrible, she said. ‘But I don't believe it, I said. ‘So we're going to find out what really happened.’ “Don't be silly’ said Neesha. ‘We can't do anything’ "Yes, we can, I said. “The head thinks Mr Roberts took the exam paper. But I think someone put it there: ‘But who? asked Neesha. ‘And why?” ‘That's what we're going to find out,’ I told her. Questions 1 Why dit Tom go tthe science rom? 2 According to Miss Kay, what happened tis moming? 3 Does Tom think that Mr Roberts took the pape? Extra exercises ‘Choose the right words. 1 My friends a lot of magazines. a read reads © reading 2 Sadie 2 shower in the evening. usually have bb usually hasn't doesn't usually have 3 Peter and | never before 5 o'clock, 2 get b don't get € doesn’t get 4 Alter breakfast, Jack 2 get b gets © goes 5 Kate like spending time with her family? als b Does © Do 6 How often by plane? 2 you travel bare you travel € do you travel hhome from school ready for school Complete the conversations with do, does, don’t or doesn't. ‘A: the London train stop at this station? 8: Yes, it? '&: What time *_ itartver B: Sorry 1. know, ‘A: How often *..... Martina go to the sports club? ': About three times a month. 6... you often play basketball together? No, we? Martina *_._. like it much. ‘Where do people usually do these activities? Write the words with play or go and make two lists. football computer games Jogging cards bowling baseball rollerblading Outsiae [inside play football oS Module 1 Write sentences. Put the adverbs in the right place. 1 Karen doesn't usually go to bed late. 1 Karen / not go / to bed late (usually) 2 I / read / in bed (never) 3 Richard / have / a drink / when he / get / home (sometimes) 4 We / not wake up / before 7 o'clock (often) 5 Julie / drink / hot chocolate ? (always) 6 you / have / a shower before breakfast ? (usually 7 Matt / not bum / his toast (usually) 18 your food / arrive / by ship ? (always) ‘Change the undertined words. Use the ‘expressions in the list. four times a week three times a day every day twice a day once a month twice a year 1 Diana reads her email three times a day. 1 Diana reads her email at 9 o'clock, at 1. o'clock and at 4 o'clock. 2 The cinema is open from Monday to Sunday. Frank goes to the dentist in February and July. 4 They have maths lessons on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We meet on the fist Saturday of every month 66 Suzanne cleans her teeth after breakfast and before she goes to bed, How do you say these sentences in your language? 41 What do you do in your free time? Are you sure? Let's go home. — OK. then Do you eat insects? ~ No. of course I don't. Your hairs a mess. How often do you clean your teeth? mE Ee 8) Extrareading = Life Sy ro culty, Making music Fe eu ea Ont SRR ao ‘Thousands of schoolchildren play ‘a musical instrument, and they like classical music as well as pop! They eS eee home. If they're very good, they can the National Children’s Orchestra CSN eo me tee oe See ome are ‘There are training courses twice a year ene es holidays. The students practise every day and, at the end of the week, they give ed time. They can go swimming, do sport Be on cn tgs ee eRe oe a eR ae ee ean Read the text, then answer these questions. and television. They make CDs too. 1. Do people in Britain like making music? What sort of music do Britsh schoolchildren like? What does NCO mean? How old are the members of the NCO? How often do they have training courses? What do they do at the end of the course? Can people see them on TV? ‘One member of the orchestra told us, oe eTocs De ae ee ere ay rsd 7 7 ABOUT ORCHESTRAS ‘A full orchestra has got about 90 musicians ‘and four different sections: strings, ‘woodwind, brass and percussion. Language summary There is/are We use there is with singular nouns and there are with plural ‘ours. Ina ist, we use there i ifthe frst noun is singular: There's a kitchen. a ving room and tw bedrooms. Affirmative There’ a hole in my shoe. There are some crisps in the cupboard. Negative ‘There isn't a TV in our classroom, There aren't any posters. (Questions and answers Is there a bus stop near here? Yes, there is. / No, there ist Are there any trains on Sunday? Remember! There are some There aren’ any Are there any ..? 2a pai Check that you can © describe different abilities. Make true sentences, Use can or can't 1 ‘swim well cats see in the dark. 1 speak Arabic. Penguins ty. Matt run fast 1 play the plano. ‘© ask and answer questions about abilities. ‘Make questions for your sentences in 21. then ask and answer. an you swim welt? ) (Yes, ! can. have/has got We use have/ has got to describe: © our possessions» our families © how we feel © our appearance Affirmative and negative es, there are. mt Wourwerthey aca Yes, there are. / No, there aren't " Y haven't gop seven sisters s a headache. Check that you can barstiaatt hasn't big ane. © use there’s/are, on sand answer — vse comic seers. Qh fed se 1 ‘wo emails for you. yee Have you/they got tong legs? 2 2 famous cathedral in Barcelona 2 3 an owl in that tree. Yes, have. W/you/we/they 4 gym. a swimming pool and two tennis courts. No, 0 haven't, 5 some sandwiches and some apples. Yes, has. 6 26 letters in the English alphabet. tei, | Pestle hasn't | Tve got = Ihave got He's got = He has got can/can't haven't = have not hasn't = has not ‘We describe abilities with can/can't + verb. ‘Affirmative and negative Vou/We/She /WerThey can't run very fast. ‘swim well Questions and answers | youre she vouner can Y2U//S | ys sgn nau YS younessnesniwertney | cts eet 3a 32 Check that you can © describe possessions and appearance. Make true sentences with the correct form of have got. at 2 Matt 3 Sadie at 5 6 2 pen friend, long hair 2 computer. ‘an alarm clock very powerful legs. an interesting job. Cheetahs Nick Bowen © ask questions with have/has got ‘Make questions for the sentences in 3.1, then ask and answer. Subject and object pronouns Subject 1 You He she It We You They Object you him her it you them Present simple ‘We use the present simple to describe: © habits and routines: 1.90 10 bed at ten thirty © things that are generally true: It rains alot in England. © our opinions, likes and dislikes: / agree. / dom‘ think i's funny. ‘Mate hates mobile phones, Object pronouns always go after the verb: We never win. They always beat us. It awful S don’t lke ie Check that you can use object pronouns. Complete the sentences 1 Cheetahs are fantastic. | Love 2 Where's my anorak? Can you 3 ‘ see Matt's @ very good player. never beat {can’t do this. Can you help What's Lisa lke? Can you describe what did you say? ‘can’t hear We've got some tickets. Come with like + -ing Attorlike, love. enoy hate we usually use @ noun, a pronoun or 2 verb + -ing, ike love chocolate. it don’t ike running, enjoy hate learning nals See Spelling notes, page 143, Check that you can ‘© describe your likes and distikes. ‘Make true sentences with like, love, enjoy, hate and vetb + -ing. Use: watch horror films do sport ‘get up early have tests at school Atmstive Questions and answers i WYou/We/They | live Do you/they i inanacca were He/She/it. | lives Doss e/a negate TS Vyowwesthey {2 Wye im n't Uh 08s. urnarey | crite Ty | peer He/She/It doesn't live 7 pest dont =@o odes = oes a ‘See Spelling notes. page 143. Check that you can © use the present simple. Put the words in the right order and make sentences. 1 the / cards / Nick / In / 5 in/ comes / ship / October / the evening / plays 6 Sadie / meat / eat / doesn't 2 does / work? / where /she 7 and / astronomy / likes / Matt / 3 like / spiders / don't / 1 athletics 4 you / get up?/do/when 8 agree / Usa / don't / Ben / and 7 Frequency adverbs and expressions of frequency ‘always usually often sometimes never CCheck that you can 7.A © talk about habits and routines, Make complete sentences. 1 Joe doesn't always have lunch in the canteen. 4 Joe / not have lunch in the 41 / dream about school canteen (always) (Sometimes) 2 We / not read magazines in 5 Matt / goes rollerblading ‘ur English lessons (often) never) 3 Mike / cook the dinner ? 6 Mel / not walk to schoot (always) (usually) How often do you tidy your room? Once a month, Three times a day. Every day. Twice a week. Four times a year. Every week. CCheck that you can 7.2 © say how often you do things. Make tre sentences. Twash my hair two or three times a week ‘ ‘Module 1 Review Vocabulary Adjectives awful beautiful boring brilvant exciting fantastic fascinating funny 00d reat Iceresting nice silly strange stupid Expressing an opinion | agree (with your. | don't agree. | don’t like It (very) ‘much, | don't think i's funny. 1 really) Uke it. | think it’s great. Interests and activities astronomy athletics computer games going jogging going out ‘going rollerblading ‘going shopping ‘going to the cinema horror films meeting fiends playing basketball playing cards| reading swimming using the Intemet Bp oie Treen) Daily life clothes food free time schoot the weather travel () work tn) Everyday routines (to) get dressed (to) get home (to) get ready for school (to) get undressed (to) get up (to) go to bed (to) go to sleep (to) have a drink (10) have a shower (to) listen to the radio (to) wake up (10) wash Link words after after that before then Expressions How often do you ..? 1 go three times, 3 year. Hove it 1s OK. 1 suppose. OF course I don't. 0K, then, What sort of programmes ..? Study skills 1 Using your book Remember to © look at the ‘aims box’ at the beginning of the ‘stops’ in each unit © read each ‘step’ when its finished. © use the lists at the back of the book. ‘And don't forget to ask your teacher for help! © How well do you know your book? Answer these questions You've got five minutes! 4 How many pages are there in a unit? 2 Where can you find alist of iregular verbs? 3 Write the names of four of the teenagers in Messages. 44 Where can you learn to describe everyday routines? Look at the ‘map at the front of the book, then fing the right page. 5 Where can you revise the grammar of Units 3 and 4? 6 Find at least one photo of London. What page is it on? How's it going? @ Your rating Look again at pages 22-23. For each section give yourself a star rating: Good x rv Not bad 2 ve | can’t remember much © Vocabulary Choose two titles in the Vocabulary list, then close your book. How many words can you remember foreach topic? © Test a friend Look again at Units 1 and 2. Think of at least two questions, then ask a friend. Has Matt got a mobite phone? ‘Whats the weather like in Antarctica? © Correcting mistakes Can you correct these mistakes? 1 Hthinkcisnotanny.I don't think its fonny. 2 Sadietove-eompuier games 3 Heke swim: @ Your Workbook Complete the Learning Diaries for Units 1 and 2. Coursework 1 My window on the world Read Matt's newsletter, then write a newsletter about your country. Use pictures and photos too, Hil In my first newsletter, I'm going to tell you a bit about life in Britain. DPADDDADD ADA DADADAA. Britain — England, Scotland and In Britain school i wr Of diferent nationalities and ethnic about three thirty. ‘groups. For example, 2.3 millon People usually start people are Asian work between eight and nine and finish between five and six. Alot of my friends do sport in their free time. The British are great sports fans. ask London is the capital city. The population is about seven milion. The government meets at the Houses of Parliament, and the prime minister lives at 10 Downing Steet. [At the weekend, people here like going to the cinema, shopping or just staying at home, My parents love gardening, and my mum goes to an a week learning Spanish at the moment In the past In Module 2 you study Wild Flowers CChapter 3 ~ Don't ask questionst Chapter 4 ~ Money or flowers? Grammar ‘© Past simple of be fe Past simple: regular and irregular verbs Vocabulary Numbers and dates Hotays Jobs ast time expressions so that you can ‘Say when things happened in the past iifecand culture Invent your own ‘world record Talk about events in the past The garden-chair pilot Write about a holiday Making movies Tell a short story 7 {Ask for and give Information about : ‘the past Coursework 2 ‘Make a quiz about the past Biogr Wie an interview about a star's career lographies ‘You write about famous people in your country. qo InStep 1 you study © sumbers and dates ‘6 past simple atfimativer be, regular verbs so that you can © say when things happened inthe past ‘© invent your own ‘world record” Key vocabulary Numbers and dates How many of these can you say? 33 30 1252 3978 462510 1,000,000 ‘Sth November 1800 2Ast July 1999 3rd January 2005 (55) Listen and say the numbers and dates, Test a friend Write 2 number, then say it to a friend, ‘Seven hundred and thirty one thousand, eight hundred and sixty-five. ————=—E—V—e—'—~vvee Your friend writes the number. 751,865 Key pronunciation 13 30 13th EE Listen and repeat these numbers. 13 20 20h [5 Now listen and write the umber you hear. 48 80 18th 80 16 60 16th 14 40 1th 17-70 17th 15 50. 15th 19 90 19th Say the right answers =) xy \ Module 2 Presentation He walked backwards ‘What can you say about the pictures? Match the sentences with the pictures 1. Seb Clover sailed across the Atlantic on his ‘own when he was 15 years old. 2 They were born on 1th January 1998. 3 Malena Hassan, the ‘Scorpion Queen’. lived in ‘a glass cage with 6,069 scorpions for 36 days. 4 In 1978 Walter Robinson walked across the English Channel, He used special ‘water shoes’. 5. Anthony Thomton walked backwards for 24 hours. He travelled at an average speed of 64 kilometres an hour Listen and check. ‘Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. Seb’s parents were on the boat with him. Malena was in a glass cage for a week. 6,069 scorpions lived there with her Walter travelled by boat Anthony walked 6.4 kilometres. Key grammar Past simple: was, were What's the past tense of am, is and are? WHe/She/It was 15 years old yesterday. born in 1998, We/You/They were Practice ‘Complete the sentences with was or were. Walter's special shoes. amazing Ie ‘my birthday yesterday! | 1 They were. bom in 1998, 2 The scorpions very hungry. 3 Walter ‘cold and tired. 4 Seb Clover very youns, 5 6 fifteen. ‘What about you? Talk to your friends. ( ‘Twas bom on 10th July.) (“Iwas born on 21st November.) Key grammar Past simple: regular verbs Complete the two tists, then complete the explanation. Past livea sailed wavelled walk 2 use ‘ Regular verbs in the past simple end in See Spelling notes, page 143, Practice Complete the sentences with the past simple of verbs in Exercise 6. 1 Walter walked from Dover to Calais. 2. Columbus across the Atlantic. 3 Phineas Fogg around the world in eighty days. 4 Romeo and Juliet inaciy called Verona, 5 When Seb was at sea, he 8 special telephone. 6 Robert Scott to the South Pole Try this! ‘Steve Briers talked continuously for nearly ten minutes. What's so special about that? ‘sdrawkcabdeklateh Listening and speaking 11's a record! Match the verbs with the pictures. play stay dive live walk Listen and find the right picture. Write the number of the picture. Make complete sentences about the pictures. 1 He walked te Paris on his hands. 1 He /onhishands 4 She / 160 metres 2 He / 21 years 5. She / three minutes and 3 They / 28 hours 26 seconds Writing and speaking My wortd record Nara rad Invent a new world record and tell the class. {(1n 2008 1 walked trom Rome to Madrid on my hands. ) i |inished the journey in 46 days. Ai Vote for the mast interesting idea In Step 2 you study © past simple (affirmative: regular verbs so that you can (© talk about events in the past ‘© write about a holiday Key vocabulary Holidays 55 Listen and say the words. Find the things in the photos. Which things aren't in the photos? caravan tent sleeping bag sea plane hotel ferry campsite beach rucksack Presentation We went to France [25 Close your book and listen to Matt's story. What was in Matt's sleeping bag? We usually go to France in the summer. We stay at a campsite. We take our caravan and we get the ferry from Plymouth to Roscoff. Then we drive to the south, Last summer my cousin Jack came with us, so we took a tent for me and Jack We got the ferry as usual and went to a campsite near the sea, (One morning my mum came into fur tent with a drink and, suddeniy, she said ‘Matt! Don’t move!’ There was 2 scorpion in my sleeping bag, | was quite scared, but Jack pushed the scorpion into his shoe with a ‘magazine. Then he took it outside. He ran across the road and put it under the trees. My parents said "You'te a hero, Jack! We had a great holiday but. after that, everyone looked in their sleeping bags before they went to sleep. Module 2 (25 Listen again and follow In your book. Then complete the sentences. Who was it? 1 Matt, Jack and Matt's parents went to France last summer. 2 ‘went on holiday with his cousin, Matt slept in a tent slept in the caravan. saw the scorpion fist. was scared took the scorpion outside. put it under the trees said "You're a hero Key grammar ast simple: imegular verbs Complete the table with verbs from the story. Practice Complete the sentences with verbs from the table. Jack took. his sleeping bag with him, Matt's family ta France last summer They the ferry in Plymouth Jack and Matt in thelr tent They to sleep very late, They 2 great time. Test a friend Use a verb from the table and make another sentence about a holiday. Can your friend find the right verb? We breakfast in our tent Reading Last summer © Read the story and choose the right words. You've go ve minutes! 1b Las summer we... to Gregeeon holiday aT Wen ata canpite near te weater — PeqS oe) ie gat tnashotends alttetme, CFR Wie wit inthe ea ev day and we ate alot some doiptins. We... fantastic time. I want to [EE Listen and check. 7 We also went an a baat trip and © there again next year. Writing Holidays A eae Write about a real or an imaginary holiday. Last summer went to Palma. I stayed at my aunt's house. Write 30-40 words, {In Step 3 you study 4 past simple (negative: be regular and imeguar verbs so that you can © tell ashore story Presentation I didn’t do it What can you say about the pictures? EB Listen and read the poem. Who killed the sheriff? Aare these sentences true, false or ‘we don't know? 1 Billy's parents were only together for 3 shor time.) 2 His mother did't stay with her children, 3 Life was easy when Frank and Billy were young. 4 Billy's brother wasn’t an honest person, 5 Frank didn’t steat Judge Lee's money. 6 Frank didnt shot the Sa ctr eo pO sherit 7 The judge didn't believe Billy. 8 Frank visited Billy in prison, Key grammar Past simple: negative ‘What's the negative form of was and were? Billy wasn't | there. His parents | weren't together for tong. Do we form the negative of regular and irregular verbs in the same way? Kill the shen. Billy Ber Goto school Module 2 iy mas born oma windy sight ay ald Sante Fe Ina apres were in ve for ong a ater Sd Uses hen By wg Mant go to school : ected inthe sre with Ns rots, Prank werk ws cold and eu a one dy rank sole a hone Mpolonged to uge John Le. ‘When the sheriff came, Frank shot him dead. we iy he said Nt me! \. Gdn Min poor ily sia +) Lwasn't even there!” pu ine judge ids want ten Aid frank He id care pity went fo son for along, loog tne Hedhed ina prison bed eh ow ear a ok inthe wind that night Vida do Bil sid Practice Choose the right words and make true sentences. The judge didn’t believe Billy. ‘The judge (believed / didn’t believe Bll. Billy (was /wasire) a bad man. His mother and father (were / weren't) together for tong. ‘he horse (belonged / didn’ belong) to Frank Frank killed / didn’t kit the sherif Frank (went /cldn’t go) to prison The judged listened / didn’t listen) to Billy Speaking and writing Frank's confession Use what you know Imagine you'te Frank. Your brother is dead and now you're sorry, Share your ideas and then write Frank’s story Life wasn't easy when I was young. My father left when I was three. Billy and I didn’t go Wild Flowers Don’t ask questions! ‘Neesha and I knew where Mr Roberts lived, and so we went to see him after school. He didn’t say much and he looked very unhappy. I didn't take the paper’ he told us. ‘Ttold the head, but she didn’t believe me? ‘We believe you, I told him. “Thanks’ he said, ‘but there's nothing, you can do. Go home: So I went home, but I did something, wrote a question on a big piece of paper. ‘The next day I put it on the notice board: DID YOU SEE ANYONE GO INTO ‘THE SCIENCE ROOM ON WEDNESDAY BEFORE 9 AM? ‘That evening someone sent me a text ‘message. It read: ‘Do you want to see your eat again? Then don't ask questions. Ttook it to Mum, ‘It’s a joke, she said, ‘Is from one of your friends” ‘But where is Maggie?’ I asked. Maggie is our eat. [=I Chapter 3 b fase “Maggie's out’ she said. ‘Cats often go out for hours’ I went outside and shouted for Maggie. Then 1 put some food in her bowl. But she didn’t come home, Trang Neesha. I know the text message wasn't from a friend,’ I said, ‘How?’ she asked. “Because we don’t use whole words when we text. And someone has got our cat.” & E TY “Who? she asked. cs ‘don't know I said. But I'm going to find out. 7S c Questions 1. Why was Mr Roberts unhappy? 2 What did Tom put on the notice board? Why? 3. How did Tom know thatthe text message wasnt from a fiend? 4 Why was Tom worried about Maggie? Unit 3 Cuttin OworCIees Exitfa €xerciseés Choose the right words. 1 Julie. late for her guitar lesson yesterday. b was © were 2 His parents 2 bom ® ae born were bom 2.1. some nice shoes when | went stepping sald © seen 4 Tomy a loves b tked © Wed 5 it. cold ast week. 2 ant b wasnt dint 6 We... 8 very good tie at the pay a havent b haven't got didnt have ln Madrid In New York for eight yeas. Complete the sentences with was, wasnt, were or weren't. 1 had a cup of tea and an apple at lunchtime. i very hungry. 2. Simon and his father In Australia last year. They stayed in Sydney and Melbourne. 3 There a swimming pool at our hotel, but we didi’t use it very often, 4 We didn’t sleep well. The hotel was noisy ‘and our beds | comfortable. 5 My lasses in my bag last night but they aren't here now, 6 Sally and Tim ‘on the train this ‘morning, | think they got the bus. ‘Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs. 1. They sailed in a boat from Greece to Turkey. (sai 2. Annie had breakfast and then she ready for school. (get) 4 Module 2 3. My cousins in Asia for six weeks last year: (travel) 4. We went to a campsite. We ina hotel. (not stay) 5 Itwas grey and cloudy, so an umbrelta with sme. (take) 6 su Charlie atthe sports club yesterday. (not see) 7 Dad “Te got some fish and chips for Lunch” (say) 8 Ben and Laura to our party on Saturday. (not come) Complete the sentences with holiday vocabulary. 41 In summer there are always a lot of tents at the camprits They travelied across the English Channel on a f 2 3 You can carry your things i ar 4 I slopt ina... in my tent. 5 He went from London to Paris by p ‘The tip took about an hour. 6 Jane's hotel was near the b,..... 50 she went ‘swimming in the sea every moming, 7. When we go away. we usually take our ¢ we ‘can sleep, wash and cook inside and it's very ‘comfortable, Read the text and choose the right word for each space. Cathy started skiing when she went +... holiday to Germany with her fend Sonia, They travelled *_.. train and stayed in a big hotel in the mountains. At fist Cathy 3a bit anxious because she ¢...... know haw to ski, but she learned very fast... two lessons with Sonia, she was fine. After that, the girls went © ‘together every day. Cathy Loved it. At the end of the week: she didn't”... to come home. Lato > on in 2ain with by 3a get b was had 4a did't —b isn't © wasn't 5 a Before —b After © Then 6 a ski bb skied © skiing 7a went —b want walt How do you say these sentences in your language? 4. We went on a boat tip. ‘We had a great time, He did it on his own, | didn't stay for tong. They were in love. He didn't care, — Extra reading The garden-chair pilot Before you read the newspaper article, look at the pictures of Larry Walters. Can you put the pictures in the right order? ny Task eae Took tthe atl gun and tnd 21 diferent verbs

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