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What is a reform?
The action or process of changing something
in order to improve it.

Progressive Movement
A reform movement in the early 20th

century that sought to correct social,

political, and economic problems in
the U.S.

Womens Suffrage
What is it?
Women organized all across the state and tried
to convince Texans that women should be
allowed to vote.

Why is it important?
Women were first allowed to vote in primary
elections in Texas.

Amendment womens voting



Womens Suffrage
What perspective
on the issue of
suffrage do you
think this cartoon

What is it?
Many believed that alcohol caused severe
problems in society like poverty and crime.
18th amendment made alcohol illegal in
the U.S.
Why is it important?
Alcohol was first made illegal in Texas and
later all over the United States for about 10
Illegal alcohol caused crime to increase.

Agrarian Movements
In the 1800s, farmers had almost no control over most of

what they did.

They thought they could improve their lives by working

together and forming organizations.

Examples: the Grange & the Farmers Alliance

Both groups provided education about agriculture for

farmers, arranged deals on supplies, and fought for

farmers rights in government

The Grange
The 1st unofficial farmers union
Created to help farmers combat

the unfair business practices

Had stores around the state of Texas where farmers could

buy supplies at cheaper prices

Farmers Alliance & Populist Party

Farmers Alliance was the

1st official union in Texas.

Besides believing in economic

reform of business practices, some Alliance members

thought government reform in the form of new law was
also necessary
The Farmers Alliance helped form a new political party called

the Texas Peoples Party, also known as the Populist Party

The Populist Party

Started to appear in many states in the early 1890s.
Included struggling farmers and some black farmers

The Populist Party never won control of the state or

national government, but they did influence politicians to

support laws that protected farmers and laborers

Political Parties in America 1892 Election

Interstate Commerce Commission and Government Regulations

In 1887, the U.S. Congress create the

Interstate Commerce Commission, which

set rule for railroads that connected two
or more states.

In 1889, the Texas legislature passed an

antitrust law which prohibited companies

from joining together to fix prices or limit

In 1891, Governor James Hogg asked the

legislature to establish the Texas Railroad

Commission, which set the rates and
watched over railroad practices.

Business in Texas
As companies grew in Texas, problems started

Several companies formed trusts which prevented other companies from selling
the same product or service
Trusts held a monopoly, allowing materials could be bought at low prices while
the goods was charged at high prices

Trust: A group of companies that prevents other companies

from selling the same product or service
Monopoly: Total control - restricts free enterprise & allows
companies to charge high prices

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