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Swift Creek ADDIE model

Kipp Duffin


To make a logo appropriate to Swift Creeks standards. We will have to use color to achieve a
logo with the most aesthetically pleasing and appropriate logo for our client. Since only four
may be used, we will have to model the logo appropriately. The use of various geometric shapes
will be implemented due to the need for a more modernized design for our client, as this was
of their specific requests. Since it is a green design, we will be using at least one shade of green
to keep our clients happy. Swift Creek is a company dedicated to creating skyscrapers, so we
will have to keep that in mind during the entire design process. In addition, we will be using the
A.D.D.I.E. design process to create the logo for our clients, as it is one of the most effective
possible for this project.

Our goal is to always deliver for our clients, on time and with a more than satisfactory product.
We have to meet the standards set by swift creek for this logo. The specified conditions that
had given us were as follows:
1. A green and modern design.
2. Safety
3. Quality
We always strive to keep our logos the most high quality of any that can be found on the
but in this case we need to deliver a logo that meets the specific needs of Swift Creek, a logo
lives up to their name. As a result, we will have to accommodate by their conditions, and most
importantly, meet the deadlines that they have set for us already.

In this instance, our client is none other than Swift Creek Fabrication. Swift Creek is a company
that manufactures materials used in the construction of skyscrapers, and possibly other
As mentioned earlier, our client requires a green, high quality design with a safety theme.
The standards set by the client are finite. They want their logo completed by Tuesday, January
The finished product will be a clean, modern design with a safety theme for Swift Creek. We do
not have much time to complete this project, but Im sure that we will deliver in full if we put our
minds to it. We will be creating the logo in Adobe Illustrator, using vector art so it will be
Firstly, Ive chosen to include the use of geometric shapes to generate a more modern
design. They give the project structure, and help the eye flow. Since we need a green design,
will literally use green colors. I suggest a darker green background with a light green
Firstly, we will place an octagon, or hexagon onto the screen. We will color this a darker shade
green. Next, we will create another hexagon or octagon, rotate it 180 degrees, fit it into the other
shape, and then make it transparent. Only the outline of the shape will be colored, and it will be
a neon green color. This pattern will repeat itself until there is only a small space left in the logo,

a small green spot in the middle. This will create a tunnel-like effect, creating an infinity-like
condition, making the tunnel look like it goes on forever. After this has been completed, we will
add two, leaf-like shapes to the sides. This will make it look like a flower of some sorts, an
flower. After this has been completed, we will add the word Swift to the top of the shape, and
Creek to the bottom. This will create a modern, structured design that gives off a safe, or
calming effect. We believe that this will meet all of the conditions that our client has provided
for us, and generate complete satisfaction for Swift Creek.

Target Audience
Swift Creeks target audience will be for enterprising companies and governmental projects that
require building material for different buildings (Skyscrapers in general.) The logo that we have
come up with has a modern design and color scheme that will attract potential customers for
Swift Creek, such as the large businesses that I have mentioned earlier. Also, it is possible that
the construction manager may be buying all of the materials instead of the businesses
and I do believe that it will appeal to them as well. If you were looking for materials, which would
you prefer to buy from? A company with a modern, geometric and aesthetically pleasing logo or
boring orange logo that features a hard hat with some text scrawled around it.

Limitations & Constraints

Swift Creek has set a strict deadline for us, so we have to meet that. This is not a project that
require a large amount of funding, so we need not worry about that. So far, the design only uses

two colors, so that means that only two colors of ink must be purchased to create the logo. We
also have a limit of four colors, but we are covered in that category.

Finished Product and Deliverables

The finished product has not been fabricated. However, it will be done by the time that it is due.

Initial Sketches and ADDY Model

End product

January Fifteenth 2016

January Nineteenth 2016

Rough Sketch Of Three Logos

C: 90 & 100
M:30 & 0
Y: 95 & 100
K: 30 & 0

C: 15 & 0 &0
M: 100 &100 & 0
Y: 90 & 100 &0
K:10 & 0 &100

C: 90 & 100 & 0

M: 35 & 0 & 0
Y: 95 & 100 & 0
K: 30 & 0 & 100

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