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To Kill a Mockingbird

Chapter 1

Jean Louise Finch aka Scout

narrates the story.
Lives in a town called Maycomb
Her brother, Jem and Father,
Family History: Simon Finch
(Ancestor) and how he
established Finchs Landing
Atticus- successful lawyer
Highly respected
Dill- Comes and visits his Aunt
Rachel every summer
Obsessed with Arthur
Boo Radley
Arthur Boo Radley
Reputation of being the
towns lunatic, an enigma
Nobody has seen him in
Jem, Scout, and Dill play over the
summer and try to uncover the
hidden mysteries of Boo Radley

Chapter 2

Schools in session and its

Scouts first time going to school.
Finds her teacher, Miss
Caroline, deals very poorly
with her students
Walter Cunningham is introduced
and Miss Caroline offers him a
quarter for lunch.
Portrays how poor the
Cunninghams are and their
social class as people in
Miss Caroline slaps Scout with a
ruler on her hand as Scout was
trying to explain to Miss Caroline
the situation Walter Cunningham
is in.

Chapter 3

Jem invites Walter Cunningham

for dinner because Scout was
fighting with Walter.
Walter had put molasses

all over his dinner and

Scout criticizes him.
Burris Ewell gets introduced
Lower social status than
Cunningham's, only comes
to school on the first day.
Scout doesnt want to go to
school anymore because of Miss
Caroline and how she doesnt
want Scout to exceed.
Chapter 4

Scout sees two pieces of chewing

gum sticking out of the knot-hole
in a tree on the Radley place.
Dill returns to Maycomb in the
summer; Jem and Scout continue
playing and come up with a game
where they imitate Boo Radley.
Atticus gets upset

Chapter 5

Jem and Dills relationship grow

stronger and Scout feels left out
and starts spending time with
their neighbor, Miss Maudie
Miss Maudie explains the
story to Scout of what
happened to Boo Radley.
Jem and Dill want to give a note
to Boo. They try to give a note on
a fishing pole through the
Atticus tell them to stop
tormenting him.

Chapter 6

Jem, Dill, and Scout sneak off to

the Radley place at night. They
see a shadow of a man, they run
off and hear a shotgun go off.
Jem gets his pants stuck in
the Radley fence
Later that night, Jem
retrieves his pants, but
notices they were sewn.

Chapter 7

Jem and Scout find another gift in

the knothole, a gray ball of twine.
Scout is still not satisfied with
school, but Jem explains that
overtime it will get better.

More items in the knothole,

next day the knothole is
filled with cement.
Mr. Radley filled the hole
with cement because he
didn't want to Boo to have
any connection to the
outside world.
Chapter 8

Maycomb endures an actual

winter after many years
Miss Maudies house catches on
The whole town of
Maycomb helps assist Miss
Maudie in taking out the
fire and items that are
important to her from the
burning fire.
Boo Radley comes from behind
and puts a blanket on Scout
without Scout even knowing

Chapter 9

Scout starts a fight with Cecil

Jacobs after he said, Scout
Finchs daddy defends niggers
Atticus has been asked to
defend Tom Robinson, a
black man, that has been
accused of raping a white
Its Christmas time and Atticuss
brother comes, Jack, along with
his sister, Alexandra to Finchs
Francis, Scouts cousin
calls Atticus a nigger
lover to Scout and she
fights with him

Chapter 10

Scout believes that Atticus is

older than the other fathers in
Maycomb, therefore she is
embarrassed of him.
A mad dog appears and
Calpurnia calls Atticus. Mr.
Tate, the towns sheriff
with a gun. Atticus shoots
the mad dog.
Scout and Jem were

shocked of Atticuss
Chapter 11

Mrs. Dubose, is the towns cranky

lady who always yells at Jem and
Scout as they pass by.
She is very ill and tells the
children that Atticus isnt
any better than the
niggers and trash he
works for
Jem destroys her camellia
Mrs. Dubose wants Jem to
read to her for a month
She dies shortly

Chapter 12

Jem is twelve and wants Scout to

act more like a girl.
Atticus has been forced to travel
to the capital everyday for two
Calpurnia takes the children to
her church.
One woman Lulu criticizes
Calpurnia for bringing Jem
and Scout to a colored
peoples church
Reverend Sykes wants donations
from the churchs people to help
Tom Robinsons wife and children
Scout learns that Bob Ewell has
accused Tom Robinson

Chapter 13

Aunt Alexandra stays with the

Finchs because she believes that
Scout needs a feminine influence
The town of Maycomb
welcomes her especially
the ladies.
Aunt Alexandra wants Atticus to
tell Jem and Scout the family
history of the Finch name

Chapter 14

Scout asks Calpurnia what rape

means, but Calpurnia wants
Scout to ask Atticus
Aunt Alexandra wants to get rid
of Calpurnia because she thinks

they no longer need her, Atticus

Scout discovers that Dill is hiding
under her bed after Scout and
Jem were finished fighting
Dill ran away from his home in
Meridian, eats dinner
Chapter 15

Tom Robinson is being moved to

the Maycomb jail.
Atticus goes to the Maycomb jail
to see Tom
A group of men come and
surround Atticus and Tom. Scout
notices Mr. Cunningham as one of
the men and walks towards them
Scout speaks highly of
Walter, his son, and tells
him to tell his son hey
All of the men are
ashamed and leave

Chapter 16

The trial begins the next day

Scout, Jem, and Dill wait to
sneak into the courthouse
to watch the trial
Reverend Sykes sees them
and they sit at the top of
the balcony where blacks
are only allowed to sit
Judge Taylor is the judge of
the case

Chapter 17

The prosecutor, Mr. Gilmer, asks

Mr. Heck Tate to come on the
witness stand and asks what
happened on the night of
November 21
Mr. Heck gives his side of
the story to both Mr.
Gilmer and Atticus that
Bob Ewell claims that his
daughter, Mayella was
raped and beaten by Tom.
Bob Ewell is called to the witness
stand and claims that he
witnessed Tom raping Mayella, he
ran and Bob ran to Mayella
No doctor was called as
Atticus cross examines, he

makes Bob write his name

Bob is left handed
and a left handed
person is likely to
leave bruises on the
right side of a
persons face
Chapter 18

The trial continues and Mayella

Ewell is next to testify
She said that she offered
Tom a nickel if he broke a
dresser for her and once
he got inside, he took
advantage of him
Atticus cross examines the
testimony that there was
no rape and that her father
had beaten her
Toms left hand was
useless because it was torn
in a cotton gin, so there
was no way for him to beat
her on the right side of her
Atticus calls Tom Robinson to the
witness stand

Chapter 19

Tom testifies that Mayella would

often ask for help when he would
go to his work
She asked him to fix the
door, but the door didnt
need fixing
She hugged him around
the waist and asked him to
kiss her, Bob threatened to
kill her
Mr. Link Deas defends Tom that
he has never caused any trouble
Scout and Dill encounter Mr.
Dolphus Raymond who is a white
man married to a black lady
Explains the unfair
treatment of blacks

Chapter 20

Scout and Dill return to the

courtroom as Atticus is making

his closing statements
States there is no actual
proof and the testimonies
from two unreliable
witnesses, Bob and
Mayella were shaky
No physical evidence that
Tom raped and beat
Calpurnia comes to the
Chapter 21

Calpurnia hands a note to Atticus

telling him that the kids havent
been home
Mr. Underwood tells Atticus
that they are sitting on the
balcony where the colored
Atticus sends them home
for dinner, but Jem and
Scout want to stay until
the final verdict
Tom Robinsons verdict was
guilty for all crimes

Chapter 22

Jem cries because of the injustice

behind the verdict
Jem realizes how evil people can
be in the world and how trusting
someone is an issue, also how
the world is unfair
Miss Maudie comforts Jem and
that the jury took its time making
the verdict

Chapter 23

Bob Ewell wants revenge because

Atticus makes a fool out of him
Tom Robinson has been sent to a
prison miles away
Atticus explains to Jem that a
white mans word will always
beat a black mans word in the
court of law
Scout wants to invite Walter
Cunningham to dinner, but Aunt
Alexandra disapproves because
of his social class.
Scout gets upset

Chapter 24

Aunt Alexandra invites her

missionary team to tea and all of
the women gossip about what is
going on in the town
Atticus tells Aunt Alexandra,
Scout, Calpurnia, and Miss
Maudie that Ton has been shot
and killed seventeen times

Chapter 25

Scout observes that Jem is

becoming more like a girl
because the trial and verdict has
taken a toll on him
Atticus tells Helen, Toms wife the
news of what had happened to
Mr. Underwood writes an editorial
explaining how Tom was an
innocent man

Chapter 26

Schools in session again and

Jem and Scout pass by the Radley
place everyday
Scout wishfully wants to
see Boo Radley just once
because she wants to see
who he is
Miss Gates, Scouts third grade
teacher explains how Hitler was
very unfair to the Jews.
Scout relates that to Tom
Robinsons case and
confronts Jem. Jem gets
angry and tell Scout to
never talk about the case

Chapter 27

Bob Ewell stalks and follows

Helen Robinson
Deas sees him following
her and threatens to get
him arrested if he keeps it
Scout joins the schools pageant
She has to dress up like a

Chapter 28

Cecil Jacobs scares Jem and Scout

as they are making their way to

Scout makes her to backstage

and waits until her turn to go on
stage, but instead falls asleep
and goes on late. Her teacher
gets mad and accuses her of
ruining the show.
Jem and Scout make their way
home and someone follows and
attacks them
Scout reaches home and
Aunt Alexandra calls Dr.
She doesnt notice the
man who carried Jem home
Chapter 29

Heck Tate comes and notices that

there is knife cut on her costume
and was stopped by a wire.
She observes the man who
saved them and little did
she notice it was Boo

Chapter 30

Scout takes Boo to the porch to

listen to Atticus and Heck argue
as to if Jem killed a man, Bob
Heck explains to Atticus that Bob
Ewell fell on the knife killing
himself, even though Boo Radley
killed him to protect Jem and

Chapter 31

Scout takes Boo upstairs to wish

Jem goodnight and takes Boo
He goes inside his house
and Scout never sees him
again. She imagines his life
from his perspective
Atticus reads to Jem and Scout
falls asleep.

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