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The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

Mu-Atlantis Multi-media


Journal of the
Moorish Paradigm
1997-2005 Hakim Bey

The World Trade Center & Pentagon Attack:
New Crusade War?
Taliban Chief Urges Rich Muslims to Fund Defense
Financial and Investment Opportunities
Production Opportunities
Selling Opportunities
Minding Our Business
The Illuminati, Skull and Bones, and Afghanistan Connection
History of the Skull and Bones
The Bavarian Illuminati: Afghanistan Roshiniya Connection
Hasan Sabah (Old Man of the Mountain) and the Assassins
Moorish Picture Gallery
Universal Flux: Strange Attractor Paradigm of History
Transcendental Meditation
Nostradamus Prophecy


NOTE: In these journals, whenever you see brackets such as these
[ ], they will contain my comments and not the authors.

About the Cover

The picture on the cover is of the Tarot Card known as the
Tower. It represents what happened on September 11, 2001
involving the World Trade Center, also known in New York as the
Twin Towers. Notice the lightning bolt hitting the tower, the
fire, and the people jumping out the window just like what happened on September 11th. Also notice the crown of invincibility
and invulnerability being knocked off and falling. In the Issue #4
of the Journal of the Moorish Paradigm, originally published in
1998-1999, I showed this particular Tarot card and specifically
mentioned that what was portrayed on that card can also happen
to America. Below is the text from Issue #4 of the Journal of the
Moorish Paradigm.
The people of Atlantis, at the
height of their power and
wealth, needed to step back,
reflect re-align itself with the
higher divine nature of their
origin. Instead they ran headlong into their destruction, like
America is now, through
haughtiness and arrogance.
(Left) This is a card from the
Rider Waite Miniature Tarot
Deck, which dramatically and
symbolically shows what happens to a person who at the
height of earthly fame and fortune, does not re-align themselves with the divine.
This card also symbolizes the
destruction of Atlantis, the
Tower of Babel, and any great

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

power that loses touch with the divine. This will be the fate of
America and the present world order if this world does not go on
a sort of global spiritual re-alignment with the divine. Notice the
crown falling from the tower. Nobody or nation is too great to fall.
We must be humble and balanced in order to bear fortune and
We are now setting the Journal of the Moorish Paradigm for nationwide and international distribution. Any individual, store,
vendor, organization, website, business, etc., interested in sell the
Journal of the Moorish Paradigm can receive up to a 40% discount
on the Journal of the Moorish Paradigm, books, DVDs, video tape,
etc. Simply contact Bro. Hakim Bey at:
We want to thank all of the Brothers and Sisters who have assisted my throughout the years.
Mu-Atlantis: c/o Hakim Bey
980 Baychester St.,
Bronx, NY 10469-0705,
Toll Free: (866) 941-9139 x3836

The World Trade Center & Pentagon Attack:

An Observation

This is my analysis of what I has recently happened regarding the

World Trade Center and Pentagon attack. I speak for myself and
do not claim to represent all Moors.
Man is a social being. Without the company and socialization of
other human, our desire for life and to live diminishes and a self
destruct mechanism kicks in which leads to an early death. By the
same token, by uniting with other humans to form a greater organism known as society, the mass of individual humans become
somewhat expendable in the name of the whole of society.
What binds individual humans together to form a society are social orders. There are a variety of different social orders. Most are

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

based either on religion (theocracy), or are based on political paradigms such as capitalism, socialism, etc..
Nature works by pitting these different paradigms, one against
the other. Which ever one is most successful in providing its
members with peace, security, comfort and progress, will succeed
in attracting others to it, thereby making it even more successful.
Thus the saying; Nothing Succeeds Like Success. Those paradigms that are not successful will lose members to the more successful paradigm, and will therefore wither and die.
What happened regarding the World Trade Center and Pentagon
destruction was a tragedy for those who died and who lost loved
ones. But those who say that they are ready to go to war to defend
the American social order and way of life (Americanism), need to
cut the crap. The real war and real battle to be fought is right in
our own communities. We kill more of our own people every year
than the amount that were killed in the recent attacks on the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Why dont you put on a
uniform and go into you own community to put an end to what is
killing and destroying us on a daily basis. Put an end to it by reimplementing the divine principles and social order founded by
your forefather as taught by Noble Drew Ali. That will eliminate
the need for us to rob and kill one another. There is a greater
chance of one of us being shot in our own community by one of
our own, than being killed in a terrorist attack. Thus instead of
waving the American flag, you need to wave your own as well. I
am getting with those who are ready to do for self. All of you who
want to fight for your own destruction, you go right on ahead. I
hope and Im sure you will get exactly what you deserve.
Dont get me wrong. I am not turning against America and siding
with the people who carried out the attack. As far as I can see,
they also have no regard for my people. Thus I have no regard for
them. They did not care that our people were there, nor in the
other attacks in Africa. Nor have those who have done it issued
any apology to our people, because surely we were not the objects
of their attacks. At the time of the Moorish-Islamic world order,
the religion of Islam caused our people to reach the heights of
civilization. As a result of slavery and corruption, this world order
began to decay and collapse.

Both the American social order and the Islamic social order have
aspects that are good and excellent, and we must be careful not to
throw out the baby with the bath water. But instead of us defending and trying to change these social orders from within, we
need to implement that which the Prophet Noble Drew Ali
brought and taught us for this day and time.
Nature has no mercy, nor no sympathy for those who embrace and
defend outmoded paradigms and social orders. Both the outmoded
social orders and those who embrace them will become extinct
like the dinosaurs, and cast into the dust bin of history.
The same way you see democrats and republicans putting there
differences behind them and are uniting to achieve a practical result, we Moors should put our petty differences behind us and
unite to implement what the Prophet Noble Drew Ali brought us
which will uplift us socially, economically and educationally.
I have no problem fighting for and defending the principles which
our ancestors help design and fight for in the founding of America. We have been Americas most loyal supporters and defenders.
But our loyalty should not be taken for granted as automatic, regardless to how we are treated on a daily basis. There must be
some repairing of the past and present damages done
(repair=repara-tions) before we can truly and sincerely move forward as one nation where everyone is on an equal status and
standard of living. If the past and present damages are repaired
via reparations, and what the Prophet Noble Drew Ali set up is
implemented, then we can truly defend America to the death, and
truly feel we are American.

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

New Crusade War?

Iron Cross
Father Brian Jordan, second from left, blesses, Thursday, Oct.4,
2001, a cross of steel beams found amidst the rubble of the World
Trade Center by a laborer two days after the collapse of the twin
towers. The cross was from World Trade tower One, and was
found in World Trade building Six and moved to its present location Wednesday. Other rescue and construction workers join Jor7

dan for the ceremony. A protective mesh hangs on the building in

the background.
(AP Photo/Pool, Kathy Willens)

Taliban Chief Urges Rich Muslims to Fund

Wednesday October 3 12:27 PM ET
DUBIA (Reuters) - The leader of the Taliban was quoted Wednesday as calling for a holy struggle against what he called a Western
crusade against Afghanistan, and urging rich Muslims to fund the
defense of his country.
The Global Economy and Global Geo-Politics: Where Do We
One often hears much talk these days about a global economy
and global economics, but very few of our people know what
these terms really mean. Ever fewer know where we stand, and
how do we affect and how are we affected by this global economy. Also, geo-politics also go hand and hand with this global
economy, so we should also be aware of this also. Based on my
research, below are my definitions / summations of these terms.
Global Economics - A system of economics that is global in scope,
involving finance, investment, transportation, communication,
and selling in markets around the world.
Geo-politics - The current political, social and economic systems
in the world and how they interrelate.
Due to the new technologies involving communications and transportation, it is now possible to carry out business from almost
anywhere in the world with any part of the world. With a laptop
computer, modem, and internet connection, you can conduct business on a global scale from anywhere ranging from your home to
a tent on a mountain top in Hawaii.
Up until 1989, the world was engulfed in the so-called cold-war

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

which had basically divided the world into two main socialeconomic camps; capitalist and Communist. Most everything else
fell somewhere within the sphere of influence of either the capitalist world and the communist world. There was little in between. With the collapse of the Soviet Union in and around
1989, the American capitalist camp has seemingly won a decisive
victory. It now seems as if every country is now scrambling to become a part of this now global economic order which is basically
capitalist and headed by America. Some formerly communist
and socialist countries are coming on board happily, while others
only grudgingly, but all are more or less coming on board.
Thus, as opposed to the world being divided between east and
west (capitalist=west, communist=east), the world is now basically divided between north and south (north=European/
Developed nations, south=Third World/under-developed nations).
For the so-called developed nations, the so-called G7 nations, and
Tri-lateral Group nation involving America, Europe and Japan,
this has opened the door for new investment opportunities, production opportunities, and new markets to sell their goods and
services. First let us put all of this into context, and then let us
look at the aforementioned opportunities in terms of how they
affect us now, and also how we can also benefit from these opportunities if we get our act together by creating and implementing
among our selves a new social-economic order.
The parts of the world now referred to as the Third World and
as under-developed were at one time the First World, and
were once the most developed and most advanced parts of the
world. Many of these places were the most advanced parts of the
world up until around 1492, under the Moorish-Islamic civilization. The reason these parts are now under-developed is because when the Europeans began to spread around the world after
1492 and colonize various parts of the world, there main objective
was to raid these parts of the so-called Third World for the vast
natural resources. These resource were then shipped back to
Europe to be manufactured into finished products. These raw resources as well as slave labor is what fueled the European
industrial revolution, which involved the development of factories and industries to convert these raw materials from the Third
World into finished products. In the process, they would not al9

low the Third World countries to develop large scale factories

and industries that would compete with those in Europe and
America. Thus in Africa for instance, there was a saying that the
cocoa left Africa costing pennies and came back from Europe/
America to Africa after being manufactured into chocolate products (Nestles, etc.) costing dollars. Thus in this way, Europe (and
America) caused the under-development of Africa and the Third
It was not until after these Third World nations won their independence in the 1950's and 1960's that they began to try to industrialize and rebuild themselves. Unfortunately they were
drawn into the cold-war and became client states and puppet
regimes to either the capitalists headed by America or the communists, headed by the Soviet Union and China. In fact, although
among the Europeans it may of have been a cold-war, among
the Third World pawns, this was a very hot-war. It was in the
Third World countries in which the most bloodshed and destruction took place in the battle between capitalism and communism. Also, these Third World nations were racked with internal
violence and border conflicts due to the political boundaries
drawn by the Europeans during colonial days. These political
boundaries which the Europeans drew up in Europe based on
their internal political agreements often cut right down the middle of various tribes and former nation thereby causing all types of
border and ethnic conflicts. All of this made these countries very
unstable. Europe and America often wanted to keep these countries unstable so that they can continue to grab their natural resources for dirt cheap and with little opposition from these nations starving and dying peoples.
Add to this the fact that America and Europe managed to control
these Third World nations politically by loaning these countries
vast amounts of money via the World Bank and I.M.F.
(International Monetary Fund) putting up the nation and its human and natural resources up as collateral. This loaned money
often found its way into the pockets of the corrupt official running the country and the people were left with the burden of paying it back via taxation. Often times these nations had to wipe out
social programs fro their people in order to just pay the interest
on these loans, never-mind the interest. When they could not pay
back these loans, the World Bank and I.M.F. made these countries
institute austerity programs, and various social, economic and po10

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

litical programs, thereby effectively controlling these nations politically, economically and socially. All of this is what is known a
sneo-colonialism, a system whereby Europe and America maintained economic, political and social control over these countries
and their resources after they supposedly won the
independence from Europe and America. The Third World
was under-developed under European and American
colonialism, and that under-development was maintained under
neo-colonialism. Nowadays, neo-colonialism is being replaced
by global economics, which will be really a more sophisticated
form of neo-colonialism, is we dont get ourselves together.
Now that we have the proper context to see this global economy
within, let us look at the opportunities presented by this global

Financial and Investment Opportunities

As new nations join the global economic club, new investment
opportunities will open up in these new member nations. For example, countries in which various industries were nationalized
(controlled by the government) were very inefficient, as most government run business and industries are. Even look how the Pentagon was cited for spending hundreds of dollars on screws and
toilet seats. Thus many of these countries are now turning these
government run industries over to be privately run. These are investment opportunities for business people from the developed
countries to invest, and run these industries in these nations and
make large profits. There are also investment opportunities into
other sectors of the economy of these nations which were operating inefficiently. Thus there is much money to be made in the inefficiency and backwardness of much of the under-developed
nations. If we as Moors were properly organized, we could invest
in various industries in Africa such as the extractive industries.
Africa still has trillions of dollars of wealth laying beneath the soil.
If we could invest our money and our know how through our engineers we can extract this wealth to both of our benefits. We
should naturally not be exploitive since these are our brothers and
should make sure that our joint operations equally benefit us
both. We can also invest in the production of various goods and
commodities that we can then sell over here with exclusive distribution rights. The same way Koreans sell item produced in Korea
relatively cheaply. Both sides benefit. These are just two examples of many possible investment opportunities.

Production Opportunities
Companies looking to cut cost, especially labor costs will also look
for opportunities in these under-developed nations seeking to join
the global economic club. In this country a company has to pay
minimum salaries, provide benefits, decent work hours and work
conditions, obey certain rules and standards, pay high taxes, and
high property costs. In these under-developed nations they can
pay these people pennies on the dollar, and dont have to worry as
much about benefits, work hours and conditions, standards, etc..
They also are often given tax incentives and property cost cuts as
well. So companies see the global economy as a treasure chest.
This is the purpose of the various international agreements like
N.A.F.T.A. and G.A.A.T.. They set up an environment conducive
to global economics. We should also build factories in Africa,
the Caribbean, etc., to produce relatively cheaply items we design
and sell here. Again treating them with proper respect and providing proper work conditions, and pay. We can both benefit.

Selling Opportunities
Whenever a new nation joins the global economic club, a new
market to potentially sell products and services also opens up. In
many under-developed nations the market will not be for expensive luxury items, but for inexpensive consumer items
(clothes, household goods, some electronics, etc.). Given the level
of competition here in the developed nations, companies are
constantly looking for new, virgin markets to sell their items in.
First, though, they have to create a demand for the goods and services they sell. The way that American companies create a demand in other countries for the American goods they produce is
through the exporting of American culture via the mass media. If
you can get the people to want to be American, they will need
to have the goods and services that we feel is what makes us
American. Once a country becomes Americanized, they develop a taste for McDonalds, designer fashions, cell phones, etc..
In this area there is also great opportunity for us as Moors. Since a
great deal of American culture is created by our people, especially in fashion, sports and entertainment, we can also benefit if
we can get a hold on the production and distribution of our music,
sports and fashion creativity and abilities. Look at Hip-Hop music

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

for example. Something that started on the grimy streets of the

boogie down Bronx in New York City is now an international
cultural phenomenon worth billions of dollars. I seen videos and
documentaries on World TV showing stone-cold b-boys and
b-girls from South Africa, to Asia, to Brazil. Im talking about
real b-boys and b-girls. Im from the Bronx and participated
in the founding of Hip-Hop on an intimate level. In the early days
of Hip-Hop, all I lived for was break dancing (b-boying) ,
spinning records, etc.. I know real Hip-Hop when I see it, and in
these other countries, the youth are stone-cold b-boys and bgirls. I even seen a new set in Peru among the youth. I say this
to point out the influence our youth have on the youth around the
world, be it good or bad. Those who feel that Hip-Hop is a negative influence should work that we as a people can take control of
our great talent so that we can make it positive. Remember, as
well talk about global economics we must keep in mind that Hip
-Hop is already a global commodity, produced and manufactured
here in America by our people. If we were able to take control of
these global commodity that we produce, we would be well qualified to control the marketing and selling of other goods and services that we produce in global markets.
All in all, global economics can be something bad or something
incredibly beneficial for our people depending on our knowledge
of global economics and geo-politics, and also depending in
our ability to create and implement new social-economic paradigms and systems among ourselves which will allow us to take
advantage of the aforementioned opportunities presented by the
emerging global economy.
Those interested in creating and implementing new social and
economics paradigms and systems, contact us at; We have projects currently underway
and will be interested in bringing in those of like mind.

Minding Our Business

Basic Principles of Business and Starting Your Own
Business is essentially the production and selling of either goods,
and / or services. We as a people consumer proportionally more
goods and services then we produce and sell. In this day and time,
we should be about the business of reversing this equation.

The first principle in business is discover a need or potential need,

and then to put yourself in a position to fill that need. Once you
have a basic idea of a good and / or service yo can produce or sell,
you will then need to look at other principles of business, such as;
a) finance and investment - to get any business off the ground
and running, you will have to initially invest something, whether
it be money, capital equipment, skill, expertise, time. Investment
and finance will be necessary to acquire inventory, acquire capital
equipment for production, to pay for services, to pay for marketing and selling costs. You must also plan how you will finance or
pay on an ongoing basis the for goods, equipment, services, etc.,
for ongoing day to day operations beyond your initial investment,
and for future expansion. You must try to project into the future
and foresee future revenues and expenses by doing projected income statements. This is financial planning.
b) operations - It is also important to devise a system or method
by which you will produce or acquire the goods and services you
will sell. You must develop a smooth and efficient system that will
achieve this objective. By having your methods systematized, you
can easily train others allowing for expansion. This will also allow
you to analyze, fix faults and perfect your methods.
c) marketing and selling - Once you have an initial investment
and financial plan, and have developed a basic operations system
or method, you must identify your market, and the best way to
appeal and sell to that market. You can have the best product or
service in the world, but it will be for naught if nobody knows
about it, and therefore does not buy it. Thus you must determine
your market and the best way of advertising and appealing to that
market so that they will want to buy your good or service.
These are some of the basic principles of business and starting
your own business. Study each one of these concepts and further
detail in the library. I am developing an online shopping mall and
virtual storefronts. I would love to have and promote your business in our Mall. Every Moor should have their own business,
whether they work for someone else or not. In the next issue we
will discuss various types of business structures, their pros and
cons, and we hope to have some sample documents which can be
used to form them in the appendix.

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

As Quiet As Its Kept

The Illuminati, Skull and Bones, and Afghanistan Connection

Most people think of world events as a sort of random, hodgepodge of activities, wars, movements, etc.. In reality, the long
chain of human history and events are not as random as they may
seem. Under close scrutiny, there seems to be some sort of hidden
hand behind the seemingly random events of history. When one
looks at one or two events, they seem random. But when one
steps back and looks at historical events covering a large period of
time, certain patterns and a sort of order begins to emerge out of
the seeming chaos of human history.
The present president of the United States, George W. Bush, his
father George H. W. Bush, and his grandfather ,were all members
of a secret society known as Skull and Bones.
George H. W. Bush, in fact, passed his most important days
and nights at Yale in the strange companionship of the senioryear Skull and Bones Society.
Out of those few who were chosen for Bones membership,
George was the last one to be notified of his selection--this
honor is traditionally reserved for the highest of the high and
His father, Prescott Bush, several other relatives and partners,
and Roland and Averell Harriman, who sponsored the Bush
family, were also members of this secret society.
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Webster G.
Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin
We've got a whole new crop of "Bonesmen" coming up, including George H.W. Bush's son George W. Bush ('68), Governor of
The Order of Skull and Bones by Kris Millegan


History of the Skull and Bones

The Skull and Bones is a secret society whose member are
sworn to secrecy. The American chapter of this German secret
society was founded on the campus of Yale University in 1833 by
General William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft. Members
on the inside used to refer to it as The Order. It was also known
as Chapter 322" of a German secret society. It was also known as
the Brotherhood of Death. It was called Skull and Bones, or
just Bones by those who wanted to make fun of it. The Order
was legally incorporated in 1856 as The Russell Trust.
Let us take a deeper look into Yale and General William Huntington Russell. Yale University was named after Elihu Yale who had
amassed a fortune through the British East India Company which
was responsible for the looting of the eastern Moorish Empire.
Elihu Yale was born near Boston, educated in London, and
served with the British East India Company, eventually becoming governor of Fort Saint George, Madras, in 1687. He
amassed a great fortune from trade and returned to England in
1699. Yale became known as quite a philanthropist; upon receiving a request from the Collegiate School in Connecticut, he
sent a donation and a gift of books. After subsequent bequests,
Cotton Mather suggested the school be named Yale College, in
The Order of Skull and Bones by Kris Millegan

Yale University has had a connection with United States intelligence going all the way to George Washingtons Culper Ring,
Americas first intelligence operation.
Nathan Hale, along with three other Yale graduates, was a
member of the "Culper Ring," one of America's first intelligence
operations. Established by George Washington, it was successful throughout the Revolutionary War. Nathan was the only
operative to be ferreted out by the British, and after speaking
his famous regrets, he was hanged in 1776. Ever since the
founding of the Republic, the relationship between Yale and
the "Intelligence Community" has been unique.

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

...A statue of Nathan Hale stands on Old Campus at Yale University. There is a copy of that statue in front of the CIA's headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Yet another stands in front of
Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts (where George
H.W. Bush ('48) went to prep school and joined a secret society
at age twelve).
The Order of Skull and Bones by Kris Millegan

Now as we begin to look into who was this General William H.

Russell, many interesting facts and connections begin to rise to
the surface. The Russell family played a major role in the opium
trade in China.
In 1823, Samuel Russell (Williams cousin) established Russell
and Company for the purpose of acquiring opium in Turkey and
smuggling it to China. Russell and Company merged with the
Perkins (Boston) syndicate in 1830 and became the primary
American opium smuggler. Many of the great American and
European fortunes were built on the "China"(opium) trade.
The Order of Skull and Bones by Kris Millegan / http://

Also keep in mind that General William H. Russell who founded

the American branch of Skull and Bones brought the secret society here from Germany. This is the foundation of the belief of
its links to the Bavarian (German) Illuminati. Before we go into
the possible links between the Skull and Bones and the
Illuminati, let us delve deeper into the inner workings of the
Skull and Bones.0
When one looks into the family names of former members of the
society it read like a whos who of the rich, famous and influential
in America, and world of money and power. Below is a chart
showing some of the family names associated with membership in
the Skull and Bones.
The Order has either set up or penetrated just about every
significant research, policy, and opinion-making organization in
the United States, in addition to the Church, business, law,
government and politics.. The Order gets the ball rolling in
new organizations, i.e., puts the FIRST President or Chairman
and the ideas and then, when operations are rolling along, often it fades out of the picture.
Americas Secret Establishment by Antony Sutton


The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

Skull and Bones Illuminati Connection

(Left) Thus it can be seen that there is evidence which points to
the fact that the Skull and Bones may actually be a continuation
of the disbanded Bavarian Illuminati. It was in some ways reorganized and adapted for the college campus, but the basic goal
of infiltrating every aspect of society and from that position redirecting society based on a pre-conceived goal was still the same.


The Bavarian Illuminati

And the Afghanistan Roshiniya Connection
The roots of the Bavarian Illuminati lie in, of all places, Afghanistan with a secret society known as Roshiniya or the
Illuminated Ones.

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

The sixteenth century saw the rise of a powerful society based
on a secret cult, in the mountains of Afghanistan [Hindu Kush]
- the Roshiniya, illuminated ones. References to the existence
of this mystical fraternity exist from the time of the House of
Wisdom at Cairo, several hundred years before.
A History of Secret Societies by Arkon Daraul p. 220"
Forty years after the last religio-military leader of the Afghan
Illuminated Ones died, a society of the same name (the Illuminati) came into being in Germany, formed, it is said, by Adam
Weishaupt, the young professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt
University. Coincidences of date and beliefs connect these Bavarian Illuminati with the Afghan ones, and also with the other
cults which called themselves Illuminated. ...Documents still
extant show several points of resemblance between the German and Central Asian illuminists: points which are hard to
account for on the grounds of pure coincidence ...
A History of Secret Societies by Arkon Daraul p. 225"

Like the Roshiniya, the Illuminati stated that they had the objective of gaining important converts for the purpose of improving
the state of the world. A comparison of the degrees shows the

Degree No.


Bavarian Illuminati

Seeker (Salik)


Disciple (Murid)


Devotee (Fakir)


Enlightened One (Arif)

Illumniatus major

Master (Khwaja)

Illuminatus dirigens

Commander (Emir)


Priest (Imam)


King, Chief (Malik)


A History of Secret Societies by Arkon Daraul p. 225"

Each member of his following was given a new name upon
entry; and this name depended upon the guild to which he in
theory belonged.
A History of Secret Societies by Arkon Daraul p. 223"

Also just like the Bavarian Illuminati and the Skull and Bones, the
new initiates of the Roshiniya were given new names. If the name
they were given denoted the persons profession, and the members of the Skull and Bones give new member the name
Knight so and so, the members of the Skull and Bones (Bush
included) must see their profession as war. Is it therefore surprising that the last war America had seen a Bush as president, the
same as Americas New War has a Bush as president.
Immediately upon entering the Bones the neophytes name is
changed. He is no longer known by his name as it appears in
the college catalogue but like a monk or Knight of Malta or St.
John, becomes Knight so and so. The old Knights are then
known as Patriarch so and so.
Americas Secret Establishment by Antony Sutton p. 7

It is also important to note that all of this is centering on Afghanistan. Afghanistan was inhabited by our ancestors known as the
Kushites, as can be seen by the name of the mountain range
Osama Bin Laden is said to be hiding in; Hindu-Kush. The name
of the mountain range comes from the Indian Kushites, who were
referred to as the Eastern Ethiopians by Herodotus and other
ancient historians on account of the black skins. The region of
Afghanistan was from ancient times known as one of the major
centers through which the masters worked from behind the
scenes to influence the evolution of the human family of the
planet earth.
Present-day folklore in Afghanistan asserts that after the Moslem conquest, Balkh was known as The Elevated Candle
(Sham-i-Bala) which is evidently a classical Persianization of
the Sanskrit Shambala. ...According to Alice Bailey, the Theosophist, Sanyat Kumara (generally identified with the Biblical
Ancient of Days) lives in Shambala. Below him is a triad of
world government: Manu, Maitreya and Manachohen, jointly

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

responsible for creating and dissolving racial types and the rise
and fall of civilizations... p. 174
...the known techniques of the European Illuminists are almost identical with those of the Roshania (the Illuminated)
sect of the Afghan hinterland. ...Thus Balkh, Khorasan, Kafiristan and the area where the illuminated Roshinia are located,
are all in the same general area of Afghanistan and indeed are
not far from each other. ...The Hindu Kush [mountain] range is
in Afghanistan: geographically it forms the Western extreme of
the Himalayas. p. 177-178
Afghanistan is therefore linked in the tradition of the
witches, the Anthroposophists, the Theosophists, the Buddhist Lamaists of Tibet, the Vedantists, the Masons and the
Illuminati. The single common factor is a Sufic impulse emanating from Afghanistan. p. 179
An inner circle of humanity which kindles or restrains human
activity is associated with the Sufi concept of the Abdals
(Changed Ones), and this is openly referred to in both oral
and literary sources. p.164
... interventions, designed to inject a developmental impulse into the historical process, are discontinuous. ...
Occasions relate to the fortuitous presence of energies on a
much vaster scale and perhaps from outside the planet. It is as
though a solar wind blows on the earth at intervals. When it
does, agents of the Directorate - represented for the past 1,000
years and more by some Sufic organizations - can act to
straighten out involutionary trends and produce evolutionary
gain. In the absence of this solar wind, there is no possibility
of work and hence no activity on the historical scale. p. 166
The People of the Secret by Ernest Scott

In a later issue we will look deeper into this hidden directorate

and its recent Sufi dispensation, but right now I would like to
draw your attention to another ancient connection to what is going on now.


Nothing New Under the Sun

Hasan Sabah (Old Man of the Mountain) and the Assassins
There are a great many similarities between Hasan Sabah and the
Assassins and Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida, showing once again
that there is nothing new under the sun. It is as if history is literally repeating itself.
During the time of the Crusades which began in the 11th century
with the invasion of the Holy Lands by European Christians, a
secret society/army was formed by a Moslem by the name of
Hasan Sabah. Hasan Sabah was a student of the Dar Al Hikmat or
House of Wisdom in Cairo, Egypt. Hasan Sabah formed an army
which was unorthodox even back then. As I quote descriptions of
Hasan Sabah and the Assassins from various European source,
keep in mind the present day descriptions of Osama Bin Laden
and his organization called Al Qaida.
Utilizing techniques apparently deriving from the Abode of
Wisdom, Hasan maintained himself for thirty-four years as the
undisputed autocrat of one of the most remarkable armies in all
history - the Assassins. His troops were 70,000 fanatics reduced by a technique of brainwashing to military zombies.
...An Assassin recruit might be sent to work and live a thousand miles away, there to wait for years for the order to plunge
his dagger into somebody
...Hasan had achieved such discipline among his subjects that
he could command instant suicide.
...Hasan, at the centre of his empire of invisible terror, sent
missionaries to Afghanistan and India and even farther afield.
...Assured that, provided they died in the service of their master, this bliss awaited them for all eternity, the recruits were
prepared to obey any order and suffer any fate.
The People of the Secret by Ernest Scott p.192-195

Thus although what is going on is called Americas New War by

the news media, we can see that this is not nothing new. It is up
to us Moors to usher in a new civilization, for neither side in this

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

New War has anything to offer us, or the upliftment of fallen


Moorish Picture Gallery

A picture is worth a thousand words. Here are a few pictures
that will add depth to this Moorish Paradigm we are trying to
Here are some pictures depicting Moorish traditional costumes
and clothing, giving you Moors some ideas the next time you have
a Moorish costume ball like Noble Drew Ali gave.



The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0



The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

Universal Flux:
The Strange Attractor Paradigm or Model of History
There is a paradigm or model of history known as the strange
attractor model of history. This model put forward by scholars
such as Terrence McKenna, says in essence that great historical
events casts a shadow before it. In other words, a great event in
history, such as the destruction of the World Trade Center and
Pentagon attack, influence events, as well as, people prior to its
happening. This may be the reason why so many people felt
strange and powerful emotions in the days leading up to the
event. I personally recall saying to my wife the night before the
event that I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and I
felt very uneasy. The term strange attractor is not a term that
one can find in any standard reference material. The reason being,
the term is a recently invented term by those who deal in the new
scientific areas of chaos theory and fractals.
Princeton University has been doing an experiment for a couple of
years now involving a random numbers generators. These machines/computers are designed to generate random numbers. The
experiment is trying to see the effect that the human mind, consciousness, and major global events have on these random number generators.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, at 6:00 AM, a few hours
before the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon,
the random number generators spiked and the numbers it generated were less random. This happened before the attack, during
the attack, and for sometime after the attack before returning to
normal. This would seem to confirm the fact that this event was
casting a shadow before itself which affected peoples mind and
emotions. This in turn affected the machines generating the random numbers.
The universe and all life in it is interconnected and all part of a
seamless fabric of space and time. Analogy: if the universe and
the space / time matrix is like a large quilt spread out on a bed,
then the event on September 11, 2001, is like throwing a big
bowling ball on the center of the bed. If the quilt (space/time matrix) to the left of the bowling ball represents the past, and to the


right of the bowling ball represents the future, then the depression in the quilt representing the space/time matrix show the effect is in both the past, present and future. Something similar
happens when dogs and cats begin acting strange before an earthquake. Dramatic events not only effect the present and future, but
they also affect the past.

Know Thyself
Meditation and Spiritual Retreats

Transcendental Meditation
In the early part of this journal where I spoke about the Tower
card, I mentioned mediating and spiritual retreats as a way of realigning oneself with the Divine. In this section, I would like to
describe a simple meditation technique. This technique is often
referred to as Transcendental Meditation, which was made
popular during the 60's and 70's.
The technique is very simple. Chose a quiet location where you
will not be disturbed. All that is needed for these meditation sessions is 15-20 minutes. Sit in a comfortable chair with your back
straight and erect, and both feet flat on the floor, 6-12 inches
apart. It is best if the room is dark. Pick a 2 syllable word of special meaning to yourself (called a mantra), close your eyes, and
try to repeat this word over and over again for 15 minutes
straight without stopping.
What you will notice from the first time you try it is how unruly
and undisciplined your mind is. You will find that after repeating
your mantra for only a few minutes, your mind will begin to wander off into thinking about all kinds of things. You must practice
drawing your mind back to the task at hand, which is repeating
your mantra for 15 minutes straight. You will find that this is no
easy task, and it will take many days, weeks, even months of
The purpose of the mantra if to still your restless mind, as well as
focus it. Once you are able to repeat your mantra for 15 minutes
straight, at the end of those 15 minutes, you will find both you
and your mind in a state of calm and peace. You will also be in a
heightened state of awareness causing you to feel as if you are

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

expanded to the size of the whole universe. Instead of you just

focusing on your present routine life, you will become aware of
your connection to the whole universe and the Divine, and you
will feel yourself becoming one, or the oneness. From this state of
mind, you can now tap into extra sensory perception (E.S.P.), divine omnipresence, omnipotence, and can even begin to influence
events, past present and future. However, to arrive at this state
takes much practice and fearlessness. The reason I say fearlessness is because in the process you will begin to realize some of
the ignorance, pettiness, wickedness and foolishness of some of
your ways. Dont be fearful, but use the heightened state of
awareness to change your ways by saying so, non-verbally with
complete conviction. This is how you build and perfect the temple
built with the sound of ax nor hammer. If you find yourself often tired and fatigued, keep in mind that proper meditation for 15
minutes is the equivalent of 4 hours sleep.

Spiritual Retreat
Also, since we are a people whose spirituality has always been
associated with nature, it is also good that we go on little spiritual
retreats from time to time. This can be as simple as taking a day
off , buying a nut mix and some fruit juice and going for a nature
walk in the woods, park, beach, resort or any natural environment
where there is little or no man made things around. It is also good
to meditate near bodies of water such as rivers, streams, lakes,
beach fronts, etc. Rivers have a very stimulating and refreshing
affect on the mind and soul. Placid lakes have a very calming, and
self reflective affect. The ebb and flow of the water at beach
fronts also have a very calming affect, and rhythmically puts one
in tune with the natural cycles and rhythms of nature. One should
do a spiritual retreat at least once a month or moon cycle, especially during the 4th quarter going into the new moon phase.
Practice meditation and spiritual retreats and you will reap vast
rewards in terms of spirituality, calmness of mind and health in
general. We will deal with other spiritual exercises such as astral
travel, and sweeping the path, etc. in later issues. In the meantime, practice makes perfect.


Nostradamus Prophecy
King of Terror - 7/11/2001
...seventh month, From the sky will come a great King of Terror. To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols, Before
and after Mars to reign by good luck.
Nostradamus C10, Q72

September 11,2001. September is really the seventh month. Two

months were artificially added to the calendar. July in honor of
Julius Ceasar, and August in honor of Augustus. This made September the ninth month instead of the seventh. Sept means
seven (September). Oct means eight (October). Nov of
Nieves mean nine (November). Dec means ten (December).
Great King of the Mongols is code for Bokhara, and Mars is
presently at its closest to the earth (Mar=War). Contemplate!


The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

100+ Extended Booklist

1. Sacred Drift: Essays on the Margins of Islam, by Peter Lamborn Wilson, City Lights Books, San Francisco.
2. Larousse Encyclopedia of Archaeology, General Editor: Gilbert
Charles - Picard, Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, NY
3. Spanish Armada, by Winston Graham, Doubleday & Company,
Inc., New York.
4. The Two Babylons, by Rev. Alexander Hislop, Loireaux Brothers, New Jersey.
5. The Sign and the Seal, by Graham Hancock, Simon & Schuster
Inc., New York.
6. Long Before Columbus, by Hans Holzer, Bear & Company
Publishing, New Mexico
7. The Mysterious Maya, by George E. Stuart and Gene S. Stuart,
National Geographic Society.
8. The Archaeology of North America, by Dean Snow, the Viking
Press, New York.
9. Maya / Atlantis: Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx, by Augustus Leplongeon, Steinerbooks, New York.
10. Herodotus: the Histories, Translated by Aubrey De Selincourt,
Penguin Books.
11. Sailing to Paradise, by Jim Bailey, Simon & Schuster, New
12. The Secret Archives of the Vatican, by Maria Luisa Ambrosini,
Barnes & Noble Books, New York
13. Africa and the Discovery of America (Volume I), by Leo Wiener, Innes & Sons, Philadelphia / Kraus Reprint Co., New York.
14. Africa and the Discovery of America (Volume Ii), by Leo Wiener, Innes & Sons, Philadelphia / Kraus Reprint Co., New York.
15. Africa and the Discovery of America (Volume Iii), by Leo Wiener, Innes & Sons, Philadelphia / Kraus Reprint Co., New York.
16. Atlantis: the Antediluvian World, by Ignatius Donnelly, Dover
Publications, Inc., New York.
17. Worlds in Collision, by Immanuel Velikovsky, Doubleday &
Company, Inc., New York.
18. Ages in Chaos, by Immanuel Velikovsky, Doubleday & Company, Inc., New York.
19. Peoples of the Sea, by Immanuel Velikovsky, Doubleday &
Company, Inc., New York.
20. Fingerprints of the Gods, by Graham Hancock, Crown Publishers, Inc., New York.
21. The Sirius Mystery, by Robert K. G. Temple, Destiny Books,

Rochester Vermont.
22. Gods with Bronze Swords, by Costa De Loverdo, Doubleday &
Company Inc., New York.
23. Hitler: the Occult Messiah, by Gerald Suster, St. Martin's
Press, New York.
24. The Six Black Presidents, by Auset Bakhufu, Pik2 Publications,
Washington, D.c..
25. Fusang: the Discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist
Priests, by Charles G. Leland, Barnes & Noble Books, New York.
26. Lost Cities of Atlantis / Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean,
by David Hatcher Childress, Adventures Unlimited Press.
27. Africans and Native Americans, by Jack D. Forbes, University
of Illinois Press, Chicago.
28. Lost Cities of North America, by David Hatcher Childress, Adventures Unlimited Press, Illinois.
29. African Prescence in Early America, Edited by Ivan Van Sertima, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick (U.s.a.).
30. Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids, by Peter Tomkins, Harper
& Row Publishers, New York.
31. The World of the Ancient Maya, by John S. Henderson, Cornell University Press, New York.
32. The World of the Olmecs, by Ignacio Bernal, University of
California Press, California.
33. Reader's Digest's; Mysteries of the Ancient Americas, Reader's
Digest Association Inc., New York.
34. Shakespeare, by Anthony Burgess, Penguin Books, New York.
35. Banking: an Illustrated History, by Edwin Green, Rizzoli, New
36. 500 Nations, by Alvin M. Josephy Jr., Alfred A. Knopf, New
37. The Azetcs: Gods and Fate in Ancient Mexico, by Cottie Burland and Werner Forman, Orbis London.
38. The George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association ( Brochure ), Alexandria Virgina.
39. The Black Prescence in the Era of the American Revolution, by
Sidney Kaplan and Emma Nogrady Kaplan, University of
Massechusets Press, Amherst.
40. Golden Age of the Moor, Edited by Ivan Van Sertima, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick (U.s.a.).
41. The Life of Benjamin Banneker, by Silvio A. Bedini, Charles
Scribner's Sons, New York.
42. Ancient and Modern Britains (Volume I), by David Macritchie,
Pine Hill Press Inc., South Dakota.

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

43. Ancient and Modern Britains (Volume Ii), by David Macritchie,

Pine Hill Press Inc., South Dakota.
44. The Ethiopian's Place in History, Rev. John William Norris,
G.k. Osei, New York.
45. The Cushite: or Children of Ham, Rev. Rufus L. Perry, Literary
Union, Brooklyn.
46. The Influence of Ancient Egyptian Civilization in the East and
in America, by G. Elliot Smith, G.k. Osei, New York.
47. Moroccan - American Relations: Translation of Excerpts from
a Lectyre Delivered in Arabic by Ambassador Abdelhadi Tazi,
Ministry of Information, Morocco.
48. African Prescence in Early Asia, Edited by Ivan Van Sertima,
Transaction Books, New Brunswick (U.s.a.)
49. The Origins of the Egyptians, by Augustus Leplongeon, Philosophical Research Society Inc., Los Angeles, California.
50. Earth in Upheaval, by Immanuel Velikovsky, Pocket Books,
New York.
51. The Supreme Wisdom Volume 2, Elijah Muhammad.
52. Genesis Revisited, Zecharia Sitchin, Avon Books, New York.
53. Egyptian Civilization, It's Sumerian Origin & Real Chronology,
L. A. Waddell, Christian Book Club, Hawthorne California.
54. The Dead Sea Scrolls, Robert H. Eiseman and Michael Wise,
Barnes & Noble Books, New York.
55. The Martian Enigmas: a Closer Look, Mark J. Carlotto, North
Atlantic Books, California.
56. When America Was Afrikaa, Excerpted From: Moor Sense
2000 Journal:, Vol. 1, No. 2, Spring 1992.
57. The First Book of Ancient Mesopotamia and Persia, by Charles
Alexander Robinson Jr., Franklin Watts Inc., New York.
58. Fake: the Art of Deception, Edited by Mark Jones, University
of California Press, California.
59. A History of Civilization: Volume One, Brinton / Christopher /
Wolff, Prentice-hall, New Jersey.
60. Heraldic Symbols: Islamic and Western Heraldry, William Leaf
and Sally Purcell, Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
61. The Cult of the Black Virgin, by Ean Begg, Arkana, New York.
62. Sex and Race Volume I, J. A. Rogers, Helga M. Rogers, Florida.
63. Sex and Race Volume Ii, J. A. Rogers, Helga M. Rogers, Florida
64. Sex and Race Volume Iii, J. A. Rogers, Helga M. Rogers, Florida

65. Nature Knows No Color Line, J. A. Rogers, Helga M. Rogers,

66. Africa's Gift to America, J. A. Rogers, Helga M. Rogers, Florida
67. Black Britannia: a History of Blacks in Britain, Edward Scobie,
Johnson Publishing Company, Chicago.
68. Royal Art of Benin,editor in Chief: John O'neill, Metropolitanmuseum of Art, New York.
69. Nile River Valley, Robert Caputo, Thomassen-grant Inc., Virginia.
70. The People of Kau, by Leni Riefenstahl, Harper & Row Publishers Inc., New York
71. The Mound - Builders, Henry Clyde Shetrone, D. Appleton and
Company, New York.
72. The Only Way to Learn Astrology: Volume 1, by Marion D.
March & Joan Mcevers, Acs Publications Inc., California.
73. Kabbalah: Tradition of Hidden Knowledge, Z'ev Ben Shimon
Halevi, Thames and Hudson, New York.
74. The Magic of Obelisks, Peter Tompkins, Harper & Row Publishers Inc., New York.
75. Biblia Cabalistica: or the Cabalistic Bible, Rev. Walter Begley,
Kessinger Publishing Co., Montana.
76. The Secret Teachings of All Ages, by Manly Palmer Hall, the
Philosophical Research Society Inc., California.
77. The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians, by Magnus Incognito,
Barnes & Noble Books, New York.
78. The Social Contract, Jean-jaques Rosseau, Barnes & Noble
Books, New York.
79. Richardson's Monitor of Free-masonry, by Jabez Richardson,
Barnes & Noble Books, New York.
80. Holy Blood Holy Grail, Michael Baigent / Richard Leigh /
Henry Lincoln, Dell Publishing, New York.
81. America's Assignment with Destiny, by Manly Palmer Hall,
the Philosophical Research Society Inc., California.
82. The Secret Destiny of America, by Manly Palmer Hall, the Philosophical Research Society Inc., California.
83. America's Secret Destiny, by Robert Hieronimus, Destiny
Books, Rochester Vermont.
84. Secret Societies, by Nesta H. Webster, A&b Books Publishers,
New York.
85. Magna Carta and the Tradition of Liberty, Produced by the
American Revolution Bicentennial Administration, Wash. D.c..
86. Handbook of the Law of Trusts, by George Gleason Bogert and
George Taylor Bogert, West Publishing Co., St. Paul Minn..

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

87. A Treatise on the Law of Property, by William F. Walsh, Baker,

Voorhis & Co., New York.
88. Black's Law Dictionary, by Campbell Black, West Publishing
Co., St. Paul Minn..
89. Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary, Simon & Schuster, New York.
90. The Timetables of History, by Bernard Grun, a Touchstone
Book, Simon & Schuster, New York.
91. Ancient Mexico, by Henri Stierlin and Benedikt Taschen, Compagnie du Livre D'art, Germany.
92. Francis Bacon and His Secret Society, by Mrs. Henry Pott,
Robert Banks & Son, England.
93. Clock of Destiny, Volume 1, by C. M. Bey.
94. Clock of Destiny, Volume 2. By C. M. Bey.
95. Circle of Life, by C. M. Bey.
96. Oral Statements and Prophesies of Prophet Noble Drew Ali,
Compiled by Bro. R. Love El.
95. Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America, by
Drew Ali.
96. The Mayan Factor, by Jose Arguelles, Bear ^ Company, Santa
Fe , New Mexico.
97. Atlantis, by Geoffrey Ashe, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London.
98. The Mound-builders, by Henry Clyde Shetrone, D. Appleton
and Company, New York.
99. The Moors, by Budgett Meakin, the Macmillan Company, New
100. The Land of the Moors, by Budgett Meakin, the Macmillan
Company, New York.
101. The Diplomatic Relations with the Barbary Powers 11761816, by Ray W. Irwin, Russell & Russell, New York.
102. The Ethnic Frontier: the Ben Ishmael Tribe: a Fugitive
"Nation" of the Old Northwest, by Hugo P. Leaming.
103. Magic Medicines of the Indians, by C. A. Weslager, Middle
Atlantic Press, Somerset, N.j..
104. The Twelve Prince, by John R. Tucker, New Infinity Research
166-11 89th Ave, Suite #177., Jamaica, New York 11432-4255
105. Corpus of early Arabic Sources for the West African History,
Translated by J. F. P. Hopkins edited and annotated by N. Levtzion & J. F. P. Hopkins, Cambridge University Press, New York

The Journal of the


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Books $9.95 / DVDs & Video Tapes $19.95 / Online $6.95
Greatest Unknown Man: Prophet noble Drew Ali
Atlantis is Code For Our Ancient Civilization
The Destruction of Atlantis
We are Aboriginal by Birthright
Ancient Olmec Artifacts of Our Ancestor in America
Ancient Mayan Artifacts of Our Ancestor in America
The Original Arawaks, Californians, Andeans
The First Americans Red or Black Archeology Article
Canaanite in Mexico (Eckchuah)
Largest Pyramid is found in Mexico
Mound Builder Artifacts of Our Ancestor in America
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Our Aboriginal Relatives in the N.E. United States
Document from the Moroccan Mission in New York
Europeans Enslaved by Moors, Women in Harems
An American Captain Deliver Tribute to the Moors
A treaty Between Morocco and United States 1787
Moors Recognized as Citizens in Dred Scott Case


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Our Aboriginal Heritage
Nanticoke and Moor Folk Medicine on East Coast 5
Original Vikings were Moors (Vick Kings)
Ancient and Modern Britain Moors, Danes, Normans 7
Indians Called Moors by British in New England
Did the Slave Trade Really Happen as Taught
Records of Our Ancestors Here Found in China
Vatican Secret Archive & Queen of Sheba in America 13
Columbus Send Arabic Interpreters to King of Cuba
Moorish Queen of California Fights in Crusades
Mystery Moor: Sir Francis Bacon = Shakespeare
The Inquisition was Really Against Moorish Science 16
Francis bacon, Shake Spear and the King James Bible 18
Benjamin Bannciar and the Secret Layout of Was. D.C. 20
Moors in the George Washington Masonic Museum
Fezzes Found in Grotto Room w/ Moorish Names
El and Bey Found on Pillars of the Grotto Room
Secret RitualCourt of Mokanna, Moor Canaanites
George Washington Was Not The First President
Big Brother and The Beast System of Revelations
Asecnded Masters and the Initiation of Man (Mind)
A Petition Presented by Moors in 1789-1790
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Letter From George Washington to Emperor Morocco 35
The Prophet, the Great Depression and the New Deal 36


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Moorish Science Key To Unlocking the Bibles Code
We Measure Time By Cycle Ages: Procession Equinoxes 12
Science of dollar bill, masonry, gematria table, & Ben Bey 18
The Fez - National headdress of the Moors
Duse Muhammad (one of Marcus Garvey's teachers)
Hon. Elijah Muhammad
The Fez in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India
Fez in Aegean, Europe, and America.
Nazis Wearing Fezzes
J. Edgar Hoover Wearing a Fez
Great Red Dragon & the Child to Rule With a Rod of Iron 29
Connections: Dominions of Amexem, Both sides of Atlantic 30
The Klu Klux Kloran ?
Court documents dating from 1630-1692 Involving Moors 35
Treaties involving Morocco & Britain Prior Moroc. Treaty 36
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A Petition Presented by Moors in 1789-1790
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Letter From George Washington to Emperor Morocco
The Prophet, the Great Depression and the New Deal

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Ancient Moorish Inhabitants of Italy (Etruscans)
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The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm

Books $9.95 / DVDs & Video Tapes $19.95 / Online $6.95


Connection Between Africa and America

Sudanic Political, Social and Economic Structure
Mande People & Their Connection to America
Mexican god Quetzalcoatl With Afro and Fez
Africa and the Discovery of America
The Dogon, Sufi, Mexico Connection
Muley Arscheid, Muley Ishmael & the Moorish Empire 22
The Deewan: Famous Samurais of the Moorish Empire 23
Moorish Origins of Hockey
Moorish Architecture: Oldest Synagogue in NYC
Appendix: Speech by Moroccan Ambassador Mr. Jorio 29

Sell the Journal of the Moorish Paradigm can receive up to a 40% discount
on the Journal of the Moorish Paradigm, books, DVDs, video tape, etc. Simply contact Bro. Hakim Bey at: Hakim Bey 980 Baychester St., Bx, NY 10469
-0705,Toll Free: (866) 941-9139 x3836


Moorish Civilization in England, Ireland and Scotland

Indians Are referred to As Eastern Ethiopians
First Inhabitants of Briton Were Australoid
Ancient Moorish Maegalithic Builders of Stonehenge
The Science of Nature, God and the Universe
Holographic Model of Universe, Nature and the Mind
The Science of the Ethers
As Quiet As Its Kept: Urine Therapy
The Science of African Traditional Religion
The Science of Trance Possession
Appendix: 1: Orisha-Zodiac Correspondences Table
Appendix 2: Proper Affidavit Format



The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm

Books $9.95 / DVDs & Video Tapes $19.95 / Online $6.95


Moorish Civilization: The Moabite or Almoravid Dynasty 3

Zainab, Wise Woman Co-founder of the Almoravid Dynasty 6
The Moorish Military - The Deewan of the Bokhara
Moorish Coins and European Imitations
Coats of Arms of Moorish Families in Europe
Selected Quotes on Muley Ishmael and the Black Guard 15
The Dance of the Soldiers
Moorish Sisters Playing Music
Beautiful Moorish Sisters their Clothing & Style Gallery
Universal Flux: Change, Nothing Stays the Same
Know Thyself: The Science of Blood Type and Diet
Atlantis Off the Coast of Cuba 2,200 Feet Beneath the Sea 31
Appendix 1: Moorish Hospitality

Ordering Instructions
Send To: Mu-Atlantis c/o P. O. Box 980 Baychester St., Bronx, New York 10469
Make Payable To: Hakim Bey 1) Journal of the Moorish Paradigm Postage: $3.85 for the first
3 Booklets. $.50 for each additional 2) Videos Postage: $3.85 for the first 2 videos. $.50 for each
additional video. 3) DVD Postage: $3.85 for the first 6 DVDs. $.50 for each additional video.
4) Fundamentals of Law Ordering Instruction Postage - $7.20

The World Trade Center & Pentagon Attack:
New Crusade War?
Taliban Chief Urges Rich Muslims to Fund Defense
Financial and Investment Opportunities
Production Opportunities
Selling Opportunities
Minding Our Business
Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Afghanistan Connection
History of the Skull and Bones
Illuminati: Afghanistan Roshiniya Connection
Hasan Sabah and the Assassins
Moorish Picture Gallery
Universal Flux: Strange Attractor Paradigm of History
Transcendental Meditation
Nostradamus Prophecy



The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm / Book 1 0

The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm

Books $9.95 / DVDs & Video Tapes $19.95 / Online $6.95


The Bible Deception: Part 1

Critical Bible Commentary
Creation Story #1 (Genesis 1:1-2:3)
Creation Story #2 (Genesis 2:4-2:25)
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Ezra The Scribe
Delineation of Ezras Main Source Materials
Ancient Place Names in United States that still exist
Moorish Artifacts found in Illinois
Appendix 1: Complete Moroccan Treaty of 1787
Picture of Sidi Muhammad : The Moroccan Treaty


Sell the Journal of the Moorish Paradigm can receive up to a 40% discount
on the Journal of the Moorish Paradigm, books, DVDs, video tape, etc. Simply contact Bro. Hakim Bey at: Hakim Bey 980 Baychester St., Bx, NY 10469
-0705,Toll Free: (866) 941-9139 x3836


The Bible Deception Part 2: The Judgement

The Concocted History and Paradigm of the Bible
The Stakes Are High
Picture Gallery: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
D.M.T. Produced by Pineal Gland: Key to Spirituality
Dr. Paschal Beverly Randolph 1825-1875:
Supreme Grand Master of Rosicrucians of the World
Unknown Father of the New Age Movement
What is a Paradigm?
We Should Be More Tolerant of One Another
New Moors Must Prepare to Birth A New Civilization
Appendix 1: Ant Colony Nearly 4,000 Mile Long!
Appendix 2: Ethiopian Jews Face Racism in Israel



The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm

Books $9.95 / DVDs & Video Tapes $19.95 / Online $6.95
Prophet Noble Drew Ali
A Prophet From Among Us
The Prophecies of the Mahdi
Divine and National Movement
The Keys to a Nation
Two realms Comprising Divine and National
Corporation = Corpus = Body = Organism
We Measure the Circle 7 by the Circle 7
The Only Soul Foundation for Asiatics
Salvation * Allah * Unity
Vine and Fig Tree
To Every Nation a Prophet is Sent
Sophia Stewart: Mother of the Matrix
Unexpected Faces in Ancient America
Egyptian, Phoenician-Babylonian in Ecuador
Strange Attractor: 911 Is On the Money
Secret Government Morocco and Algiers


Lecture Videos By Bro. Hakim Bey

DVDs / Video Tapes $24.95
The Only Soul Foundation for our Salvation / Detroit Michigan 2/19/05
The Constitution: Divine and Mundane / Camden New Jersey 2/5/05
The Science Of The Winter Solstice / Newark New Jersey
Wake Up You Sleepy Headed Moors" A New World Is Coming! Delaware 1/2005
Moorish Matrix Reloaded - Moorish Civilization Reloaded & the Pineal, Chicago6 / 2003
MoorishMatrix Reloaded - Moorish Civilization Reloaded & the Pineal, Detroit, June 21, 2003
A Deeper Look At Our Great Prophet Noble Drew Ali /The New Moors Chicago 1-26-03
Final Prophecies and Warnings of the Prophet Noble Drew Ali Philadelphia, 12-28Do You Truly Know Who You Are, Staten Island (Shaolin) New York, 12-15-2002
Last Call in the Last Days,Philadelphia,11-30-2002
Gathering of the Masters, Atlanta, 10-10-2002
A Prophet was Sent Among Us, Mecca/Chicago Lecture, 10-5-2002

Fundamentals Of Law Course $120

$120 Each Lesson Packet Comes With A Written Lesson And A 90 Min. Audio Tape
Lesson 1. The United States Constitution And The Frame Of Government
Lesson 2. Introduction Into Law And The Structure Of Law
Lesson 3. The Legal Process And A Mock Civil Trial And Appeal
Lesson 4. Legal Paper ( Format ) C.P.L.R.
Lesson 5. Civil Procedure (Overview, Pleadings, And Challenge Of Jurisdiction)
Lesson 6. Civil Procedure And Forms (Pleadings Continued., 8 U.S.C Title 42 Civil Suit )
Lesson 7. Civil Procedure ( Discovery )
Lesson 8. Civil Procedure ( Trial )
Lesson 9. Civil Procedure ( Judgment )
Lesson 10. Criminal Procedure: Preliminary Proceedings, Indictment ,Etc
Lesson 11. Criminal Procedure: Depositions, Discovery, Subpoena, Venue, Trial, etc
Lesson 12. Criminal Procedure: Post Trial & Supplementary Proceedings


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