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Socratic Seminar Questions:

1). Can you tell me who and why someone is keeping Odysseus trapped on the island with
2). Why have suitors been at Odysseuss palace and feasting on his cattle and wine, as well as
trying to impress his wife, Penelope, for seven long years?
3). What was the main reason that Odysseus left his home? Explain.
4). In your opinion, do you believe that Odysseus coming home will make a difference?
5). Do you think that Penelope will marry before Odysseus returns home?
6). How will you be able to prove that Odysseus has been missing for seven years?
7). How would you be able to critique the life of Telemachus and Penelope, what should they do
to change their path in life? Explain.
8). How would you be able to connect and disconnect both Calypso and Penelope?
9). How would you be able to connect Telemachus to each main characters in the books we
read previously in the year? That includes Turtle, Jonas, and Phillip.
10). Give three examples revising why suitor are trying to impress Penelope for her hand in
11). What lie did Penelope say to create friction between her and the suitors, causing them to
stay longer?
12). So far in the book we understand that Odysseus is on his journey home, can you create a
hypothesis on whether he can accomplish or fail this goal?
13). When reading about Calypso, we understand that she was quite stressed with the
transition. How do you think she felt, or continues to feel, after he left.
14). The cover of the book is a picture of Poseidon, when he noticed that Odysseus was leaving
he had created a storm to drown him. Why do you think he had created it, explain.
15). When reading the first page of the book, Zeus is explaining how it feels when the humans
blame them for their suffering. What is the quote he had said?

16). You can see that Telemachus is very annoyed that suitors fill his fathers palace, stealing
cattle and wine for them to feast while they pester his mother for marriage, what do you believe
he should do to convince the suitors to leave?
17). Can you create a image of how the Trojan War had looked, and after it had affected people
and their homes?
18). If you had to trade places with Odysseus during his journey, what would you do make it a
faster, better, or easier route?
19). If you were to trade places with Telemachus trying to deal with suitors, what is something
that you would do differently than his attempts?
20). How would you describe the theme of the section of the book we have just read?

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