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® M4 Determine the input impedance of open and short circuit ine oR. A lossless RF line has 2» of 6000 and is connected wo a resistive load of 752. Find the position a length of shor circuited stub of same constuction as line which would ‘enable the main engi fain tobe correctly terminated at 1SO.mbz. raptor com Tal No.of Questions: 5} (Toa No, of Printed Pages Roll No... °° 0H, EC - 505 BE. V Semester Examination, December 2015, ‘Communication Network and Transmission Lines Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 70 Note: i) Answer five questions. Incach question part A,B. Cis ‘somplsory and D parthas internal choice {i)_Allpansof each question are tobe atemped at oe place. fi) Allquestions cary equal marks out which prt A and B (Max, 50 words cary 2 mazks, parC (Max. 100 words) cary ms, part (Max 400 words) cary 7 marks. in) Exceptrumericals, Derivation, Designand Drawing ee. Unit-1 ose 1. 9) Forsymmesrica network show that task 7= f= by) For symmetrical network define the characteristic npedance ©) Design a mtype attenuator with the following specifications, Attenuation = 20 dB, characteristic 500.0 the image impedance of an asymmetrical o raptor cos c- 505 PTO a » ° o » ° o epromnecem oR ‘Whats senator? Derive design equations foram-type senor, rgpvomine-cem Unit = ‘What are the demerits of m-derived filters? ‘What isthe need of composite filters? Explain the variations of characteristic impedance (2), attenuation constant (a) and phase constant (B) with Frequency (/) with the help of neat sketch in bandpass filers, Discuss constant - low pass filter with suitable diagrams Derive expression for cutoff frequency (fe) oR Discuss Butterworth approximation for low pass fier. Unit- 11 Whatisposiivereal function? Explain maximum modulus theorem, ‘est whether the polynomial tas'42524342 is Hurwit, Realize given networkin foster form. » 3 oy 53) » ° online by = OR Realize the given Function in caver I form 21s? +1) (+3) a=) +2) Unit-1V ‘Whats the difference berweon lumped parameters and diseibuted parameters? Define attenuation constant and phase constant ‘What is distonionless line? Derive the condition for Aistortionless line. Derive the design equations for fall shunt equalizer oR Dine input impedance of transmission line. Derive sn ‘expression for input impedance ofa transmission line in terms of reflection coefficient Unit-V Explain standing waverati, ‘Whats sep mat ing? Explain any one method of power measurement on the line Pro

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