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Daniel ODea
TOPIC/FOCUS: History Ancient DATE: 6th September 2013
Egypt, Hieroglyphics


AusVELS: (Strand/Domain/ Dimension) Hieroglyphics, Scribing and
creating names, Cultural interaction, Ancient history, Human relations, Invention of
Alphabet, Egyptian history


For students to understand ancient Egyptian language and alphabet

To have a clear understanding and knowledge of hieroglyphics and the
symbols in relation to the modern day alphabet and the ancient Egyptian
alphabet and there translation
Being able to write in hieroglyphics
Being able to read names of students in hieroglyphics and then translate in
To get students to have a simple and basic understanding of hieroglyphics
in it primal form
Identify key areas that the student will need to understand in order for
them to read and write in hieroglyphics
To engage in decoding other students names
To give the students a belief history of ancient Egyptian language in
particular, the Rosetta Stone
Enhance the student lateral thinking ability and decoding skills
Allow student interaction and communication development


The student will be able to:

Identify the key principle that is fundamental in being able to translate,

read and write hieroglyphics
Describe the relationship between the symbols they see in hieroglyphics
and the English alphabet
Basic understanding of hieroglyphics that are required in order to complete
writing there full name
Ensuring that they can decode hieroglyphics and are able to write their
own personal name then having the ability to read and then write out the
name of another student into English


Blue pen

Computer access
Whiteboard markers

Blue Pen
Sheet of paper that can be given to another student

Introduction/focusing activity (The lesson begins with this activity.)


15 min

Opening question: Can anyone tell me something about the Rosetta Stone?
And why its important us and ancient Egypt?
Open question: Does anyone know any symbols of hieroglyphics?

Students are actively listening

Open question: In Ancient Egypt who were the people that would regularly
read and write hieroglyphics?
Open question: Can anyone tell me the direction that you would read
Participating in class discussion
The teacher can clearly identify some of the students knowledge in relation
to hieroglyphics, and the basic understanding of ancient Egyptian language
that the class has. Primarily the major goal is to get the students actively
engaged in the learning of hieroglyphics by promoting discussion and then
been able to clearly identify the students competency with a name writing

Summarize the students in-put: Fantastic so we know now what the

Rosetta Stone is and the importance of it in regard to decrypting

A quick overview of some key

areas in regard to hieroglyphics
before the class commences the
writing activity

So the main people that would read and write hieroglyphics were priest and

Lesson development


Part 1
Allows students the ability to
Upload the hieroglyphic alphabet on to the side so the whole class can visually see the hieroglyphics and min
visually see the alphabet along with the English letter translation next to its English meaning
each symbol. Also provide each of the students with a hard copy that has
the hieroglyphic alphabet and translations on it.
Highlights the students active
This enables the teacher to go through each symbols and corresponding engagement in learning the ancient
letter with the class so that each student can then learn hieroglyphics in 3 Egyptian alphabet
That being visually seeing the symbol then letter, hearing the symbol
spoken along with the letter and then repeating as a class which allows Identify how the students can
the student to verbally say what symbol matches the corresponding letter. comprehend the material

Part 2
Once the teacher has gone through the ancient Egyptian alphabet with
the class switch to the second side that is written in hieroglyphics and as a
class completes decoding the phrase. From this point the teacher is able
to identify student participation in the activity and the students ability in
understanding hieroglyphics.
Once the class as a whole has decoded the phrase from hieroglyphics to
English which translates to the Rosetta stone decoded hieroglyphics the
student should start to have a clear understanding of the fundamental of
hieroglyphics and basic translation.
This helps Segway the class into the next component of the class which
focusses on the individuals understanding of hieroglyphics and basic




Indicates student
collective group



Part 3
The individual should now feel confident enough to now participate in the
practical activity that is to write their full name in hieroglyphics on a loose
leaf sheet of paper.
Highlighting the students understanding of the critical material as now
they have to put into action what they have seen, spoken, and observed
within the class so far.
Which allows the teacher to walk around the room and visually seen the
students progress and the efficiently of each student to correspond the
letters in their name to the hieroglyphic symbol and then draw the symbol
on the sheet of paper.

This highlights the students literary

and decoding skills
10 min
Observing students progress

Students can get a sense of the

core groups progress

The teacher can also proceed in asking questions to the students;

Which symbols are reoccurring the most in your name?
How are you finding drawing the hieroglyphic symbols?
Is anyone finding the decoding from English to hieroglyphics difficult?
Now that youre writing your name do you think it would have been a
difficult job being a scribe or priest in ancient Egypt?
Part 4
Once the students have completed writing their full names on a loose leaf
sheet of paper connect all of the students work and then redistribute the
work randomly so that the student has another students name.
Then get the student to decode the hieroglyphic version of a fellow
classmates name, the idea being that this reinforces this decoding from
English to hieroglyphics and now hieroglyphics to English.
So the individual student has learnt the concept in multiple ways.

Students now have to learn the 5 min

same concept only in reverse now
This indicates there ability to
decoded from hieroglyphics into

The teacher can also ask different questions at this point;

Can you see similar symbols in the persons name that your decoding now
compared to your own?
Are you finding translating hieroglyphics to English easier compared to
English to hieroglyphics?
What are some of the symbols that you are starting to memorize and not
needing to look up?

Formative Assessment (Questions or actions used throughout the lesson to check on student understanding
and application of information)
Teacher will be able to see the clear progress of the students and how well they advance throughout the lesson
by the observing the core groups progress at the start of the lesson and how well they obtain the concept of
hieroglyphics. Then later the teacher can clearly identify the students individual progress when it comes to
writing their name in hieroglyphics and the decoding a fellow classmates name. The desired effect of getting the
student to learn the critical material both ways in regard to English to hieroglyphics and then vice-versa is to
cement what they have learnt in multiple ways so the concept can therefore stick.

Closure (Options include: summarising or reflecting on the learning achievements/analysing errors; the
presentation of selected students work/preparation for future lesson/s etc.)
Once all the students have decoded the name of a
fellow classmate get them to return the sheet to the
corresponding person.
The teacher now has a 5 minute barrack to recap on
the progress of the individual student and class as a Allows the student an overview of the class and a quick
whole. The importance of this is to ask open question refreshment of what they have learnt
that summaries the lesson in its entirety;
This allows the student to leave the classroom with the Also the students have the ability to ask any questions
concept of the class fresh in there memory as well the that might be of issue and need further clarifications.
teacher can gauge the difficultly of the class and how
the students responded to the class.
To summaries the components that we learnt today;
So who can tell me again about the importance of the
Rosetta stone?

5 min

Which part of the decoding of hieroglyphics did you

find most difficult?
Did anyone find the decoding process easy?

At this point the teacher checks each students progress and decides who
needs re-teaching, extension, and or independent practice. Beginning
practicum: reflection, Experienced practicum: in planning.
Re-teaching (Re-teaching is for students who need more teaching and practice.)
Extension (Extension is for students who need more challenge.)
Independent Practice (This is for students who need more practice. It can be done
without teacher guidance, perhaps as homework.)


Student learning (Was the stated Standard Formulated as a Student Learning
Outcome with Indicator/s achieved by all students or only some students?)

Effectiveness of the learning and teaching strategies (For example,

review your questioning skills in checking for understanding or your explaining skills in
information and modelling, or your organising and communicating skills, for example,
giving instructions, encouraging student participation etc.)

Reflection on what you have learned and changes for future

lessons. (Identify a key learning/insight that you have gained about effective learning
and teaching and those changes you will make when planning and implementing your next
Direct Lesson Plan.


Pre-service Teacher preparation for lesson, use of resources, teaching
strategies, class room management. Lesson introduction and closure.
Acknowledgement of individual learning styles.





Maggy Saldais, Ross Smith, Denis Young: Humanites alive history 1,

level 5; for the Victorian essential learning standards: John Wiley &
sons Australia, 2006; Pg. 36 source a
Maggy Saldais, Ross Smith, Denis Young: Humanites alive history 1,
level 5; for the Victorian essential learning standards: John Wiley &
sons Australia, 2006; Pg. 37 activities, communicate
AusVels: History / Level 7 / Historical Knowledge and

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