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My Home

Im sure most individuals know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Living in Los Angeles, majority of people know the direction toward the beach and the
mountains. Two amazing cites that are not too far in distance. I am born and raised in
L.A. One of my favorite things about the region is that it is possible to be hiking in the
morning and tanning at the beach by noon. Home to me is waking up on a Saturday
morning to the voice of a man screaming tamales. Home is attending Sunday mass
where the dominant religion in L.A. is Christianity. I grew up in a Latino based
community and that is one of the greatest thing I love about LA; the culture and the
diversity. Although I have never been to my parents native state I feel like I can connect
to it through the city of L.A. For example there are always traditional events at the Plaza
Olvera in Downtown L.A. Where people can go reconnect with their culture and be
happily confortable with the people and their surrounding. I am very drawn to East L.A.,
or maybe Im drawn to their amazing food. No one should ever visit East LA and not try
a torta ahogada from Tortas el Guerro. It is a Mexican food restaurant that bases there
cooking from Jalisco Guadalajara. By simply walking into the restaurant I can already
smell the freshly made salsa and feel my mouth water. Southern California is known to
be where dreams come true and just like my father; I also wish to accomplish all my
dreams and goals here. There is not another place in the world where I would like to be.
My place of happiness is admiring the beautiful ocean sitting on the hot sand while a
small breeze is going through my hair. I feel this way about L.A. because I feel as if
every different part of L.A owns a piece of my heart that no other location would be able
to come close to what L.A. has to offer.

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