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Fascism Simulation

Outline the simulation:

Arrange chairs for students to be sat in the middle in a horse-shoe/circle.
Let them know that this activity wont be beneficial if people are continually mucking around. If youre
holding the picture of Hitler then you may speak. Hands up to speak.
The activity includes you each taking an ID card and imagining you are that person. Based on what we
have learnt about Hitler and the Fascist regime that Nazi Germany was under you will need to work out
whether the identity you have will be included by the Nazis or excluded. I will read out the situation and
then we will look at our identities as a class.
Explain- These cards outline a name, age, and other details. If it says you are female, it doesnt mean
you are female. If it says you are homosexual it doesnt mean you are. ETC. We are simply looking at
make believe ID cards and potential IDs during this time. We are to be respectful at all times, and listen
to others. The object of this task is to see how Fascist and in particular the Nazi regimes would have
excluded people if they werent thought of as part of the superior race or what they wanted their people
to be.
Hand out ID cards to each student. And tell them to read their own.
Read through simulation. Ask students to close their eyes & keep in mind the regime did not
reach the extremes of excluding everyone or achieve their Aryan race however they tried.
So, I want you to imagine that we are in Germany during 1933 and the Fascist regime of the Nazi party
has just come into power under Adolf Hitler. As we are sat around now in the circle imagine that
everyone here you know. They live in your town or are your neighbors. Some of the children go to your
school. And some of the men own businesses and shops that you go to with your parents or on your
own if you are an adult.
Fascism does not believe in equality. Those in charge, are strict, harsh and have new rules for Germany
and its people. Lots of the elements focus on creating the Aryan race (blonde hair, blue eyes and
superior). They do not tolerate anyone who is against this new regime or any of its aspects. They also
dont believe that Jews, Jehovahs, homosexuals, disabled or unfit people, should be a part of their
Aryan race. These people were to be treated differently and eventually gotten rid of, especially the
Jews. The Jews could not go to school with the German children and Jews could not own businesses.
They moved into new places called ghettos(briefly explain), they were tortured and killed for the most
simple things, they were eventually forced into concentration camps. (This all happened over a period
of time however, just to explain how it developed and how people were subject to harsh treatment due
to aspects of who they were) Jews were the focus however the other aspects mentioned were also
subject to a harsh life at the hands of the Nazi regime. The Nazi regime made regular life hard for these
groups and excluded them from the population in many ways.
I will read out the people to be excluded at the hands of the Nazi regime.

Exclusion 1: Jews and Jehovah Witnesses

Exclusion 2: Those physically deficient & disabled
Exclusion 3: Those of non-Aryan physical appearance those
without blue eyes and blond hair are excluded are to be excluded.
Those with darker skin are excluded.
Exclusion 4: Those who are homosexual
Exclusion 5: Those who go against the Nazi regime
*Open your eyes*
We will now look at everyones ID card and I want you to decide if you would be
excluded or not. If you are- stand on this side, if you arent stand on this side.

Those out- sit on the floor take all their stuff, make a point of getting them to hand it over. Get
given one Melways and none of teachers help.
Those who are in- get a table and chair and are allowed to keep their stuff including an ipad each
and get all of teachers help.
As I said the Nazi regime made regular life hard for those who were excluded. SO now we will
do a task to imagine this.
Both sets of students must all record a copy of the answers themselves, to present as evidence
to teacher. Winners get a chocolate each. Quickest to finish wins.
Explain to students they will now complete a task, which is to:

Write down directions from Thomas Carr to Point Cook Town

Find out how many kilometers it is from Thomas Carr to
Flinders street.
Find out how many kilometers it is from Thomas Carr to each
of their individual houses.

Get students to then fill out a sheet about how they felt (reflective).
Then discuss this as a whole class. Link the task directly back to the Nazi regime
and their treatment of those outside of their superior, ideal race of people.

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