Chapter 3 Wall Designer Tool Bar PDF

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Waalll D
Deessiiggnneerr TTooooll B
The wall designer section creates a 2 dimensional floor plan of the structure. The plan is
dimensioned and openings inserted.
The walls are then selected, and Set files allocated, that contain the layout information that the
program will use to construct the walls when it is brought into Project mode
Correctly completing the Wall Designer section BEFORE moving to project mode will lessen the
chance of errors.

Starting a Job.
Before starting to draw a project, check the Wall designer and Project settings.
Special attention should be given to.
Units. Check the correct units are selected.
Auto recover. Check the settings
Enter the project information
Wall heights.
Wall thickness.
Cladding thickness if this function is to be used
Floor Levels, if the structure is multi-level. If single, check level 1 is 0
Roof pitch and overhangs, and the type of roof to be constructed.
Ceiling thickness. Important. If the project does not have a ceiling, check that the selected
ceiling set file has a thickness of 0. This affects the height of the roof planes.

Wall Designer tool bar.

Clicking File will display a menu.
If the program has just been opened the menu below will appear.

If a job is already open the menu below will appear.

Print Wall Plan.

Clicking Print wall plan will print the wall plan to the scale selected in Project settings.

Green orientation dots will show the wall start positions.

Print Screen wall plan.

This will print the wall plan view currently displayed on the screen.

Multi Page Print.

Clicking Multi Page Print will display a text box.

Where the scale of the print will be selected.

This is linked to the Project Settings Print settings, and any alteration here will alter the
The wall plan will be printed to the scale selected on the required number of pages, depending on
the paper size chosen in Printer Setup

Printer Setup.

This will access your normal printer settings.

Save as Graphic.

This enables files (.gif) to be saved as a graphic. It enables users to view the file that do not have
the ScotSteel program installed.

This will export the file in PNG, JPEG, GIF, or Bitmap (bmp) format, to the file location where the
project was previously saved.
This location can be changed if necessary.
Name the file (in the example Graphic Demo) and click Save

Save Screen View Graphic

This enables graphic files to be viewed by persons that do not have ScotSteel installed on their
This will export the file in PNG, JPEG, GIF, or Bitmap (bmp) format, to the file location where the
project was previously saved. This location can be changed if necessary.

Name the file (in the example Graphic Demo) and click Save

Clicking on the Save Screen View Graphic will only save visable parts of the graphic displayed on
the screen.

Export Wall Plan DXF.

This creates a DXF export file of the wall layout, which can be imported into other packages.
This will be saved to the file location where the project was previously saved.
This location can be changed if necessary.
Name the file (in the example Demo) and click Save

Export wall plan DXF with trusses.

This creates a DXF export file of the wall, and Truss layout, which can be imported into other
This will be saved to the file location where the project was previously saved.
This location can be changed if necessary.
Name the file (in the example Demo) and click Save

Export Screen view to ScotLayout

Under development

Export walls and trusses to ScotLayout.

This will prompt a save of the DXF file, and then automatically opens it in ScotLayout for
dimensioning, callouts, notations etc.
The location of ScotLayout must be, C:\Program Files\SCS\ScotLayout.

Note. The operation of the ScotLayout sub program is covered in the ScotLayout chapter later
in the manual.

Wall designer settings

Project settings.
Engineering Environment.

This accesses these settings, which are covered in Chapter 2.


This tab accesses the Default display, which will control the display for all future views of the
Including Project, and a new Plan.
Select the required items to view, and click Apply
The groups being viewed can be changed at any time.

Draw Walls.

This tool is used to draw the walls in plan view.

To draw a wall, click and release the left mouse button, to start the wall.

Drag the wall in the desired direction, and click and release the left mouse button to finish.

Walls can be drawn in any direction, with the angle being controlled by the settings in Wall
Designer Settings, Snap Settings

Select Wall.

This tool selects a wall, or a selection of walls.

To select a wall, click on the Select wall tool and then click on the wall to be selected.
When selected, walls display 3 handles. The red handle is at the start end of the wall.

Selecting the middle handle will enable the wall to be moved along an axis 90 deg to the angle of
the wall.

Selecting an end handle, will enable that end to be lengthened, or shortened, or the wall angle
If the wall angle is adjusted, the wall will pivot around the opposite end, and snap to the angles
set in Wall designer settings.

Double clicking on a wall with the left mouse button, will display the properties of that wall.

These properties may be changed to suit. If the length of a wall is to be altered, then the
alteration will take place at the end the wall was selected.
Multiple walls can be selected by holding down the Shift key, and drawing a box around the
desired walls. Any wall that has any of its handles inside the box will be selected.
Ctrl + A will select all walls at that level.

Dimension lines.

The Dimension line tool is used to add dimensions.

Dimension lines can be drawn from the outside, inside or centre of a wall.
To dimension from the outside of a wall, click on the Dimension line tool, and then click outside
the wall. (Within the snap range. See Settings)

Click curser here

The dimension line will automatically snap to the outside of the wall.
Clicking the cursor inside the wall will snap the dimension to the inside.

Click Curser here

Clicking the cursor on the wall will snap the dimension to the centre of the wall.

Click curser here

Move the cursor to the other dimension position and click again and the dimension will be

Dimensioning angled walls.

Dimension lines will snap to 90 degrees to the wall where the dimension line is ended.
If a dimension line is to be drawn from a corner to a wall, the line must start from the corner.

Start here

Dimension will snap to

90 deg of finish wall

Finish here

Selecting corner points.

Note. Whichever wall is to be used to have its corner selected, as the start point of the
measurement, should be oriented to that end.
If the start end of the wall is at the other end, then the wall can be re oriented, by selecting the
wall, and using the, Reverse orientation of selected walls tool.

measurement to be

Use this

to be used

Use this wall

Corner points must be selected with the cursor placed within the snap distance of the corner so
that the measurement will select near the end of the desired wall.

select here

select here

The dimension line will snap to the inside of the corner at the closest point to where the curser
was clicked.

Draw the dimension line to the angled wall, and click again.
The dimension line will snap to the angled wall at 90 deg to the wall.

The exact location of the dimension line can now be adjusted by right clicking on the dimension
A dialog box will appear showing the location of the dimension line.

The example shows that the start of the dimension line. (the end in the corner) is 49mm from the
intersection of the walls.
This can be altered to 0 if the dimension is to be to the inside of the corner.

Click Apply and the dimension will move to the new location.

The dimension line start position can be moved to other locations on the corner by using the
Toggle Edge button. The position will rotate through 3 positions (inside, outside, middle) with
each additional click.

Clicked once


3 times

Similarly, the other end of the dimension line can be moved, by clicking the other, Toggle Edge


The start end of the dimension line can be placed at any distance from the start end of the wall,
by entering the appropriate distance, and clicking Apply.


Outside corner dimensions are selected in a similar fashion.

Set the distance from the Start Wall origin to 0.

Dimensioning outside wall positions.

To create a dimension line to a wall, that does not extend to the dimension snap position,

Dimension to
be created

Begin the dimension from the position it is to be snapped from.

Start Here

Draw the dimension line to the wall that is to be dimensioned to.

Drag to here

Click again, and the dimension will be created.

The dimension position is controlled by the start position.



Deleting dimension lines.

All dimension lines can be deleted, by selecting the Dimension line tool, and pressing the,
Delete button on the keyboard.
Individual dimension lines are deleted, by selecting the Dimension line tool, and selecting the
dimension line to be deleted. (Select the dimension line at the length value).
A text box will appear.

Click the Delete button.

A confirmation box will appear to confirm the dimension lines deletion.

Click OK and the dimension line will be deleted.

The Dimension Line tool must be released by selecting another tool.

Cut a wall.

The Cut a Wall tool enables long walls to be cut at appropriate places for transport and
It is suggested that walls be cut in 2 stages.
1st in Wall Designer, where the cuts are made at wall intersections, when the vertical layout is set
at Even spread, or Fixed Spread without the full frame option selected.
This will not alter the stud layout.
(Cutting frames that have Fixed Spread Full frame settings in Wall designer will cause the
layout to begin again after the cut).
To cut a wall at an intersection, click on the Cut a Wall tool and then click within the snap range
on the wall to be cut, next to the intersection.

Click here

The cut will snap to the intersecting wall edge.

The Cut a Wall tool must be released, by selecting another tool.

Window / Door

The Window and Door tools allow openings to be inserted into walls.
Note. All openings that extend to the base of the walls should be inserted as doors.

Inserting an Opening
To insert a window or door opening, click on the Window or Door tool. (In the example the
window tool).
A dialog box will appear displaying the default settings for the opening.

If the default is correct, click OK. If not, a change can be made to the setting by clicking
The Wall designer settings will appear. Select Openings and select the required opening to
become the new default.

Click OK.
The new default opening will display.

Click OK.
When the cursor is drawn onto the work screen the opening symbol will display.


Place the symbol onto the wall in the approximate position, and click the left mouse button.

The opening will be placed in the wall.

Successive openings can be inserted by repeating the placement process.

A new default can be selected by re clicking the opening tool.

The opening tool is released, by selecting another tool, or clicking in a clear space on the screen.
If clicking in a clear space is used, the Select Opening tool is automatically selected.

Select Opening.

Once inserted, openings must be selected before their properties can be changed, or their
positions moved.
To select an opening, click on the Select opening tool, and then click on the opening.
When selected, the opening will display its measurements to the outside corners, and to the
nearest interior walls, according to the settings in Dimensioning

Moving an opening.
When selected, an opening displays 3 red handles.

Clicking, and holding the left mouse button down on any of the handles, will enable the opening to
be sized or moved. The end handles will drag that end in or out. The centre handle will drag the
opening along the wall.
Openings can also be moved, by selecting any of the measurements displayed. A text box will
appear displaying the measurement. This can be altered, and when OK is clicked, the opening
will move to its new position.

Altering a dimension that displays the width of the opening, will alter the opening width.

Resizing an opening.
Double clicking on an opening with the left mouse button, will display the opening properties.
Only 1 opening can be selected at 1 time.

Altering the values in the properties window will change the opening.
The opening type, (window / door), can be changed by altering the Type selection in the left
hand bottom corner.
The new opening can be selected from the openings data base by clicking the data base menu
arrow, and selecting a new opening code.

L Headers and Bucks can be added or removed.

Any alteration made to the opening properties will affect the selected opening only.


Clicking the text tool, and then clicking on the project, will display the Add text box

Type the desired text here.
Text is limited to 180 characters and spaces per insertion.

Check the display groups where the text will display.
None, or All, can be selected, by clicking the buttons.

Position, displays the X, Y, and Z, coordinates that the text will be inserted. The current
coordinates are the position the cursor was clicked. These can be altered to position the text in
any desired location.
The display coordinate is the left hand top corner of the text.

This displays the level the text will be viewed. This can be set using the up/down arrows.

Inserting text.
To insert text, type in the desired message, set the group display and level, and click OK

The message will display on the screen, in the font and size set in Project Settings

Moving Text.
Text can be moved by selecting it, by clicking on the first character. The text will revert to blue
when selected.

The text can now be dragged to a new position.

Double clicking with the left mouse button when the text is selected will re-open the Add Text
box, where the coordinates can be changed if required.

Altering text.
Text can be altered, by selecting it, double clicking to display the, Add Text text box, and
altering the text in the Text window.
Click OK and the text will be altered.

Deleting Text.
Text is deleted by RIGHT clicking on the text to select it. The Edit Text box will appear.

Click the Clear button to delete the text from the Edit Text window, and click OK.
The selected text will be deleted.
To delete all text, in Text mode use the Delete key on the keyboard.
A confirmation box will appear confirming that the text is to be deleted.

Click Yes and all text will be deleted.


The Cladding tool is used to adjust the drawn wall thickness to include the thickness of brick
type claddings. This enables opening positions to be adjusted easily to accommodate full bricks
The additional thickness for the cladding is set in Wall Designer Settings Walls Cladding

Adjusting openings to suit cladding should be done before any manual splitting of walls.
The exterior walls can then be adjusted to include the cladding thickness, and final adjustments
made to the opening positions.
To adjust a wall thickness to include the cladding, click on the Cladding tool, and then click just
inside the inside face of the wall to be adjusted. (Clicking on the inside face may cause the wall
to expand to the inside.)

Click here

The outside face of the wall will automatically expand to include the cladding thickness.

Selecting an opening with the Select opening tool will now display its measurements overall the

After the position of the openings have been adjusted, the walls are returned to their correct
frame size, by clicking the curser just inside the inside face of the wall again. (Clicking on the
inside face may cause the wall to shrink to the outside.)

Wall returned to frame



When a wall or walls are selected, the Reflect tool becomes active.
To reflect a project, Select the walls to be reflected.

Click on the Reflect tool, and then click beside the project hold the left mouse button down and
draw a hinge line around which the project will reflect.

Release the left mouse button to complete the hinge line.

Click the left mouse button again to reflect the project.

The walls in the reflected job will adopt the next numbers in the naming sequence, and in the
order they were drawn in the original.
Hinge lines can be drawn across any of the vertical or horizontal faces of the project and also at
45 degrees across any corner, giving 8 reflect options.

Orient walls towards a point.

Each wall has a Start end, which will be the first end of the frame produced by the Roll Former.
The Start end of a wall is the beginning of the wall as it was drawn and is identified by a black


When a wall is selected, black dots represent the wall handles. The start end of a wall is
represented by a red square.
Note. If a number of walls are selected, only the active wall will display the 3 handles.
Start end

To identify the start end on the assembled frame, the Roll former will punch a service hole in the
bottom plate, 100mm in from the end.
The Start end of the walls can be oriented to a selected corner after the walls have been drawn,
by clicking on the Orient walls towards a point tool, and then clicking on the corner where the
orientations will face.


Reverse Orientation of Selected Walls.

The Reverse Orientation of Selected walls. Tool will only become active when a wall is selected.
To reverse the orientation of selected walls, select the wall or walls to have their orientation
reversed, and click on the Reverse Orientation of Selected Walls tool.

Select Walls

Click, Reverse Orientation of Selected Walls Tool.


Walls will be numbered in the sequence they were drawn, and with the prefix set in the default.
New prefixes and a new numbering sequence can be implemented using the Renumber tool.
To create a new prefix and numbering sequence, click on the Renumber tool. A text box will
appear where a new prefix can be entered.

The prefix and numbering is limited to 10 characters, and with the no of walls limited to 3000, no
more than 6 letters, (including spaces), should be entered as a prefix.
Enter the new prefix, and click OK
Select the first wall in the sequence, and a text box will appear where the first number in the
sequence is entered.

The default is 1 but any appropriate number can be entered.

Click OK.
The wall will adopt the select colour, and the new wall name will replace the old one.

Continue selecting the walls in the desired order.

Re click the Re number tool to finish the sequence.

A new sequence can be started by clicking the re number tool again.


The Relap tool is used to automatically reverse the lap at corners.

To reverse the lap, select one of the walls near the corner to be relapped.

Select Here

And click on the Relap tool.

The corner will automatically relap.

Note Position locked walls may be relapped.

Find a wall by its name.

To find an individual wall within the project, click on the Find a Wall by its name Tool.
A text box will appear where the wall name is entered. (Enter the complete prefix and number,
including spaces and stops. The prefix is not case sensitive.)
Note. Just the wall number can be entered if all walls have the same prefix. If several walls with
the same number, but different prefixes, the wall with the highest alphabetical prefix will be

Click OK and the wall will be automatically selected.


The Properties tool will not become active until a wall or walls are selected.
Double clicking on a wall, or right clicking a selected wall, will also display the wall properties.
If an individual wall is selected, and the Properties tool is selected, a text box will appear
displaying the properties of that wall.

Most of these properties can be altered as required.

This section displays the general wall properties.
If multiple walls are selected, the name of the last wall selected will be displayed, greyed out, and
is not selectable
If a single wall is selected, the name box is live and the wall name can be altered if required.
If the new name entered corresponds with a name already in use, a warning will appear.

If No is selected, the wall name must be changed to one available.

If Yes is selected, the next available number available with the current default prefix will be
This displays the wall length. To change the length of a wall, type in a new value. The alteration
will take place at the end the wall was selected.
If multiple walls have been selected, the length of the active wall will display greyed out and the
value cannot be changed.

New value

Select here

Click "Rebuild"

Any wall that has its length altered will no longer be snapped to another wall. Any joint involving
the altered wall will need to be manually snapped to create the joint.
This is the height of the wall. This will display the default wall height as set in Wall designer
settings Levels. The value can be altered if required, and this will alter the setting in the Set
file attached to that wall. Any wall that is to be shot to a plane, will automatically adopt the correct
height, but the height setting will display the setting in the set file.

Selected wall

If multiple walls have been selected, there will be no value in the height text box.

A value can be entered, and all the selected walls will adopt the new height as part of their Set
This will be overridden if the Shoot box is checked.

This is the thickness of the wall.
If multiple walls have been selected, there will be no value in the Width box.
A value can be entered, and all of the selected walls will adopt the new width.
Altering the width of a wall will affect any joint involving that wall. Any joint involving any altered
wall will need to be manually snapped to create the joint.

Floor Level.
This is the level of the bottom of the wall.
The walls are created with their bottom heights set as per the defaults in Wall Designer Settings,
All heights are measured from the 0 Z coordinates.
1st floor wall,

2nd floor wall.

The Z coordinate of single or multiple walls can be raised or lowered by altering the Floor
Level value.
Negative values can be entered.

The Z value of the wall or walls selected will rebuild to the new height, and any wall that is set to
Shoot will still shoot to the plane.
Walls that are built to the value in the Set file will still be built at that height.

If the top of the wall is to be level with the adjacent walls, the wall height must be increased

Now 3400

Label Position,
This is the position along a wall that the wall label will display.
The default is Middle This position can be altered by clicking on the Menu arrow.




Changing the label position, will only affect the selected walls.
Offset (0 for default)
Entering a value in the offset box will move the wall label outwards by the scaled value entered.
Note. The wall labels can also be manually moved in Select Wall mode. Click on the wall
label, and the wall will turn red. Drag the wall label closer or further from the wall as required.
The label will only move at right angles to the wall.


The level setting is the level that the selected wall or walls will be viewed and active on.
Walls that are set to level 2 will only shoot to planes that are also set at level 2. Once a wall has
been shot to a plane on level 2 it can be locked and have its level changed to another level for
When the Levels tool (Covered further on in this chapter) is set to a level, only the walls set to
that level will be visible.
When Gable is selected, Shoot is automatically selected by default.

Shoot may be unchecked if required.

Checking Gable will instruct the roof to create a gable across this area.

If Shoot is unchecked, the roof will still form the gable, but the wall will remain at the default

Gable walls may be cut, but all walls forming the gable must be set to Gable

After the roof plane is formed, Shoot may be unchecked for any section of the gable.
The roof has been removed for clarity in the example.

When hidden is checked as the property of the selected walls they will adopt the colour selected
for Hidden in Wall Designer Settings Walls
Note. Hidden walls that are position locked, will adopt the position locked colour.

Hidden walls will display in Wall designer, but are not turned into steel in Project view.

Hidden walls will still cause any joining wall to have partition studs.

Note. It is often handy to use hidden walls to position special studs in walls. Back to Back studs
can be inserted by using a hidden wall with a width of the back to back setting.
Position Locked.
Position Locking is designed to assist in the placement of walls. It prevents unwanted snapping,
and unintentional moving of walls after they have been positioned.
When a wall or walls are selected, and Position locked is checked, the selected walls will adopt
the Position Locked colour in Wall Designer settings Walls

Note. Walls that are hidden, and also position locked, will adopt the position locked colour.

Position locked walls can be selected, but cannot be dragged using any of the handles.
Any dimension affecting the position of the wall cannot be selected.

If any wall, joining a locked wall is moved, the locked wall will not move with it.

The Height and Floor level of a position locked wall may be altered.
Position Locked walls may be cut. Both sides of the cut will adopt locked status.

Openings may be placed into Position Locked walls.

Note. When walls are Items locked in Project mode, they will automatically be position locked
as well.

Returning to Wall Designer and un checking Position Locked will cause the Items Lock to be
released, and any automatic re building done because the wall is moved or snapped etc. will
cause any special modification or additions to the walls components that are not done by way of
the Set file, to be lost.

Items Locked.
If a wall is selected, and Items locked is checked, Position locked will automatically check, and
Gable, Hidden, Position Locked, and Shoot, will grey out.

Clicking OK, and re selecting the wall properties will liven Position locked again.

Checking Shoot will instruct any selected wall to shoot to any plane that is directly above it.
Walls will shoot to Ceiling and Roof planes, but not to floor planes.
If it is necessary to shoot walls to the underside of lattice floor joists, a ceiling or roof plane must
be created at the underside of the joists, and the resulting ceiling or roof panel deleted before the
frames are sent to the roll former.

Where gable walls etc. are required to shoot past a ceiling panel to the underside of a roof plane,
the ceiling panel must be kept back a minimum of 2mm to allow the wall to shoot. If this clearance
is not required, the wall can be shot and Items Locked and then the ceiling plane brought
against the wall.
Without clearance.

2mm clearance allowed.

Load Bearing.
Giving a wall Load Bearing properties, passes load bearing positions to Trusses when a truss
roof is created.
The load bearing positions on the trusses will be marked by a red square. (See Truss Roofs
later in the manual.)



Non Load


Any alteration to the Set file properties of a wall require the wall to be rebuilt.
If any alteration has been made Click Rebuild

Frame Items.

This displays the Set file properties that will be allocated to the selected walls.
See chapter 2 Project Settings Frames Walls


This displays the default Gauge-Weight file that will be allocated to the selected walls.
See chapter 2 Project Settings Engineering Walls

Translate selected from corner to corner.

This enables a wall, or group of walls, to be moved to a specific point on another group of walls.
To move a group of walls, select the group to be moved.

Click on the Translate selected from corner to corner tool, and then select the desired corner on
the walls to be moved.
A red square will appear on the selected corner.

Select here

Drag the curser to the corner the selected walls will be moved to.
As the curser approaches a corner on the target walls, a red line will extend from the 1st selected
corner to the target corner.

When the correct target corner has been selected, click the left mouse button, and the selected
walls will move to join the selected corner to the target corner.

Where necessary, create temporary walls to provide a selected or target corner.

Temp wall

Note. Walls only can be moved using the Translate selected from corner to corner tool.

Align Selected Walls from the previous level

The, Align selected walls with walls from the previous level, tool, will only become active when a
wall is selected.
The selected wall will align with the corresponding wall in the shadow level. (See Wall designer
Settings Levels) The shadow wall can be at any other level either above, or below, the
selected wall.
Only one wall can be selected and aligned at one time.
To align a wall with the wall on the shadow level, select the wall,

Shadow wall


and click on the Align selected walls with walls from the Previous Level tool.

The selected wall will automatically align.

When the aligned walls are of differing widths, the walls will align at the centre.

If a group of walls are selected, and the active wall is to align with a shadow wall, then all the
walls in the selection will move.

Delete Selected Walls.

The Delete Selected Walls tool will only become active when a wall is selected.
Clicking on the Delete Selected Walls tool when a wall or walls are selected, will delete those
Hitting the Delete key on the keyboard when a wall or walls are selected will also delete those

Copy Selected Walls.

The Copy Selected Walls tool will only become active when a wall or walls are selected.
Note Copied walls will be constructed according to the Set file attached to them, and will not
contain any modifications that were made to the originals. They will not be Position or Items
locked, and if copied from another level, will have the height of that level.
Walls may be copied to the same level or to any of the other 4 levels available.
Walls may also be copied to a new project.
To copy walls, select the ones to be copied by holding down the Shift or Ctrl keys, or by area
selection, (See select wall tool) and then click on the Copy Walls tool.
Selected walls can also be copied by using CTRL + C.

Paste Copied Walls.

The Paste Copied Walls tool will only become active when walls have been copied to the clip

Pasting to the same level.

Once the desired walls have been copied. (See Copy walls).

Click on the Paste Copied walls tool.

Copied walls can also be pasted by using (CTRL + V).
A copy of the selected walls will appear, offset from the original.
The pasted walls will be selected, with the same active wall selected as per the original.

The copied walls will be sequentially numbered from the previous highest number, and in the
same sequence as the original.
Successive clicks will produce multiple copies, with the last one as the selected copy.
The copy can now be moved to it desired position by grabbing the centre handle of the active
The Active wall is the one with the RED orientation dot. (See Select wall tool.)

The copy can now be finally positioned by activating the Settings, Dimensioning Show
parallel wall distances, which will display the measurement between the 2 structures, or by
drawing a manual dimension line.

Select the appropriate measurement by clicking on it, and a text box will appear where the
measurement can be amended to bring the copied section into its correct position.

In the example the 2 sections will share a common wall, therefore minus 90 will be entered.

Final vertical adjustment is made by re selecting the copied walls, with wall 8 as the active wall,
and adjusting the appropriate measurement.

To remove the wall duplication at the joint, select one of the duplicated walls and using its handle,
draw it back from over the other wall. Check that wall joints have not overlapped.

Pasting to a different level

To paste to a different level, copy as before, and then change the level, to level of the paste copy,
using the Level up / down tool and click on the Paste walls tool.
Copied walls can also be pasted by using, (CTRL + V).
External walls copied at level 1.

Pasted to level 2.

The pasted copy will position directly above the original.

Walls can be copied, and pasted to any other level, above or below the original.
Copied walls can be pasted to more than 1 level.

Pasting to a new Project.

Note. The original project must remain open
Copy the desired walls as before.
Minimise the existing project, and open a second ScotSteel.
In Wall Designer click on the Select Wall tool.

This will activate the Paste Copied Walls tool.

Click on the Paste Copied Walls tool, and the copy will be made.
The copied walls will have the same Set files attached as the originals.


This will display the current level, and when the job is first opened, will show Level (Right-Click =
UP, Left-Click = Down) when the cursor is paused over it.
After being activated once, the title will alter, to display the current level, and the shadow level
(See Wall Designer Settings Levels)

Hide Planes.

The outline of the Ceiling, Roof, and Floor planes will by default display in Wall designer mode
when all groups are selected.

Clicking on the Hide Planes tool will hide the planes outlines.

When the planes are hidden, the Hide Planes tool will revert to displaying a single rectangle.


Clicking the Undo tool will successively undo the last functions performed. Not all operations are
able to be undone.

Placing the cursor on the Undo tool will display the function to be undone.

The Shortcut to undo is (Ctrl + Z)


The Redo tool will only become active after the Undo tool has been used.
Clicking the Redo tool will successively redo the last undo functions performed.
Placing the cursor on the Redo tool will display the function to be redone.


The DXF tool enables the importation of 2 dimensional DFX imports from other programs like
Chief Architect etc.
3 dimensional DFX imports can be made, and viewed in plan view, but usually they contain a
large number of extraneous DFX lines that must be cleaned out before the wall designer walls
can be drawn.

The DFX import is viewed in plan view, scaled to fit the wall designer scale, and then the wall
designer walls are drawn over the DXF where they will automatically snap to align to the DXF.
To import a DXF, start a new Job, and click on the DXF tool.
A window will appear where the location of the DXF file to be imported can be accessed.
This will default to the last location a DFX file was accessed from.
Only 1 DXF can be imported, therefore if there is already a DXF present, a Dialog box will appear
confirming the deletion of the current DXF.

Click OK, and the existing DXF will be deleted. Click the DXF tool again to import the new DXF

Select the DXF file and click Open

The DXF will appear.

Beside the DXF tool is a menu arrow. When clicked, a menu will appear where the necessary
functions to import a DXF can be performed.

Open DXF,
Selecting Open DXF will access the DXF file location, the same as clicking the DXF tool.

Delete all DXF lines.

Clicking Delete All DXF lines will delete all the DXF lines imported. This can be done after the
Wall Designer walls have been created.

Centre DXF lines.

Clicking Centre DXF Lines will centre the DXF lines according to the X and Y axes on the
This allows the DXF to be re imported at a later stage, and be re centred on the job.

Translate DXF Lines.

This allows a DXF structure to be aligned with an already created Wall Designer structure.
Note. The DXF structure must be scaled before it is aligned with the wall designer structure.
Wall Designer structure.

Import DXF.

Scale DXF,

Click on Translate DXF lines, and then click on a corner of the DXF stricture.

Draw the cursor across to the point on the Wall designer structure where the DXF structure point
will translate to. A green line will trace the direction of the translation.

Click the left mouse button when the desired point is reached, and the DXF structure will snap
into place.

Add DXF line.

Placing the curser over Add DXF Line, will produce a menu.

Selecting Horizontal or Vertical will produce a trim line in the direction selected. (In the example

Trim line

Moving the curser up or down will move the trim line vertically.

The trim line can have its ends extended or retracted by moving the end handles. The trim line
will snap to other DXF lines.

Clicking the left mouse will convert the trim line to a DXF line.
Using the Add DXF Line tool will automatically activate Click selects DXF line for editing.
This allows the inserted DXF line, or any other DXF line, to be selected again for editing.

Clicks Select DXF Lines for Scaling.

This symbol

will be displayed when the tool is active.

To check the imported DXF is the correct scale, activate Clicks select lines for scaling and then
click on a DXF line of a known length.

The scaled length of the DXF line will display.

Select the measurement by clicking in it, and a text box will appear where the correct
measurement is entered.

Click OK and the DXF will be correctly scaled.

Clicks delete DXF Lines.

This symbol

will be displayed when the tool is active.

To clean unnecessary DXF lines from the DXF structure, activate Clicks delete DXF lines.

Clicking on a DXF line will delete it.

Note. De activate the tool when all unnecessary lines have been deleted.

Clicks add opening.

This symbol

will be displayed when the tool is active.

Note. For the DXF designers to have openings recognised in a DXF, 3 lines are required. The 2
at the ends are at different Zs, the 3rd line joins them (either at the centre for a window or at the
ends for a door).

To create walls from a DXF with openings the sequence is:1) Open the DXF in Wall Designer
2) Scale the DXF
3) Draw in the walls
4) Click the DXF drop-down menu and select "Clicks Add Opening"
5) Click one of the DXF openings

Click selects DXF line for editing.

When Click selects DXF line for editing is selected, clicking on a DXF line will turn the line green
and produce 3 handles. The line can then be moved and have its ends extended or retracted.
Clicking again will return the line to a blue DXF line.

Selection Rectangle deletes DXF lines.

This symbol

will displayed when the tool is active.

Multiple DXF lines can be selected for deletion by activating Selection rectangle deletes DXF
Hold down the Shift Key, click the left mouse button, and draw a box around the lines to be
Any line that has any part within the box will be deleted.

Click the left mouse button again and the DXF lines will be deleted.

Creating a Wall designer structure from a DXF import.

1. Import the DXF.
2. Delete any unnecessary DXF lines, using Selection Rectangle deletes DXF lines, or Clicks
delete DXF Lines.
3. Scale the DXF structure. By activating the Clicks Select DXF Lines for Scaling, tool. Selecting
the Select Walls tool, and selecting a DXF line of a known length.
4. Click on the Wall Designer Draw Walls tool
5. Draw over the DXF structure keeping the arrow within the DXF wall.

The Wall Designer walls will snap to align with the DXF.
Note. If all the options in the second section of the menu are unchecked,

the walls that are drawn can be selected and edited, using the Select Wall tool.
6. Select the Select walls tool, and activate, Clicks add opening, and insert openings by clicking
on the DXF opening. A text box showing the opening size, will display as the opening is inserted.

7. Delete the original DXF.

8. Select the walls, and apply the appropriate set files.
9. Convert to Project view.

Polygon of Walls.

The Polygon of Walls tool enables symmetrical polygons with other than 4 sides to be drawn.
(Selecting 4 sides will have the corners incorrectly joined because they are 90deg.)
To draw a Polygon, click on the Polygon of Walls tool.
A text box will appear where the number of sides of the Polygon is entered. (In the example 8)

Click OK, and a text box will appear. If the polygon has an equal No of sides the distance across
the flats will be asked for. (Example 2000)

Click OK and a text box will appear where the angle of the first wall is entered. (In the example

Click OK, and the Polygon will be created.

1st Wall at 0 deg

If the polygon has an uneven No of sides, the length of each side is asked for. (Example 1500)

Snap Distance.

The snap distance slide provides a quick method to adjust the snap range. It works in tandem
with the Snap to Wall setting in Wall designer Settings Snap settings. Any adjustment to one
is reflected in the other.

Placing the cursor on the adjustment bar will display the setting.

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