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Ovarium Kistik
Kelompok 6
Aprilia | David | Inayah | Kenny | Hafiz | Rishka | Markus |

Modul Praktik Klinik Ilmu Kesehatan


Tanda dan Gejala NOK

Nyeri pelvis (dapat disebabkan oleh kista

yang ruptur)
Nyeri saat senggama (senggama dapat
memicu kista folikular rupture
Irregularitas menstruasi
Dapat bersifat asimptomatik

Pemeriksaan Radiologi
Dapat membedakan jenis massa pada ovarium antara

massa kistik dan solid

CT Scan
Menentukan staging N dan M pada keganasan
Baik dalam menilai adanya hemorrhagic ovarian cyst dan
hemoperitoneum pada ruptur kista
Dapat dilakukan untuk menunjang hasil USG
Membedakan komponen lemak dan darah dari massa

USG (1)
Simple cyst
Anechoic lesion with posterior acoustic enhancement
Thin, smooth walls
No solid or well-vascularized components
Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst
May contain a solid-appearing area with good through-

transmission, without internal flow at color Doppler,

and typically with concave margins, consistent with a
blood clot

USG (2)
Homogeneous and hypoechoic mass
Diffuse low-level echoes (ground-glass)
No internal flow at color Doppler
No enhancing nodules or solid masses
In 30% echogenic foci are seen within cyst wall

Mature cystic terratoma

Hypoechoic mass withhyperechoic nodule(Rokitansky nodule or
dermoid plug)
Usually unilocular (90%)
May contain calcifications (30%)
May contain hyperechoic lines caused by floating hair
May contain a fat-fluid level, i.e. fat floating on aqueous fluid

Simple ovarian cysts
low signal intensity with T1-weighted
images and high signal intensity with T2weighted images owing to the intracystic
Hemorrhagic cysts
high signal on T1-weighted images and

an intermediate to high signal on T2weighted images.

Hemoperitoneum after cyst rupture
appears bright on T2-weighted images
and slightly hyperintense on T1weighted images.

Ada massa di pelvis Tentukan lokasi

massa (ovarian atau non-ovarian) CT

Konfirmasi massa di ovarium

Tentukan karakteristik massa USG

Tentukan penanganan lebih lanjut yang

dibutuhkan pasien

Alur Diagnostik

Miller JC, Lee SI. Incidentally detected adnexal

masses. Radiology Rounds. 2007;5(3):1

Terima Kasih

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