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Fawzan Alfawzan
Professor Mary Griffith
English 113B
17 May 2016
Government Involvement Leads to Injustice
It is a common thing to be observed that the people fear the government because of the
force that they have and the power that they possess in a country. It is something that leads to the
creation of differences among people and at the same time leads to the people to become less
intellectual. The novel Fahrenheit 451, is about the American society where paperwork is illegal,
it is written by of Ray Bradbury. The novel talks about a fireman who is called Montag and
he burns any book he finds that has instigating things and at the same time relating things to the
past. The title Fahrenheit 451 is a word that Bradbury assumed to be the best theme of the paper.
Fahrenheit is a temperature scale and 451 degrees is the temperature at which books burn.
Therefore, the title represents the rate at which the paper burns. The science work in the novel
shows how Bradbury connected the title with burning books. Another novel, Oryx and Crake by
Margaret Atwood, is concerned with a person named Snowman, who perhaps is the only known
human survivor. He constantly keeps getting the flashbacks that showed how the world was
filled with the power of technology and the world was biased towards the people who had
knowledge of technology in relation with who did not. The themes in these novels narrow down
towards government control and constant interference from the government and over power,
which causes them to be unjust towards common people because when a government gets too
much control they become unjust.

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For most the novel is about the social criticism warning of censorship.
Censorship is the practice of officially examining books, movies, etc., and
suppressing unacceptable parts. Fahrenheit 451 is, therefore, a vehicle for
Bradbury messages about tyrannical government and how it returns the
society by restraining freedom and thoughts of its citizens. Bradbury says,
we know all the damn silly things we have done for thousand
years(Fahrenheit 451 page 156). Therefore, the community needs to read
books to understand what kind of silly things he is talking about. He is talking
about the reason why the community fails. For instance, that it first made
a happiness machine which he believes that its the one responsible for
erasing people imagination about their future. The novel well serves a
dictatorial society that stresses for individual rights.
Analyzing Bradbury style work, the novel has been set to be romantic style
of art, music, literature and fictional objectives. He justifies intellectual
searches as a humane and it is a good idea. He portrays reading as a brave
act which he wants to be romantic. Bradbury did not disprove captain Beatty
version of the firemen history for censorship. Potter Stewart stated that
Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself. Therefore a
study of his work reflects on his power to position intellectuals against the
crowds rather than personal against the country. The dictatorial country is
justified by criticizing the public for the decline of the book. Intellectuals on
the other side are known to reposition the common people. Bradbury doesnt
explain why censorship emerged to be great within the future society. But he

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refereed it would to be loud music, massive advertisements and fast cars
which created over the nation without interest for literature.
In the creative world of Fahrenheit 451, firemen are the ones who start
the fire than extinguishing them. People in the society are not interested in
reading books therefore they cannot think independently. They rather spend
their entire time watching television sets on the wall and listening to seashell radio than reading books. Therefore, these people never take the time
to look around and appreciate the nature wonders because they take
everything for granted. Bradbury says It was a pleasure to burn (Fahrenheit
451 page 1). It indicates that the opening of any book was a bad idea as
people never understood the importance of reading. The books were banned
for various reasons. First off some of them were banned because they were
not politically correct. Bradbury says Colored persons do not like little black
Sambo, burn It, (Fahrenheit 451 page 57). If one group did not like a book, it
would set on fire. Second factor that made people hostile to the books was
envy. People do not like intellectuals, those people who reads way more than
doing anything else. The novel implies that one of the best factors that led to
censorship was the objections of special interest groups and the minority
group who were attacked or offended by books. For example, Bradbury is
careful when discussing racial minorities. Beatty, a character in the book
mentions cat and dog lovers. She used this to refer to a certain minority
group of special interests.

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Society discussed in the novel is afraid of itself. People feared the thought
of knowing. Therefore, they depended on others like the government to think
for them. The government used their power against the people in order for
them to stop thinking. Instead of thinking they needed something that would
occupy their time like the spending entire time on mass media Bradbury
wrote Speed up the film, Montag, quick... Uh! Bang! Smack! Wallop, Bing,
Bong, Boom! Digest-digests, digest-digest-digests. Politics? One column, two
sentences, a headline! (Fahrenheit 451 page 52). The problems people
faced, therefore, arose from television. Such problems included depression,
suicide and violence. People and books were therefore victims of censorship.
Bradbury uses mass media as a tool of censorship in the novel. Programs
broadcasted do not make the readers think, and they dont give food for
thoughts because all they provide is a mindless entertainment. The
government doesnt provide its citizens with a program to think as it could
only allow programs that would not give ideas to the ones broadcasted. The
society on the other side depended on the government opinions and that
why it followed blindly. When the hunt for Montag started, the government
murdered a man and appeared on national television that they killed Montag
when they let him escape. The government did that to show the community
that it never allowed people to get away and run from them.
Even in todays world they are forms of censorship in America. First
form of censorship is media. James Turange writes, I realized they were

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either misinforming the public, or telling us half-truths. (Turange). This urges
us that the media is not giving the full information about what they are
broadcasting. In addition the media have been censoring many things for
some reasons. They are trying to show some of the news to make people in
their side instead of showing all the news and make people thinks about
which side they are on. It can clearly be seen that omitting things from
appearance to the people would make them to be caught with ignorance
rather that actually understand the situation and learn from the past. It is
something that is needed to be considered, the over power of the
government is something that is evident in creating injustice to the people
and their mindset.
The government control is something that is a very serious issue. It can
be seen that in the novel where Oryx and Crake live, there is constant
monitoring of the security. It is because it might lead to outside invasion from
people and thus, eventually leads into protecting the people from inside as
well. It can be seen that Jimmy, who is a character that is also known as
snowman, in his world, it consists of dividing tow classes, here the two
classes are separated by the technology knowledge. It is the main reason of
dividing and creating differences, people who are capable for solving certain
kinds of problems and at the same time they are meaningful to the society
are meant to be in this category, which are constantly guarded by the
security. At the same time who are not arent allowed to do so, It was
because they were numbers people, not word people, said Jimmys father.
Jimmy already knew that he himself was not a numbers person (Atwood 25).

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This explains that it was clear to him that the outside world has much more
troubles and things that could be harmful to him. It was filled with disease
and poverty and nothing else. But still he feels that it is his duty that would
allow the Crakers into seeing and experiencing the things that happen
beyond the walls of the compound. They have no idea on how to react to the
normal things, like to obtain food and things like that. Theyve never seen
clothes. Clothes would confuse them (Atwood 309). This explains in a way
that the Crakers did not have knowledge about anything and they were
refrained from it.
The constant control and monitoring by the CorpSeCorps who are like
the government and the security of the nation make it unjust for the people
to live. Theyre roasting something-meat of some kind (Atwood 373). This
explains that they couldnt even guess the smell of the roasted meat as they
were kept in total isolation by the CorpSeCorps. As mentioned in the article
titled, Government Spying Out of Control it can be seen that, They are
violating the privacy of us all to find the communications of a few. Who will
keep us safe from them? Their behavior is committed to destroying the
Constitution (Andrew-Napolitano). This explains the way in which the
government is misusing their power in the name and sake of safety, whereas
it is something that is completely wrong as it makes the person to have left
with no privacy and there is complete intrusion of privacy which in the end
leads the person to become a victim of how the government wants the
people to live just like CorpSeCorps.

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In conclusion, it is evident that there are times where the government
itself makes efforts to make people have better understanding but they
themselves can manipulate this rule. The governments in Fahrenheit 451
made sure that the people have limited information and the CorpSeCorps
insured that the people who are elite should not go out of the compounds. It
is clear that these norms have selfish nature, and banning books doesnt
make a country good, instead the mistakes that have occurred in the past
can be avoided by reading books and exposing themselves to attaining

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Works Cited
Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967. Print.
Turange, James. "Censorship in the Major Media." Guardian Liberty Voice.
N.p., 18 Sept. 2013. Web. 17 May. 2016.
Atwood, Margaret. Oryx and Crake. New York: Anchor Books, 2003.
Andrew-Napolitano. "Government Spying Out of Control."
N.p., 13 Dec. 2012. Web. 17 May 2016.

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