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Module Reflection Responses

Question 1:
Are you satisfied with the decisions you made over the years? If so, why? If not, what would you
change? (Answer in approximately 100 words)
Target Word Count: 100 words

Actual Word Count: 114 words

Mostly I am satisfied, I can't remembre things I would change actually. In high school I was a good
and diligent student, often taking participation in competitions. I used to be afraid of public speaking
but I overcame this issue by accepting the challenges where I was given a chance to talk to
audience. It made me rather more confident and improved myself in future development. I am also
satisfied about what I study now, I have recently got a job in a good company in Bahrain as a
manager. I am highly satisfied with this course as well. It gave me a possibility to assess myself,
strong and week points for further improvement.
Question 2:
Think about an important decision in your life where a social barrier (family, friends, teachers, or
media) may have influenced your thinking. Describe what happened, and how you might have
changed your thinking process to change the outcome. (Answer in approximately 50 words)
Target Word Count: 50 words

Actual Word Count: 126 words

One instance happened to me after graduation of the high school after I wanted to enter the
university right after but my mother wanted me to take a year of break. I did not agree with it, having
an argument that I am not yet very experienced to find my way of life and I know apprximately what
I would like to study. Entering college a year after would me more difficult since I will forget a lot of
things after high school. Since I went to the university anyway, I argued with my mom a lot so she
was offended for a while on me. I do not agree that children have to follow parents' wishes and
they don't take into account childrens' goals sometimes.

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