Recurrence Relations

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Recurrence Relations Chapter 5

Example: 1000 is invested at an interest rate of 5% per annum. What is the investment
worth after 4 years? - pupils attempt in jotter, then discuss methods.
Discussion of percentages, e.g. 65% of 200 = 065 200, increase of 65% = 165 200,
reduction of 15% = 085 200
Give a further example for them to try using the decimal multiplier.
A recurrence relation is an equation that generates a sequence in which each term is a
function of previous terms.
Note: the nth term of a sequence is usually denoted by un.

Example: A type of bacteria grows at a rate of 12% per day. If its initial population is 250,
(a) what is the size of the population after 4 days?
(b) how long does it take for the population to double in size?

Calculator: Enter the initial value, i.e. 250

Enter recurrence relation, i.e. 1.12




once for u1, twice for u2, three times for u3, four times for u4.

(a) un+1 = 1.12 un, u0 = 250

u1 = 280
u2 = 3136
u3 = 3512
u4 = 3934

(b) u0 = 250, so doubled when it reaches 500

u5 = 440.59
u6 = 493.46
u7 = 552.67
i.e. it doubles after 7 days.

i.e. after 4 days the population is 393

Important: Always write down the recurrence relation (un+1 = .), the value of u0, then the
values for u1, u2, u3 etc.
Orally, go over recurrence relations for questions in p68 Ex 5A, and in p69 Ex 5B qu1.
p70 Exercise 5B qu.2-4

Put on IWB the following questions for non-calculator work:


un+1 = 3un 2, u0 = 4
un = 2un-1 + 1, u0 = 0
un+1 = 0.5un + 2, u6 = 14

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Find u1, u2, u3.

Find u1, u2, u3.
Find u7, u8, u5.

Example: Following a lottery win in January 2008, Andy invested 150 000 at an interest
rate of 7%. He decides to transfer 5000 to another account for spending at the
end of each year.
(a) Find a recurrence relation for the balance in his account.
(b) How much will Andy have in his account at the end of 2012?
(a) un+1 = 1.07 un 5000, u0 = 150 000
(b) u1


155 500
161 385
167 68195
174 41969
181 62906

(end of 2008)
( 2009)
( 2010)
( 2011)
( 2012)

i.e. he will have 181 62906

p72 Exercise 5C (minimum: odd numbered questions 111)

A linear recurrence relation of the form un+1 = aun + b, a 0 can generate an infinite
number of sequences, depending on its initial value.

un+1 = 2 un + 1
If u0 = 1:
If u0 = 2:
If u0 = 5:

3, 7, 15, 31,
5, 11, 23, 47,
9, 17, 33, 65,

p73 Exercise 5D qu.2, 3, 5 at least

If the nth term approaches a value as n, the value is known as the limit of the sequence.

Use calculators to look at p74 Ex5E, 5F together orally - discover convergence to a limit.
Allocate sections of Ex 5G qu 1 to groups of pupils.
Collect & discuss results. (1 < a < 1 for convergence)
Allocate sections of Ex 5G qu 2 to groups of pupils.
Collect & discuss results. (convergence/divergence not affected by b, but limit is
Allocate sections of Ex 5G qu 3 to groups of pupils.
Collect & discuss results. (has no effect on limit or convergence at all!)


Arrange class into groups of three. Issue with RR Cards. Pupils are to use their
calculators to work out what happens to each sequence in the long term, then arrange the
cards into piles according to their results. Questions to consider:

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How can we tell if the sequence converges on a limit?

If it converges, can we find a formula for its limit?
If a hint is needed, revert to algebra: L = aL + b, where L is the limit. Rearrange to get L.
For the linear recurrence relation un+1 = aun + b, if 1 < a < 1 then the sequence
converges on a limit.
Where a limit L exists, as n un L and un1 L
So we have L aL b

Before using this limit formula you must show that a limit exists,
i.e. state that 1 < a < 1

Note: un = 03 u n1 + 70,
un1 = 1.12 u n2 + 25, etc. are also recurrence relations.
The important thing is that there is a link between each term and the subsequent one.
Discuss how the actual value still fluctuates, e.g. in the example the value of un+1 will
eventually continually fluctuate between 81.5 and 87.5. Mention that there will be questions
where there is a critical maximum or minimum to be considered.
Example: un+1 = 02 un + 70

a = 02 so 1 < a < 1, i.e. limit L exists.

L 0 2 L 70
0 8L 70


87 5

p78 Exercise 5H qu.2-10

Finding the Values of a and b

Example: A recurrence relation is defined by un+1 = a un + b.
If u1 = 6, u2 = 52 and u3 = 504, find the values of a and b.
un+1 = a un + b
u3 = a u2 + b 504 = 5.2 a + b
u2 = a u1 + b 52 = 6 a + b


= 6a + b
= 1.2 + b
= 4

p79 Exercise 5I qu.1(a), (c), (e), (g), (i), 2, 3, 4

p83 Exercise 5L qu. 1-6

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= 52 a b
= 6 a + b
= 08 a
= 0.2

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