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MAGISTRATE COURT OF Lo} cou! , GEORGIA . Eu cous 908 50) Date Fed _(o[1'5/ ZolsT Case No: Aagow bagrow 225 N. Columbus Drivey UNIT 6505 bo leo | GARNISHMENT AFFIDAVIT OF GARNISHMENT Cuumiring , A 00 Defendant(s) Name, Address: Chase Bank 545 Pledwonte ve Ske 30o3@ —Atlauia, AA BoSo$ Zoto¥ Garnishee Name, Address. Personally appeared the undersigned Affiant who on oath says that s/he is the above plaintiff, plaintiffs agent, or plaintif's attomey and that the above defendant is indebted to said plaintiff on a judgment described as follows: Covi Action File No. LHED017700__is the case numberinthe__Magictrate _coutor Fulton county viich rendered the judgement against the defendant in the sums) of 3 2,000.08 Principal $ 455. AS Interest (Fica interest: Tromths(@ Prime +x) § S00 OO ‘Attomey’s fees, and $ ‘Main Case Costs, 0 72,955.48 [TOTAL ‘AND Affiant further states that the sum of $_/2, SS. 43s the balance ther fiant makes this affidavit so that summons of garnishment shall issue thereon. ‘Sworn to and subscribed before me tis Mell, devotee 20/5 77 Columbus Drive, UnitoSeO Clicage [L leobo, sagticage IL foobo| _ — pa al a — ZS40 -2Sb2 ‘TELEPTIONE HIEF MAGISTRATE or MAGISTRATE MAG 36-11 GARNISHMENT AFFIDAVIT DOC MAGISTRATE COURT OF _Fultov. COUNTY, GEORGIA pate ried _G)1 [2215 Case No: on Bacrow ZZS N. Glumibus Dew iT chiasao 1L_ bobo GARNISHMENT Plaintitf(s)Name, Address SUMMONS OF GARNISHMENT FILED 1N OFFICE JUN 19 205 bury ChEsK Gamishee Name, Address en county, Original Judgment Case No: IHEDO17FO0 Court of Original Judgment: “Falken Magistvate ‘TO THE ABOVE NAMED GARNISHEE: Total Amount claimed due by Plaintiff: $ 12, 955-43 Plus court costs due on this summons: $ 62. C0 YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to immediately hold all property, money and wages, except what is exempt, including property in safe-deposit boxes or similar property, belonging to the defendant, or debts owed tothe defendant named above at the time Df service of this summons, between the time of service of this summons and the time of answer no less than 30 days nor more than 45 you are served with this summons. You are FURTHER COMMANDED to file your answer, in writing, with the Clerk of this ‘Court and serve a copy upon the plaintiff or plaintiff's attorney named below at the time of making such answer. Your answer shall state \Wwhat property, money and wages, belonging to the defendant, or debts owed to the defendant, you hold or owe atthe time of service of this summons and between the time of such service and the time of making your answer. Money or property admitted in an answer to be subject to garnishment must be delivered to the Court with your answers. if in answering the summons or gamishment, the tammishoe shall state thal the proverty ofthe defendant includes propery ina safe-deposil box or similar propery, the aamishee shall answer to th it issuit summons of garnishmer the existence of such safe-deposit box and shall hold ai ‘such safe-deposit box until further order of said court or 120 days from the date of filing of the answer to the summons of gamishment ihless such time has been extended by the cour, whicheveris sooner. Should you failto file an answer as required by this summons, ’2 judgment will be rendered against you for the amount the Plaintiff claims due by the Defendant. WITNESS, HONORABLE, CHIEF MAGISTRATE OF SAID COURT. This___ day of 20. a a Oe. Plaintiffé attgrmey: the - — K OW DW Clerk/Depiity Clerk “Name & Address 225 N.Colunbous Dr, Unk 50S, Chicago, It babes ‘Telephone 312-Ste-2563 Ga Bar Number [MAG 35-09 SUMMONS OF GARNISHMENT.DOC MAGISTRATE COURT oF _-u-to__COUNTY, GEORGIA date Fiea__Glis [ZotS™ Case No: Aron BARLOW ZIS N. Glambus POC C5es Chicago, [L bobo GARNISHMENT Piantitd Namo, Adaross ANSWER OF GARNISHEE Defendant(s) Name, Address. Ctpee Bane IS Pied mo: 20 Bt Atlante, GAs Soo Garnishee Name, Address 1. the time of service or from the time of service tothe time of this answer, garnishee had possession of the following described property of the defendant: 2. Ator from the time of service to the time of answer, all debts accruing from Garishee to the Defendant are in the amount of $, of the amount specified in paragraph 2, were wages eared at the rate of §. per {for the period beginning . 20___ through the time of making this answer. The amount of yages subject to this garnishment was computed as follows: $ Gross earnings $ Total social security & withholding tax $ Total disposable earnings s ‘Amount of wages subject to gamishment and paid herewith Gamishee or Attorey for Gamishee & Bar Number Telephone Number Certificate of Service | certify that Ihave this _day of. , 20____, served Plaintiff or Plaintiffs Attomey & Defendant & or Defendant's attomey in this matter with a copy ofthis pleading by my depositing itn the U.S. mail in a property addressed envelope with adequate postage. Gamishee or Attorey for Gamishee & Bar Number MAG 35-12 ANSWER OF GARNISHMENT DOC WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS. Plaintifts) Aomey CredivDeposit GEORGIA AARON BARLOW Pur FULTON COUNTY 225 N. COLUMBUS DR,, UNIT 6505 | Deft (CHICAGO, IL. 60601 ‘TO THE MARSHAL OF THE STATE COURT OF FULTON COUNTY or his lawful Deputies and to all and singular the Sheriffs of the State o their lawful Deputies; and to all awful Constables of said Stat IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT OF FULTON COUNTY DATE OF JUDGMENT: OCTOBER 17, 2014 CIVIL ACTION NO: 14ED017700 AARON BARLOW VS. CYNTHIA DECK. In the above-entitled case, and on the date of judgment set out above, the plaintif{s) named above recovered against the defendant(s)/garnishee(s) named above, judgment inthe follow sums. PRINCIPAL:$12,000.00 COURT COSTS:$500.00 ‘With future interest upon said principal amount from the date of judgment atthe rate equal to the Prime Rate on the Jjudgment date plus 3 percent per annurn, Therefore, WE COMMAND YOU, that the goods and chattels, lands and ‘tenements of said defendant(s) / garnishee(s) named above, ESPECIALLY and of the following described property, to-wit: ONLY ‘YOU cause tobe made the several suns se out inthe foregoing rectal judgment in this cae, end that you hae the sid several sums of money thefre he STATE COURT OF FULTON COUNTY on the frst Monday ofthe term felowing your action in his mater, wih this wrt to rend {0 the sd Plait he principal, intrest, and cost aforesaid. Witness the Honorable Cassandra Kirk, Chief Judge of said Court. Dated 3/5/2015 Clerk, Superior Court this date Book and Page, erfioag *Xqunog 03th 4yinog Jozsadng_ 40 5319 uosurqoy auaTsUuaeo "SezoTe-sted 90 STe2-68-486 apt03ey PU paTT ust ty 2eee weet: MAGISTRATE COURT OF Fu ton, COUNTY, GEORGIA pacries_ Chis fos Case No Aagon Bagrow Dagon DARL rT es No Golanious WIT OSE: Chieags, IL_b0 (60) aac eas vs HLA SHERIFF'S ENTRY OF SERVICE Garnishee Name, Address HAVE THIS DAY SERVED THE WITHIN ACTION AND SUMMONS AS FOLLOWS: | [.] PERSONAL Upon the following named defendant: [] NOTORIOUS Upon defendant By leaving a copy of the action and summons at the most notorious place of abode in the county. | | Detvered the same to described as follows: | | sppeoxmate age years: approvimate weigh|___—_pounds; approximate height_feet and inches, domi at the listed residence of the defendant. Ki CORPORATION Upon corporation, CHASE Bank | By serving . in charge of the office and | place of business of the corporation in this county. | [Brserving , its registered agent. [1 TACK & MAIL By posting a copy of the same to the door of the premises designated in the affidavit and/or summons, and | (on the same day of such posting, by depositing a true copy of the same in the United States mail First Class mail, in an | envelope propery addressed tothe defendant(s atthe address shown inthe summons, containing adequate notice tothe | defendant(s) to answer said summons at the place stated in the summons. [1 NON EST Did not serve because after a diligent search the defendant could not be found in the jurisdiction of the court. | sewer cocker, ace | | TIME: M. | l MAG 10-10 SHERRIFF ENTRY OF SERVICE DOC

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