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From: streem -°°@ 04/22/16 02:56 PI Page 1 oF 6 DAT! ATT! FROM: Apr. 22, 2016 SUBJECT: =2UTF-8?B7U2NhDI9EZXJyZW JicnJSLCBDYXROeV8xM18 1 NVByMiOWNCOYMDED Note: Please find your scan attached to this Email. Fax Server Powered by STREEM CENTER™ Opt-Out: Not DeF ined From: GAG 62:55 PH Page 2 oF 6 MAGISTRATE COURT OF FULTON COUNTY, STATE OF GEORGIA Dispassessory Ovsin Cente Avenue, SW TGI00 PROCEEDING AGAINST TENANT HOLOING OVER 2, Guowgin $0803 A (sot eissar8 Low ron fatonstataors acon it 2LS_N. Columbus Drive ne ew HENO! NCO N's ral oes JENA. (FILED IN OFFICE Y Cunthis, Dele SEP 25 20% {#20 Wix Gord E ‘BUAINTIFP= ATTORNEY NAME/NOOREST/P HONE/ENAT see eancansin possession ov anon of parrot the eden Fukon County vest bore. 2 Affrt athe (X)Ouner —(--)ARornay | JAgunt_ (I Tanantof he cwnr of sat pres, 2. onfandant (fal to pa he rant whieh snow past du Thott the premises ver and beyond the tar forwhichhey were ented. (0 enger has peemislon to eral inthe pram, (eorerarounds Refises access te qrespective, conkers contrary to lease. a/eenen 4. desbes andthe demanded posession othe premises, 4 oafandanc es fated endrafnnta dvr posenien ofthe praia, WHEREFORE, Paint DEMANDS: (0) osesoncl bra i (oy ow cuerantofs 3,42" 5 sor tna ont) Augusk + Sepkember {eet accruing up to the date of judgment of vacancy atthe rate of $ boo per, a) other: orming te lease. paleenent te! access & grated memeugein ( FLED N OFC, Ts g ini = ERK = 5 Wh 7 540-2563 abeclow(Dtrmsualenlom 4 wo tes county ori neat ees lle ~ FMMMIVIN. creme ee Ans 2 Saturday, » Sunday, or a Court holiday, Ifthe Answer if ors), the substar ce thereof shall be endorsed oa aanmay a8 sued prsuantto OCGA. 86-753, If no Answer lima, a wt of postion shall sive instante, WTMESS Fae etude of id Cour, Tha above afidslt was sworn fo and subsered before the undersigned Deputy Clerk by afant os wovied by D.CGA.§ 647-50 end aurimane issuer pursuant there, ae = ds 20 This eyo agury cient ‘MARSHAL ENTRY OF SERVICE have sereed the focegleg afd and surmons onthe Oelandoct( by debvring » copy of sume; ( Personally (_} Notaiowly on sn minldon aera ti eemaes ume of pron 3rd) mK Paming # copy the don he arson Te salope properly addressed afar aaripting refsBval servic. Seid copy containing noice tothe ‘eet apne Uta Sr Pe oae ae nr en OS 7 = et aay a ae CE om (Be _ ary ; psrenoanrro answer onan oerong, 20 CE! AT. Opt-Out: Hot Defined KALLE A From: GPRAG 02:57 PH Page 3 oF 6 DISPOSSESSORY ANSWER Dispossessory Division I Magistrate Court of Fulton County i 185 Central Avenue, SW TG4OD Argon Bertlon) A a re cases LYEDOL7 200 Cut w Deak EMAIL, DEFENDANT — a — ANSWER | am/ am not (circle one) the Defendant | state the following in response to Plants claim: The Plaintiff is not my landlord, My landlord didnot give me preper notice that my lease or rental agreement was terminated or that | had to move before ting this fawsult My landlord terminated my lease without a val reason. 2 {do not owe any rent to my landlord. Be, | offered to pay my rent on or before the date | usually pay, but my landlord refused fo ace IMy landlord would not accept my rent and the cost of this warrant. IMy landlord failed to repair tho property. The fallure has lowerod its value or resuited in ollie ‘damages more than the rent claimed. ee a My landor4 snot entited to evict me of secure @ money judgment for tne folowing addition ns: l Nyy Fr pre St, eo xg) Chak mc owe Peceisiset pose r Wheth_ 2&7, i Other eRe COUNTERCLAIM My landlord owes me8_2SO O tor the folowing reasons: My landlord failed to repair my property. Due to this failure, its value has been reduced $s ‘each month for months. Since my landiord failed to make requested repairs, | made these repairs that cost $ My landlord's falure to repair resulted in damages of $_-3'S. C? 7.2 to my person/property Cee Ss WHEREFORE, | ask this Court to: ALL PARTIES (a) Dismiss Plaintis awsuit with all costs assessed against Pint SHOULD APPEAR (6) Enter e judgment in. Oefendant's favor and against Plant, and iN COURT. {6}. Grant euch othor and further ralief andthe: ep ope 45 MINUTES EARLY See JUSTICE CENTER TOWER ‘Sworn to and subscribed before me "185 Conteal Averuo, SW iP ANT > van [Eos a Sie St Ht aT (OITA NOTICE. cae enre me ALLY e 1CO_sn@irdopraoon LB IE Vo HAVE AN ATTORNEY; PLEASE NOTIFY HINWHER TO BE PRESENT WITH YOU. : feet ue Plaintife Copy Picked up() Maled( “Emailed ( ) Opt-Out: Not Der ined To: From O4/22/16 02:59 PH Page 4 oF 6 MAGISTRATE COURT OF FULTON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA aclow, aron Plaintiff, Civil Action File No. WED OIFISO. & ( yathis Dede AMENDMENT ‘Comes now the Plaintiff in the above-styled civil action and files this “Amendment. to the ‘Statement of Claim as follows: Damas 6 b greniss In quiatinn av wells other lease vislaions Kaw Ioean jdented since after the ~faihtal c(t twas Filed. 2 respect Filly request ay edaym be “amended fe $20,305, 44. E will bring evidince fe Sppst Hy Clans this 15% “ny of Oc taber ~ October. eden ity MND caxccnonsemace “Thisis to ceri tua suave this date served upon the opposing party a copy ofthis Amendment by depositing a copy of same in the U. 8. Mail with adequate postage thereon mis 1S yee October, 22! a Phimist ‘Opt-Out: Not Defined O46 02:59 PH Page 5 of G SETTLEMENT Fulton County Civil Action#: 1460027700 ee Plaintiff: Aaron Barlow vs. Defendant: Cynthia Deck ‘Address: 225 N, Columbus Drive, Unit 6505 ‘Address: 1200 Nix Ad, Milton, GA 30004 Chicago, 1 60601 Forward: ‘The Plaintiff and Defendant agree that a settlement has been reached in the above styled matter, as evidenced by the signatures below, itis HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Judgment be rendered in favor ofthe laintif and against the Defendant fr the following um of: $ LL, 022 — (Principal amount, netof security deposit) 3 Ses —— {Court & legal costs) Parties agrae that the defendant wil leave the premises by October 2 2014. Parties further agree that Defendant shal be allowed to make payments on this indebtedness to the Plaintif atthe schedule as follows: 8 2lZzSO — By (date._ Jan ST $ 2So = By (date): fells $_ 7,600 maenth eh By (date). War 1S and ow gall onthe [St NO FIFA or GARNISHMENT will Issue or other action will be taken on said Judgment as long as payments are timely started and timely paid, as agreed to in this Consent Judgment. Should the Oefendant fail to make a payment or should a payment be made more than three (3) days beyond the agreed upon due date of payment, the Clark of the Magletrate Court shall Issue a FIFA and Garnishment in the amount so outstanding upon written notification from the Plaintiff that payments have not been made as agreed to is Consent Judgment and the amount thereto unpaid. in All Payments are to be made to the below named person, via bank ACH or wire transaction as directed by ‘the below named person: ier honminswomcon im Plaintiff Defendant: FILED IN GPE af th] rt HOifeu sponse AL soy unty: ‘Opt-Out: Not DeFined To: From: 04/22/16 03:00 Pt Page 6 of 6 Notice of non-compliance with Consent order Request for Judgment February 6, 2015 Magistrate Court of Fulton County 185 Centrat Ave. SW. Ground Floor, Suite TG-L00 Atlanta, Goorgia 30203 Dear Sir or Madam, {In case 14€D017700, | request a judgment be Issued to me for the non-compliance of the defendant, Cynthia Deck, with the consent order Issued by the Magistrate Court. Ms, Deck owes $12,500 for which she has made zera payments and so the full balance Is due, according to the consent order. Ms. Deck refuses to return messages or communicate in any way with me. Enclosed is a copy of the judgment / consent order from the court. My contact information Is below. ‘aron Barlow 225 N, Columbus Drive, Apt 6505 Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312-590-2563 “acaorren ‘eau ae Jgnost HMI Opt-Out: Not Dertined

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