Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 (Pg. 190 of online book, use the book!!!

Launching the New Ship of State
Writing Guided Notes Down Helps!!! (Try to copy these explained ones
Blue writing points out causes while the green writing shows effects!
Growth and Building of the Nation:
The American population was doubling every 25 years in the late
George Washington was elected as President in 1789. He took the oath
of office on April 30, 1789. George Washington established the cabinet.
Washington's cabinet included: Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson,
Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, and Secretary of War
Henry Knox.
James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights and encouraged Congress to
pass it in 1791. The Judiciary Act of 1789 created the federal court
system, this included the Supreme Court. It also created the office of
attorney general.
John Jay became the first Chief Justice. Alexander Hamilton had a goal
to fix the financial system of America. He was initially determined to
strengthen national credit. He wanted the federal government to pay
off its debts at face value plus interest. He also pushed for assumption,
in which the federal government would pay states' debts. States with
large debts, like Massachusetts, accepted Hamilton's proposal, but
states with small debts, like Virginia, did not want the government to
assume state debts. Congress passed Hamiltons plan in 1790.
Hamilton believed that a national debt was good for the country. He
believed that if people were owed something by the government that
they would be more interested in how it was being run. Hamilton
supported the tariff law of 1789 that imposed taxes on specific imports.
It protected small American industries and brought the needed
revenue to the government.
Congress passed an excise tax in 1971 on a few domestic items,
including whiskey. Which would later lead to the Whiskey Rebellion.
The Whiskey Rebellion in 1974 took place in Pennsylvania and was lead
by distillers who strongly opposed the 1791 excise tax on whiskey.
President Washington sent in federal troops to end the rebellion. The
troops faced no opposition and were not necessary, however

Washington wanted to send a strong message that the government

would enforce the law. They responded in a way as to prevent future
rebellions from occurring.
Alexander Hamilton proposed a Bank of the United States that could
print paper money and provide a stable national currency. However,
Thomas Jefferson strongly opposed the Bank and believed that it was
unconstitutional. Jefferson held the belief that the states had the right
to manage their own money. Most of the opposition to the Bank of the
U.S. came from the south, which was made up of mostly farmers who
were not directly involved with businesses. On the other hand, the
north supported the bank because it was the home of many cities and
factory workers who wanted the B.U.S. because it could help to support
their businesses. Hamilton won the debate and in 1791 the 1st Bank of
the United States was created.
Political parties were not present in early America. The disagreement
between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton was a new
separation of American views. In the 1790s, Jefferson and Madison had
organized their opposition to the Hamiltonian program but did not
publicly display their disagreement. Eventually, this organized conflict
grew and the two opposing political parties emerged. In 1793, after the
French Revolution, two separate political groups had formed.
Jeffersonian supporters were also known as Democratic-Republicans
and Hamilton supporters were deemed the Federalists. Jeffersonian
Democratic-Republicans supported states' rights and a smaller
government while the Hamilton Federalists supported a powerful
federal government with many government programs.
The French Revolution started in 1789 and would eventually involve
many European countries. It began peacefully but became more
violent when France declared war on Austria in 1792. King Louis XVI
was beheaded in 1793 and after that things only got worse. The church
was attacked and the Reign of Terror was begun in which many people
who opposed the revolution were executed and there was lots of
violence. Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans wanted to support the
French in their war against the British because they were more
supportive of revolutionary ideals, they were against the British, and
they wanted to make alliances. The Federalists were opposed because
they were isolationists who were more focused on the well being of
America than the affairs of other countries. Washington issued the
Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 stating the country's neutrality from
the Britain-France war. Hamilton was in support of this decision.
In defiance of the peace treaty of 1783 the British had retained the
frontier posts on U.S. soil for years. The British government did not

want to leave the valuable fur trade in the Great Lakes region, and the
British were often found selling firearms to Indian organizations that
would terrorize Americans. The Jeffersonian Democrat-Republicans felt
that American should go to war with Britain again in defense of
America's liberties. The Federalists opposed this action because they
believed that any hope for economic development depended on trade
with Britain.
In a last attempt to avoid war in 1794, President Washington sent Chief
Justice John Jay to London in order to negotiate. Jay debated a treaty,
which the Democrat-Republicans were against, known as Jay's Treaty.
The British promised to take men out of the chain of posts on U.S. soil
and to pay for the cost of the seizures of American ships. Britain did
not agree to end future ship seizures or to stop their supply of arms to
the Native Americans. The U.S. agreed to continue to pay the debts
owed to British merchants on pre-Revolutionary War accounts.
Pinckneys Treaty with Spain was made in response to Jay's Treaty. This
was due to the Spanish fear of an Anglo-American alliance. In 1795
Pinckney's Treaty with Spain granted the Americans free navigation of
the Mississippi River and the large territory north of Florida. In his
Farewell Address to the nation before he left office in 1797, Washington
urged against permanent alliances.
John Adams, who was Washington's Vice President, beat Thomas
Jefferson in 1797 to become to the 2nd President.
France was upset with Jay's Treaty because the French did not want
America to have friendly relations with Britain. Due to this displeasure
the French started capturing American merchant ships. In 1797
President John Adams sent John Marshall to France to negotiate. Hoping
the meet the French foreign minister Marshall was secretly approached
by three negotiators, who would be referred to later on as X, Y, and Z.
The French spokesmen demanded a bribe of $250,000 in order for
Marshall to talk to Talleyrand. Angered by the unreasonable dealings,
Marshall returned to the U.S. Due to the XYZ Affair, America began
preparations for war with France. The Navy Department was created
and the three-ship navy was expanded with the United States Marine
Corps being re-established. Because France did not want another
enemy, and they were not prepared for war, they agreed that if the
Americans sent another negotiator he would be given proper respect.
Napoleon Bonaparte was the dictator of France. Bonaparte signed the
Convention of 1800 with American representative John Jay in order to
ensure that France would not gain another enemy. It withdrew the
alliance between France and America that had come about during the

Revolutionary War. The agreement also called for France to return any
captured American ships while the U.S. was to pay the damage claims
of American shippers that were caused by the French.
In order to decrease the number of Jeffersonian followers the Federalist
Congress passed a series of oppressive laws aimed at "aliens" or
foreigners because many new American immigrants supported
Jefferson. The Alien Laws raised the residence requirements for aliens
who wanted to become citizens from 5 years to 14 years. The President
could also deport or jail foreigners in times of peace or hostilities. The
Sedition Act stated that anyone who inhibited the policies of the
government or falsely slandered its officials could be forced to pay a
heavy fine or be imprisoned. Due to the Alien and Sedition Acts
Kentucky and Virginia passed resolutions stating that the states had
the right to refuse laws created by the federal government that could
be considered unconstitutional. This was through the process of

Also focus on key terms for the test!!!

Key Terms

Bill of Rights- the first ten amendments written into the U.S.
Constitution in 1791. Purpose is to secure the key rights of
individuals and to reserve to the states the powers that are not
clearly given or forbidden by the Constitution.

Judiciary Act of 1789- this Act organized the federal legal system
by creating different levels of the court. The Supreme Court was
established as well as federal, district, and circuit courts. It also
created the office of the attorney general whose role is to
counsel legislators and state agencies.

Funding at Par- Alexander Hamilton proposed this idea for the

payment of debts that was based on paying for things, such as
government bonds, at face value. Hamilton wanted the federal
government to pay its war debts from the Revolution in full in
order to strengthen the nation's credit.

Assumption- a transfer of debt from one party to another used to

in theory strengthen the union. The federal government assumed
the States Revolutionary War Debts in 1790. It was also believed
that assumption would force wealthy lenders to have concern in
the national government.

Tariff- a tax charged specifically on imports. Manufacturers would

support this as a protective and revenue-raising measure for
American companies. On the other hand, agricultural workers
were dependent on world markets and due to their dependence
on foreign imports were opposed to high tariffs.

Excise Tax- a component of Alexander Hamiltons financial

program that was highly controversial. For example, there was a
Whiskey Tax that began in 1791; it was an excise tax because it
was placed on goods produced locally.

The Whiskey Rebellion- a rebellion caused by opposition to the

previously mentioned Whiskey Tax. The rebellion was led by a
group of displeased whiskey distillers in southwestern
Pennsylvania. The rebellion was occurred in 1794 and was put to
an end by President Washington, who used militia drawn from
several states. The military actions were taken in order to show
the power of the government and to prove that it would enforce
the laws.

Bank of the United States- a part of Alexander Hamilton's

financial program that was chartered by Congress in 1791. The
bank was established in order to print paper money and serve as
a reserve for government and business finances. Jeffersonian
Republicans believed that the Bank was both unnecessary and
unconstitutional because the Constitution never directly gave the
government the right to create a Bank or hold money; because of
this the Republicans opposed the Bank of the United States, or
the B.U.S.

Reign of Terror- a ten-month period from 1793 to 1794 during the

French Revolution during which around 400,000 individuals were
executed. People were killed if they did not support the French
Revolution and were deemed enemies of the Revolution.
During this period the Federalists withdrew their already
questioning support of the Revolution.

Neutrality Proclamation- a proclamation of America's formal

neutrality issued by George Washington in 1793. The
proclamation was made due to the escalating conflict between
England and France. Washingtons decision of neutrality enraged
the Jeffersonian Republicans who were pro-French.

Jay's Treaty- a negotiation that was made in an effort to avoid

war with Britain. The British promised to abandon their outposts
on U.S. soil and to pay damages for American vessels. In
exchange, the U.S. was to repay pre-revolutionary war debts to
Britain. America also accepted Britain's trading policies that
restricted business between the United States and France.

Pinckney's Treaty- made in 1795, followed Jays treaty. Signed

with Spain who feared an Anglo-American alliance. This treaty
granted Americans free navigation of the Mississippi and
entrance into the territory of Florida.

XYZ Affair- a diplomatic conflict between France and the United

States in 1797. American envoys went to France but were asked
to pay a hefty bribe in order to meet with the French foreign
minister. People in the U.S. believed that war against France was
necessary. Some American sailors began an undeclared war
against French merchants in the Caribbean.

Convention of 1800- an agreement to formally dissolve the

Revolutionary treaty with France following the XYZ affair. The
difficulties of America's peacetime Alliance and affairs with
France would lead to Americans' long-lasting opposition to
forming alliances with foreign powers.

Alien Laws- Acts passed in 1798 by a Federalist Congress who

was opposed foreigners. Made in order to raise the residency
requirement for citizenship to fourteen years and granted the
president power to deport or imprison foreigners who were
considered dangerous in times of peace or war.

Sedition Act- passed by the Federalist Congress in 1798 in an

effort to lessen public opposition to Federalists that was coming
from from the Jeffersonian ideas. Anyone who was convicted of
defaming government officials or interfering with government
policies was predisposed to a large fine or imprisonment. This act
was strongly opposed by Republicans.

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions- declarations that were

secretly drafted by Jefferson and Madison following the passing
of the Alien and Sedition Acts. The resolutions were written for
the legislatures of Kentucky and Virginia. The statements argued
that states were the final judges of whether the federal
government had exceeded its limitations and had the right to
nullify national legislation they deemed unconstitutional by not
following the laws.

George Washington- a war hero who was drafted as the first

president by the Electoral College in 1789. At the beginning of
his presidency he was very popular, however by the end of his
presidency the American public was ready to be rid of his
controversial rulings. In his Farwell Address to the American
people Washington spoke of his opposition to permanent

Alexander Hamilton- the Secretary of the Treasury. Hamiltons

goal was to correct the economic problems through the
government. He favored the wealthier groups because he
believed that assumption would force the states more to be more
involved in the economics of the federal government. He was in
favor of imposing tariffs and wanted to create many excise taxes.

James Madison- co-writer of the Federalist Papers and the writer

and sponsored of the Bill of Rights, very involved in American

John Jay- collaborated with Madison on The Federalist papers.

One of the republic's most experienced diplomats. He became
the first chief of justice of the U.S. After Jays treaty with Britain
he became extremely unpopular

John Adams- the vice president of George Washington became

the second president of the U.S. He was an intellectual aristocrat
who did not relate to the people and did not desire to change his
political ideas to help the poor.

MORE KEY TERMS HERE (Always helpful to use for review)

Watch this video and always use lots of timelines, super helpful!!!
^^This is the timeline that relates to this chapters time period
^^Watch this video (and all of Adam Norris videos, he explains things
very well and they are also a good resource to use when reviewing for
the exam)
Changes/Continuities: there were many changes throughout chapter
10 that you (should have) read about and wrote down from the notes
above! However, a continuity, that is not as easily seen, is that
throughout this time period the American people and its leaders were
constantly working on shaping both the political and economic systems
as a new country that was separate from Britain.

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