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English 12

Ms. Callaghan
Research Paper
Now that we have read 1984 and looked at some other examples of
Dystopian literature, it is time to write a research paper. Similar to the
Argumentative essay, you will make a claim and back it up with reasons,
sources, and examples except this time you will be using several sources.
You will also again be using MLA format.
Your claim should be making a statement about why dystopian literature is a
cultural phenomenon, what are some characteristics and why, why these
stories are told, why they are relevant, etc.
You will also be doing research outside of what we have read in class. You will
be expected to find outside sources. We will be talking about how to find
outside sources from reputable websites and I will show you how to search
for these in the computer lab.
5-7 pages, 12 point font, typed double spaced
MLA format
Works Cited Page
Claim/thesis about Dystopian literature
At least 5 sources:
1-2 fiction print sources such as a book, novel, or graphic novel
1-2 non-fiction articles that relate to your topic
1 film or short film
If you have questions, suggestions for sources, or ideas about what source to
use, please ask me.
Timeline of due dates:
Pick topic and First Paper Conference by: Monday 12/7
Outline due: Wednesday 12/9
Peer Editing: Friday 12/11
Rough draft due and Second Paper Conference: Monday 12/14

Final Research Paper Due: Tuesday 12/22. Happy Holidays! Merry


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