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Langston Hughes

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Contextual Spelling


Determiner Use (a/an/the/this, etc.)

Incorrect Noun Number

Wrong or Missing Prepositions

Faulty Tense Sequence


Punctuation in Compound/Complex Sentences

Comma Misuse within Clauses

Misuse of Semicolons, Quotation Marks, etc.

No errors

Report generated on Wed, 18 May 2016 07:44

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Misplaced Words or Phrases



Passive Voice Misuse

Wordy Sentences

Inappropriate Colloquialisms

Unclear Reference

Vocabulary enhancement

Word Choice

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Langston Hughes was

Langston Hughes was an American poet, novelist, and
playwright during the early 1900's. Langston wasn't one for

[ Redundant prepositi

just Black rights but for 1 equality for everyone. Langston

[ The use of a versus

[ Redundant prepositi

Misplaced modifier

joy. In high school 6 Langston found an interested in writing

[ Singular noun after p

and began to write collections. When he was just 18 years old 7

[ Missing comma afte

his most famous poem was published. "The Negro Speaks of

[ Missing comma afte

Unoriginal text: 8 wor


Squinting modifier

Hughes also had a enormous 2 influence on the Black writing

community and on 3 poets in general.
Langston Hughes was born on February 1, 1902. As a kid, he
struggled with more than just family problems he also was
deemed to be more feminine which forced his father to leave
due to disgrace. He was coerced to live with his grandmother
due to his mothers' lack of support. While in Joplin, Missouri 4
he found his passion in school. Writing! His writing was the
key to and reveal all of his pain and agony 5 with a sense of

Rivers" was written when 8 he went to Mexico 9 to stay with

his father. This helped 10 Langston drastically putting him as a
top tier of his graduating class. This poem caught eyes of many
magazines but mainly caught eyes of many colleges. After he
spent 11 the year with his dad 12, 13 he decided to further his


Unclear antecedent

education at Columbia University. Hughes did not last a year at


[ Incorrect verb tense


Squinting modifier


[ Missing comma afte


Squinting modifier

the Columbia University because he dropped out to encounter

on a voyage 14 to fish in Europe 15 to find himself. A year and a
half later he returns with a vast amount of stories and poems

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written and a monkey. On this voyage, he figured that he could

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Passive voice

only write while he was in pain or thinking about his rough

past. This technique helped him portray much more life and
emotion. Once he arrived back home he applied to become a
busboy boy in a caf in Washington D.C. While bussing tables
he would write during his break and mail them to different
magazines to get a reward. Langston was turned down by the
first 15 magazines. One day he a man came in to get some
coffee and Langston asked if he could read his poem. The man
was very interested and flabbergasted by his work. The next
day Langston showed up to work he was bombarded with the
newspaper and press. When he made it inside, he realized that
the man he showed his work to wasn't just anyone, it was a
publisher writing a famous magazine. Langston was
interviewed 16 for his outstanding work, and his works were
published everywhere making him and his dad very proud.
"Who was his inspiration to write these poems?" were asked to
Hughes. He replied Vachel Lindsay because he was the first
writer to open up the pathway for Negro writers. As Langston
became more and more popular around the country, he thought
that he should expand his horizon by attending Lincoln
University to help him become a better producer to broadcast
himself. Langston was not one for school, so he dropped out
after a few semesters.
When Langston was about, twenty-six he took an excursion to
Europe with a group of young African Americans to learn
more about writing and poetry. While in Europe, he learned a
lot about Communism and found a liking to the thought of

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politics. Europe also aided him with his writing by inserting

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snippets of Communism thoughts 17 into his works. A few

months later he returned and applied his skills from the trip to
his work and received a vast amount a works from his


Repetitive word:


Passive voice


Passive voice


Unoriginal text: 8 wor


Repetitive word:


Passive voice


Squinting modifier


Repetitive word:


[ Incorrect punctuation

collection. He was highly praised 18 within the African

American poetry community. These are a couple of his
achievements: Anisfield-Wolf book Award, NAACP's
Springarn Medal for distinguished achievements for by an
African American, Honorary degree by (Lincoln University
Howard and Western Reserve University).
Throughout his adult life, he wrote various amounts of books,
plays, and poem collections. When Langston turned thirty, he
wrote his famous novel Not Without Laughter. This book was
based 19 on a young boy in Kansas trying to find his way
through a racist and judgmental world. The book is based 22 on
a 21 true story 20 about him as a kid in a small city but instead of
his sexuality problem, it's a racist. When Langston turned 35
his mother passed away and to get it off his mind 23 he wrote a
collection of poems "The Ways of White Folks" and helped
cover the Spanish Civil War with the Afro-American
newspaper in Baltimore.
Langston Hughes collection of poems 24 consists of the
following poems: "I am a Negro", "The Weary Blues", "Note
on Commercial Theatre", and "The Negro Speaks of Rivers".25
His most famous poem is "The Negro Speaks of Rivers". This
poem is about 26a male that reminisces about his past in Africa
and how he still feels connected to his roots. At the beginning
of the poem 27 to display his emotion and connection to his

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roots he
says, "My soul has grown deep like the rivers


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[ Redundant prepositi


Repetitive word:


Unoriginal text: 9 wor



Squinting modifier


Passive voice

exceptionally extraordinary because of the time period 33 it was


Repetitive word:

written in 34. It was the time of the KKK and lynching. During


[ Wrong word choice

poem 37 and is written about famous plays from the past and


[ Redundant words

music. Langston likes to utilize music and plays 38 because that


Preposition at the end


Passive voice

showing that he has some evidence of his past. The usage of

allusions and hyperboles are effective because it brings a tone
and emotion that he was indeed an African Native. The next
poem that helped put Langston on the map is "The Weary
Blues". "The Weary Blues" is about a man walking in a bar 29
to hear the jazz music. As he walks in he sees an old African
American playing the Blues on the piano. The man who came
to listen found a liking to the blues. The music took all his pain
and worries and flushed them away. At the end of the night,
they old man gets up shuts the piano and walks away. This
poem is set 30 in an earlier era than the "The Negro Speaks of
Rivers". The reason this poem 31 sets itself from the others is
because 32 this poem has early 1900's tone. The other two
poems are "I am a Negro" and "Note on Commercial Theatre".
"I am a Negro" is a mixture of modern racism to the beginning
of the Africans arrival in America. This poem was

this era poets and artist would utilize art, literature, and music
to voice their opinion safely. This poem is about how African
Americans were treated 35 in the past and how they are
treated 36 today. "Not on Commercial Theatre" is the last

was the only way to voice his opinion. Other tactics Hughes
employs are allusions again because that helps the poem have a
vintage style to it.

Passive voice


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Passive voice
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