Crestview Newsletter 2016

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Crestview Community Trail Plan

The trail planning open house, hosted by the City

of Whitehorse Department of Parks and
Community Development, this past winter was a
great success. The Department of Parks and
Community development received a lot of
feedback on the proposed draft plan for our
community trails, and a clear majority of the
community was in support of the presented trail
plan. Based on the results of the survey, the
current and established use of the trails in our
community won't see any noticeable trail use
designation changes.
The main goal and advantage of this
process was to incorporate the Crestview
Community Trails into the broader citywide
network, which will offer us the opportunity to
receive trail maintenance and repair support from
the department of Parks and Community
A component of the trail planning process
was the identification of two major areas for
special attention, the creek crossings at the north
and south end of the subdivision behind Klukshu
and Rainbow. Both of these crossings are flooded,
and no longer easily used by most trail users. The
City will continue to look for solutions to these
crossings. In the meantime, expect to see City trail
workers making our trail system safer and more
sustainable over the coming summer.
The Crestview Community Association
will make any updates on the status of trail work
and other trail related issues available online @
Skating Rink
A special thanks to Bernard Stehelin, Gerry
Coukell and many other community residents for
clearing the snow from the rink on a regular basis.
An additional thanks to the City of Whitehorse
Parks & Trails department for keeping the ice
flooded this winter.

Annual General Meeting

& Election of Officers
The Crestview Community Association will be
hosting the Annual General Meeting:
When: May 26th, 2016 from 7:00 8:00 pm
Where: Crestview Skating Rink
After many years serving on the Crestview
Community Association Margaret Donnelly and
Jari Smarch will be stepping down from their
postions. We'd like to thank Margaret and Jari for
all the time and effort they have given to help
benefit this community. Now is a wonderful time
to consider joining the Association Executive. It's
an exciting opportunity to help shape the current
and future state of our community. If you have
any questions please contact Nick Akers @
A strong Community Association makes a
strong and safe community!

Current Executive
Nick Akers, President
Jari Smarch, Vice President
Mike Ivens, Treasurer
Margaret Donnelly, Secretary
Beth Roberts, Director
Donna Milne, Director
Ernie Berken, Director
Bob Kuiper, Director
Gerry Coukell, Director

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