Steps To Fix OJS Theme

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Hi again:

With this text I would like to help you to fix your problems with Bluesenses the
me for OJS.
First, you need the Asstyle CSS software who is on my Spanish post, here is the
link to download it:
-------------------------------------------------------!His size!? Just 1.39 Mb :)
Then install the software and open the "Blue senses" folder.
Then open with Asstyle CSS the ClassicBlue.css file and search this line:
| #header
| {
| min-height: 100px;
| background-color: White;
| background-image: url("banner.jpg");
| }
Whats this? in CSS language the only two things that matters to you are:
1. background-color: this property will allow you to change the colors in the ba
ckground. You can set
a transparency on this property. Remeber this, this propert
y will be under the background-image
so do not worry setting a color on this.
2. background-image: this property will allow you to change the image in the bac
Then youll be able to set an image as a background. .
Now, how do you set an image as a background? Simple:
1. select the background-color property.
2. on the right panel select on the top bar "files"
3. find and select the image that you want on your hard drive.
4. Save (REMEMBER: "always save")
For the image i suggest you that you use the same that cames with the theme and
later edit it with
Photoshop or another image editor.
Now, if you want to set a text on your background, search on the same css file t
his line:

#header h1

| {
| line-height: 2.5;
| font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, Georgia, serif;
| text-transform: uppercase;
| letter-spacing: 10px;
| font-size: 2em;
| background-color: url("banner.jpg");
| height: 75px;
| color: transparent;
| }
Here you can find this two properties:
1. background-color: this property will also allow you to change the color of th
e background but not set an image as a
background. So if y
ou want an image as a background on your header set this option: "transparent".
If not
set it with the color of your preferences and set the backgroundimage: "transparent" or select "none"
2. color: this will allow you to change the color of the text on your header. If
you set "transparent" the text will not
show, but if you set whi
te, red, black or blue the text will shows with the color that you set.But if yo
u set a
color and also set an image on the background, then your header will s
how you, an image with a text in front of
him, wich not see very w
My suggestion is that you select one of this two options and put in on your Jour
I hope that with this instructions you solve your problem, if is not, then send
me a reply on the forum

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