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Separate but Equal

By: Morgan, Haley, Jarrett and


Separate but equal: United States constitutional law that
justified and permitted racial segregation; equal rights to all
citizens and civil right laws.
1887, Florida passed the first law requiring railways to
provide equal but separate accommodations for the white,
and colored, races.
Segregation- the action or state of setting someone or
something apart from other people or things or being set
The facilities and social services offered to AfricanAmericans were almost always of lower quality than those
offered to white Americans.

1896, the Supreme Court concluded that a Louisiana law
requiring whites and blacks to ride in separate railroad cars
did not violate the Equal Protection Clause.
Plessy ruling provided legal justification for segregation in
transportation, public accommodations, and schools until the
Supreme Court effectively overruled it in the 1954 Brown v.
Board of Education decision.
Plessy was of mixed ancestry, claimed that his constitutional
rights had been violated when he was forced to move to a

"colored's only cart" while riding a train.

This case made it that blacks and whites were completely
separated. You even had to go on a specific bus.

Jim Crow
Enabled between 1876-1965
The segregation of public schools, public places, and public
transportation, and the segregation of restrooms,
restaurants, and drinking fountains for whites and blacks.
The U.S. military was also segregated.
Many economic, educational, and social disadvantages for
colored people.
A march on Washington by over 200,000 in 1963
dramatized the movement to end Jim Crow.
Southern whites often responded with violence, and federal
troops were needed to preserve order and protect blacks.
It shall be unlawful for a negro and white person to play
together or in company with each other at any game of pool
or billiards."

Jim Crow Cont

Jim Crow laws functioned to keep black and white
people separated, particularly in social settings and
social institutions such as marriage. The states and cities
were allowed to punish people who went against these
Jim Crow laws made it so blacks and whites were not
allowed to be together. They had to be separated
completely. If they werent then they could be punished
and the government was also in favor with this too.

Brown v Board
This case made it so blacks and whites were not
If a black wanted to go to school with any whites then
they could.
Ended legal segregation in public schools.
Everyone then became equal because it would end the
Jim Crow laws eventually.

Black School

Waiting room

Works Cited

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