Radiologi Peritonitis Dan Perforasi Ihsan

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Ihsanul Irfan


Perforasi duodenum

mottled gas in central abdomen


CT confirms extraluminal retroperitoneal gas from

iatrogenic bowel perforation during sphincterotomy


Caused by bowel perforation

Perforated duodenal ulcer

43 year old man presented with acute abdominal pain. A chest

radiograph showed free gas under the diaphragm. Transverse CT
image on the left shows the free gas anterior to the liver (yellow
arrow), as well some free fluid (white arrow). On the coronal image
(middle and, magnified, right) you can see the defect (arrow) in the
wall of the duodenum (D), due to aperforated peptic ulcer.

74-year-old female patient with sudden onset of abdominal pain,

nausea, and vomiting diagnosed with jejunal diverticulosis and
perforation. Upright abdominal X-ray image shows small bowel
obstruction and air-fluid area (arrow)

Contrast-enhanced abdominal CT image shows two jejunal

diverticula (arrows). Direction of the diverticula from their
origin is shown with dashed white arrows (J: Jejunum)

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