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Oracle Singing at Sacred Sites

by Wendalyn Bartley
In 2004, I went on my own pilgrimage to ancient ritual temple and cave sites in Malta and Greece. My
intention was to explore these places with my voice, and to work with the power of sound frequencies to
connect into the deeper layers of memory held within the stones and within the earth itself. I was
searching for my own connection to the ancestral goddess traditions and also longing for a deeper
knowing of how these ancient cultures lived in harmony with the natural rhythms of the earth. At the
heart of my search was the question of what role sound may have played in these ancestral ritual places
and whether I could come into deeper resonance with these ancient traditions through working with my

Outer wall from the Hagar Qim temple, Malta.

Each site I visited offered unique ways of engaging with its architectural structure, its natural
environment and soundscape, its history and legends, and the iconic figurines, sculptures, and frescoes
that had been unearthed during archeological digs, and now housed in the local museums. With these
elements as my companions, I ventured into the unknown world of what might emerge through my voice
as I walked, sang, danced, toned, breathed, and listened. I was not disappointed. On several occasions,
it felt like a flood of different characters and emotions came rushing up to meet me through the unique
sound qualities and textures that came through my voice. Fortunately, most of the time, I had my digital
recorder with me to document these sounds.

Temple Apse with Oracle Hole, Mnajdra Temple, Malta

Once at home, I began the process of creating compositions from these recorded vocalizations, creating

a piece for each of the different sites I had visited. Through a long process of listening, editing and
mixing, finally in 2012 I released six of these compositions on the CD entitled Sound Dreaming:
Oracle Songs from Ancient Ritual Places. (
This title speaks to the heart of what I want to share with you here: the nature of Oracle Singing and
the process of what I call Sound Dreaming. In essence, these phrases sum up all that I learned during
my pilgrimage to these ritual places, which was crystallized through my experiences in one of the most
profound places I visited the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum in Malta. This underground temple is dated
around 5000 BC and is carved under the surface of the earth out of the natural limestone. It is truly an
architectural wonder but beyond that, it is a space that bears witness to how sound can alter ones state
of being and perception. For me personally, it was a place that revealed the secrets of how sound
vibration was potentially used in ancient times for ceremony and ritual. It brought me home and into
deep visceral connection with the creative life-force energy. The intensity of the sounds I experienced in
these chambers resonated and awoke my own cellular memories.

Sound Dreaming CD cover

A painting of the Hypogeums Oracle Room by Gareth Bates
In one of rooms known as the Oracle Room, there is a small opening carved into one of the walls, and
when one sings or speaks into this oval-shaped niche, the sound can be heard throughout the entire
complex. The ceiling of the room is covered with a series of interlocking red ochre spiral patterns that
acoustic archaeologist Paul Deveraux suggests may be an early form of music notation. It was here in
this small intimate enclosed space that I connected with the core of what I was looking for in my
pilgrimage journey. This room, deep in the heart of the earth, was the center of my spiral path
Back in 1902 when the Hypogeum was first uncovered after being hidden for millennia, one of the
sculptures found close to the Oracle Room was the figurine of a woman lying on her side in what
appears to be a state of sleeping or dreaming. The archaeologists have named her The Sleeping Lady
of Malta. But the more I sounded and listened to my recordings made in the Oracle Room, the closer I
felt to her ancient presence. My intuition knew that she was not asleep, but was longing to reveal herself
to anyone who was open and willing to listen. The unique sounds that came through my voice, both
while in the Hypogeum and also once I returned home, were almost overwhelming in their ancient
power and primal earthiness. My body shook and vibrated. My senses were altered. It was as if the
earth herself was asking to be remembered, and that she was voicing her longing for humanity to wake
up, commune with her and listen to her wisdom. I felt compelled to rename her Sounding Dream

Sculpture of Sounding Dream Woman by Ray Spiteri

This creative pilgrimage has taken me into terrain I could never have imagined before I began. One of
the most precious gifts I have received and that has taken years to unfold is an ever-deepening
experience with what I call oracle singing. As in the age-old tradition of the sibyls, seers and oracle
priestesses who used a variety of ways and means to divine wisdom and receive guidance, I have learned
that working with the voice and the power of sound frequencies can also be a way of accessing deeper
layers of memory, connection and wisdom.
At its core, Oracle Singing brings the voice and breath into a deep connection with the body. With this
foundation, we are then able to access unique sounds that can bring us into resonance with our truest
self. We can voice an intention or question. We can sound our gratitude and connection with the
different natural elements. Oracle singing is also a way to connect with the archetypal energies and
legends of specific places. Through the voice, we can uncover the memories that live in the land and in
the waters, and attune ourselves with the creative impulse that lives within us and within all lifeforms.
We can also release hurts and grief, both for ourselves and for the larger collective field, thereby helping
restore our relationship with the earth and all creation.

Oracle Singing along the shoreline of Lake Ontario, Canada

The gift of the Spiral Path Pilgrimage in Cornwall this June is the opportunity to join Sarah and myself
as we weave our intentions and questions into the actions of walking and sounding, of oracle singing.
Together we will unveil and resound the oracle songs of each place along the path, as we spiral in
towards our destination of the ancient stones, lands and waters, and then back out again. I invite you to
listen within to hear if you are being called to join us.
To listen to other tracks on the Sound Dreaming CD and to purchase a copy or download MP3s: Website:; Email:

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