Com170 Final Done Thesis Statement Outline (Dar

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Thesis Statement and Outline

COM/170 Version 5

Running head: week 3 Thesis Outline

Writing Reflection
Darlene Williams
Com 170
Mr. Jerry Bolzak

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Thesis Statement and Outline

COM/170 Version 5

Running head: week 3 Thesis Outline

Thesis Statement and Outline

What is your thesis statement?
Youre relocating to the Philadelphia area you have narrow your choices of living to be in
Olde City Philadelphia or Chestnut Hill Philadelphia .Which one would you choose.
This essay will compare and contrast living in a family friendly neighborhood with the benefits
of being an urban environment vs. a rural environment

Introduction : Living in Olde City Philadelphia vs Chestnut Hill Philadelphia

I. Housing Homeowner or Renter
A. Olde City
1. Cost per square foot Hi- Low price
2. House, Apartment, Condo
B. Chestnut Hill
1. Cost per square foot Hi- Low price
2. House, Apartment, Condo
II. Family Friendliness
A. Olde City
1. Low cost entertainment
2. Transportation

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Thesis Statement and Outline

COM/170 Version 5

Running head: week 3 Thesis Outline

B. Chestnut Hill
1. Low cost entertainment
2. Transportation
II. Contrast Urban Olde City Vs. Rural Chestnut Hill
1. Housing
2. Benefit

You will see the difference between two neibohorhood that both have different history with the
city of Philadelphia. I will explain the different and similarities in each; Giving you the reason
why I have chosen the rural area of the city over the urban area of the city. You will learn the
benefits of living in each area and the area I have chosen and why.

Copyright 2013 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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