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THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF AMHERST, MASSACHUSETTS, HuWAN RESOURCES OFFICE 413-362-1810 (pHoNE) 170 CrestNUT STREET 413-549-6108 (PAX) AMHERST, MA 01002 May 17, 2016 Dear Fort River Community: ‘As you are aware, Bobbie Finocchio has resigned from her position as Principal of Fort River School effective June 30, 2016. When notified of the resignation, the district posted and advertised the position, the Screening ‘Committee reviewed the applicant pool, and five educators were interviewed. ‘These semi-finalists participated in interviews with the Superintendent, with the Screening Committee, and each participated in three written exereises. As a result of these interviews, three individuals were identified as finalists. Diane Chamberlain was selected as a finalist, but she decided to withdraw her name from candidacy for personal reasons, Diane is a wonderful and loyal employee of the distriet, and we fully respect her decision to withdraw. It is our hope that Diane, who has worked at both the elementary and secondary levels for many years, will continue her career in our school district. We are very fortunate to have her professionalism, expertise and dedication, Another finalist, Patty Bode, has been asked to become the Interim Principal of Amherst Regional Middle School beginning July I. Patty is well-known by the Amherst community as @ former long-time teacher in the district; however, the bulk of her teaching service was to the Amherst Regional Middle School community. We know that Paity will be warmly welcomed in her new role as Interim Principal. While itis unusual for us fo present a sole candidate as a Principal finalist, itis our hope that the Fort River community of staff, students, and parents will strongly consider Doreen Cunningham for the position, Ms. Cunningham has been an educator in Hartford since 1998 and has served in the following roles: Elementa Classroom Teacher; Special Education Team Leader/Facilitator; Teacher Leader: Imervention Specialist; and, most recently, Assistant Prineipal for the CREC (Capitol Region Education Council). Ms. Cunningham graduated with a B.S. from the University of St. Joseph in Elementary Education with a minor in Special Education. She received an MA from the University of Connecticut in Curriculum and Instruction in Bilingual, Bicultural Education and has a Certificate in Education Leadership from Sacted Heart University, Ms, Cunningham will be in the district this Thursday, May 19, 2016 for a series of meetings with students, staff, and administration. At 6:00 pm on Thursday, we invite the Fort River community to the cafeteria for a light dinner of pizza and beverages. Ms. Cunningham will be in attendance for this event. At 6:30 p.m. parents and ‘guardians will move to the Fort River library for a public forum. Childcare will be provided in the cafeteria. At the forum, Ms. Cunningham will be able to tell you more about herself and her interest in our community, and she ‘will be answering questions from the public about her experiences as an educator and her vision for Fort River School. We all hope you will join us this ‘Thursday evening at Fort River School at 6 p.m. Singeely, {io Kathb/n Mazi Digfotor of Hyjoan Resources THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF AMHERST, MASSACHUSETTS Oricava DB RECURSO HUMANOS 413-362-1810 (PHONE) 170 CuestNur STREET 413-549-6108 (FAX) AMHERST, MA. 01002 17 de mayo del 2016 Estimada Comunidad de Fort River: Como es de su conocimiento, Bobbie Finocchio fis renunciado a su cargo de Prineipal de la Escuela Fort River a partir del 30 de junio de 2016, Cuando notificada de la renuncia, el distrito registré y anuncio la posicién, el Comité de Seleceién examiné el grupo de candidatos, y cinco educadores fueron entrevistados, Estos semifinalists participaron en entrevistas con la Superintendente, con el Comité de Seleccién, y cada uno participo en tres jercicios escrito. ‘Como resultado de estas entrevistas, tres individuos fueron identificados como finalists. Diane Chamberlain fue seleccionada como finalist, pero ella decid retirar su nombre de le candidatura por motivos personales. Diane es una maravillosa empleada y leal del distrito, y nosotros respetamos plenamente su decisién de retirarse, Es nuestra espera que Diane, que ha trabajado tanto en ei nivel de primaria y secundaria desde hace muchos afios, continiie su carrera en nuestro distrito escolar. Somos muy afortunadas de contar su profesionalismo, experiencia y dedicactén, Ota finalista, Patty Bode, se le ha pedido convertirse en la Principal Interina de la Escuela Intermedia Regional de Amherst comenzando det 1 de julio. Patty es muy conocida por la comunidad Amherst como maestra por mucho tiempo en el distrito; Sin embargo, la mayor parte de su servicio docente fue en la comunidad de la Fscuela Intermedia Regional de Amherst. Sabemos que Patty sera bien recibida en su nuevo papel como Principal Interina. Mientras que es inusual de nosotros presentar un ‘nico candidato como finalista de Principal, tenemos la esperanza de que la comunidad del personal, ls estudiantes, y los padres de Fort River consideren seriamente a Doreen Cunningham para el puesto, La Sra Cunningham ha sido maestra en Hartford desde 1998 y se ha desempetiado en los siguientes papeles: Macstra de Aulas de primaria; Lider de Equipo de Educacién Especial / Facilitadora; Maestra lider; Especialista en intervencién; y, sums recientemente, Asistente de Principal para el CREC (Capitolio del Consejo de Ecucacin de la Regién). La Sra Cunningham se gradué con un Bachillerato de Ciencias en Educacién Elemental con ‘una especialidad en Educacién Especial de la Universidad de San José. Elle recibié una Maestria de la Universidad de Connecticut en Curriculo e Instruceidn Bilingue, Educacién Bicultural y tiene un Certificado en Liderazgo en ducacién de la Universidad del Sagrado Coraz6n, La Sra Cunningham estaré en el distrito de este jueves, 19 de de mayo del 2016 para una serie de reuniones con los estudiantes, el personal y la administracién. A las 6:00 pm este jueves, invitamos a la comunidad de Fort River a la cafeteria para una ceng liviana de pizza y refrigerios. La Sra Cunningham estar presente para este evento, A las pam, los padres y encargados se trasladaran a la biblioteca de Fort River para un foro piiblico, Habré cuidado de nitios enia cafeteria, En el foro, la Sra Cunningham sera capaz de decirle mas sobre si misma y su interés en nuestra ‘comunidad, y ella estard respondiendo las preguntas del piblico sobre sus experiencias como educadora y su vision para la Escuela Fort River. Todos esperamos que se unan a nosotros este jueves por Ia noche en la Fseuela de Fort Rio 6pm. mente, ON om

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