Socraticseminar2work Jacobmills

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Socratic Seminar #2

1. Why do you think that Odysseus tells the king his story?
2. Why does Odysseus show off his strength to the braggers?
3. What will Odysseus do after he's done telling his story?
4. Why does Odysseuss battle mates not leave when told?
5. When will Odysseus continue his journey home and what will he do when he
gets there?
6. Why does Odysseus explore every island they go on?
7. What will Odysseus do when hes stuck in the Cyclopss lair?
8. Why would Odysseus yell back to the Cyclops if he was already angry with
9. Why do you think his team mates are so ignorant and open the bag of winds?
10. Why does Hermes visit Odysseus when his comrades turn into pigs?
11. Why does Odysseus stay at Circes island so long?
12. Why does Odysseus listen to Circe and go to the land of the dead?
13. Why do you think Odysseus isnt isnt scared of the souls of the dead?
14. Why does Odysseus let his men kill Helios's cow
15. What will Odysseus do after his men killed the cow?

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