CH2 Review

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Dillion 1

Andrew Dillion
January 28th, 2013
IST 230-051
Systems Analysis & Design
W 6:00-8:40p.m.
Professor Hunteman
CH1 Review

1. How does strategic planning influence day-to-day business operations? Why is it important
for systems analysts to understand a companys strategic plan?
Strategic Planning is the process of identifying long-term organizational goals, strategies, and resources.
A strategic plan looks beyond day-to-day activities and focuses on a horizon that is three, five, ten, or
more years in the future
Strategic planning starts with a mission statement that reflects the firms vision, purpose, and values.
Mission statements usually focus on long-term challenges and goals, the importance of the firms
stakeholders, and a commitment to the firms role as a corporate citizen.
2. What is a SWOT analysis? Prepare a SWOT analysis of your school or your employer.
SWOT Analysis ~ What are our strengths, and how can we use them to achieve our business goals?
What are our weaknesses, and how can we reduce or eliminate them?
What are our opportunities, and how do we plan to take advantage of them?
What are our threats, and how can we assess, manage, and respond to the possible risks?

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Applebee's SWOT Analysis
* Strong brand portfolio
* Strong financial performance of business segments
* Diversified operations
* Research and Development

* Low inventory turnover
* Ratings downgraded
* Manufacturing plants in the US dependent on economic environment

* Growing baby food market
* New product launches
* Changing consumer habits
* Further international expansion
* Growth of Emerging Markets

* Private label growth
* Increasing competition and industry

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* FDA regulations
* Losing business to other suppliers

3. What is an effective way to assess user requests for additional features and functions?
Many companies have System Requests Forms to help streamline the request process and ensure
4. What are four types of feasibility? Which type focuses on total cost of ownership? Which
type is influenced primarily by users?
Operational feasibility, technical feasibility, economic feasibility , and schedule feasibility.
Economic Feasibility focuses on total cost of ownership.
Operational Feasibility is influenced primarily by users.
5. Describe the six steps in a typical preliminary investigation. Why should an analyst be
careful when using the word problem?
1. Understand the problem or opportunity
2. Define the project scope and constraints
3. Perform Fact-Finding
4. Study usability, cost, benefit, and schedule data

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5. Evaluate Feasibility
6. Present recommendations to management
Analysts should be careful when using the word problem because many times what they are seeing is a
symptom, they must look deeper to fully understand the issue.
6. What is project scope? What are constraints? Provide an example of a mandatory,
external, future constraint. Also provide an example of a discretionary, internal, present
To define project scope means defining the specific boundaries, or extent, of the project. A constraint is a
requirement or condition that the system must satisfy or an outcome that the system must achieve.
Discretionary - The order entry system must accept input from 15 remote sites.
Internal - The human resources information system must produce statistics on hiring practices.
Present - The new Web site must be operational by March 1.
7. Identify and briefly describe five common fact-finding methods.
Analyze organizational charts, conduct interviews, review documentation, observe operations, and
conduct user surveys.
8. What fact-finding methods are well-suited for complex technical issues? Which might be
appropriate for the pursuit of new, cutting-edge features?
Observing Operations is well-suited for complex technical issues. Analyzing Organization Charts would
be appropriate for the pursuit of new, cutting-edge features.

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9. What type of tool might a systems analyst use to identify a relationship between two
variables? What tool is useful for identifying and prioritizing causes of problems?
XY Chart aka scatter diagram ~ Still an XY Chart
10. What is a fishbone diagram, and why would you use one? Think of a problem you have
experienced at school or work, and draw a sample fishbone diagram with at least two

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A fishbone diagram is an analysis tool that represents the possible causes of a problem as a graphical
outline. Didn't know how to really create on on here so I found one.

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