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Littering in public places and

Littering has become a major
problem not only
in Puerto Rico, but around the
world; it is slowly
consuming our planet and
environment. This problem
causes contamination of our
environment, and not only
affects human beings but
animals also. The purpose of
our website and overall project
is to create awareness in the
minds of those who litter and
help our island become a
cleaner and healthier place.

Common stuff found in the

ocean and how much time it
takes to decompose.

Causes for littering in Puerto

Rico vary because we encounter
people that do not want to look
for a trash can or prefer to throw
their garbage somewhere in
order to not deal with it near
their homes; other reasons could
be the inconsistency and
placing of trashcans or waste
deposits all around the Island.
Recycling is one of the
alternatives used in Puerto Rico
and it is used to reduce the
volume of solid waste. In Puerto
Rico it is mandatory that
people, state agencies and
corporations that generate
recyclable solid, classify them
as a recycling program
established with the 411 Law
(Autoridad de Desperdicios
Slidos en Puerto Rico).
Flamenco Beach Culebra,
Puerto Rico

The solution promoted in our

website is the increase of law
penalties for littering because
for very bad action there is a
consequence. We have to
maintain the environment of our
island and make those who
come feel welcomed by the
beauty of it. There are many
more solutions and we welcome
everyone to join and take care
of our Puerto Rico.

- Education of littering
consequences to the
- The providing of litterbags
with instructions for use
Placing extra trash cans labeling
them as recyclables and trash
- The increase of law penalties
for littering.

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