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Artistic Artifact Reflection (Know, Do, Reflect)

Complete the KDR graphic organizer below with comprehensive thoughts. Each section should consist of
1-2 detailed, thorough paragraphs that showcase what you KNOW, what you can DO, and your
REFLECTION on your project. The boxes will grow as you type.
Explain the goal
or objective of the
course, the artistic
and how it helped you
meet that
Discuss what you
needed to know in
order to complete the
effectively and
proficiently, as well as
discussing what you
completing it.

the process of what
you actually did in
order to complete
your artistic
and what you can do
as a result
nk - because I
know (this) I can
now do (this)

new technologies
used, new subject
matter encountered,
new skills learned or
skills that were
improved, etc. as you
worked through your
REFLECT: Reflect on
the process of
completing the
project/assignment (both
steps taken and
knowledge and
experience gained).
What went well? Why?
What could have gone
better? How could you
have improved it?
How have you
demonstrated growth
in your knowledge and

The 2016 school years Spring Academy Project was an impactful artistic
project, with having to write poetry and having a limited time of about 3
weeks our group really had to focus on writing poetry. The goal of the
project was to get all the students to write poetry to express opinion on
subjects that were prompted at the beginning of the project. I needed to
learn about poetry, slam poetry and how to really get several different
mini projects, that I had never done, done in a short time. I didnt really
know that much about poetry prior to the project but now know so much
more that I wouldve never cared to have learned.

What the tasked assignments throughout the project was writing poetry,
get ideas down to the flesh out or to just start thinking. I had never
written poetry before so I was rather lost at first but I learned how and
then got some of my thoughts down. The biggest skills I learned was how
to manage my time when faced with limited time and basically what
poetry and slam poetry are.

The assignment went really well, there wasnt a single second in which I
felt that I wasnt learning, I dont know or think anything couldve gone
better, the entire time I learned so much about myself and fellow
classmates, and my growth is shown through my new found knowledge of
poetry in a whole. This assignment impacted my completely during the
entire assignment from how much I learned and was willing to learn, the
enjoyment out of creating the poetry and being in that mindset was very
fresh and I really loved how it all turned out.

skills as a student & in

this artform as a
result of working
through the
Describe why & how
this particular
was impactful on your
tenure as a student in
the Arts Academy?

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