Guidance Techniques

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Guidance Techniques

ECE I 7.02

If inappropriate behavior is not dangerous and not too
distracting, avoid giving the child attention.
Don not look directly at child
Avoid acknowledging the behavior

Do not ignore if:

Behavior is harmful (verbally or physically)
Damaging property

If you ignore, tell child what behavior you are ignoring

and the behavior you desire.
Ex: Emily whines and uses baby talk to speak to Ms.
Alexis. Ms. Alexis tells Emily seh will not pay
attention to her until she uses her big girl voice.

Helps children believe in
Recognize their efforts and
Successful teachers want children
to feel good about themselves
Examples of good phrases to use:
You can do it all by yourself!
You know how it works.
I know you can fix it.
You were able to do it last week.

Promoting Positive Self Concept

A childs self concept includes qualities the
child believes he or she possesses
Promote a positive self-concept
Words and actions
Subtle messages
Verbal and nonverbal feedback
Activities that make children feel good about
Experiences that provide for student success

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