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Subject: Math

Concept: Counting 0-6

Time: Approx. 35-45 min.
Materials: Counting book (Ten Black Dots, by Donald Crews)
Printed Counting book (one for every student)
Assessment checklist: counting (teacher only)
Goal: Know the meaning of zero and count 1-6
1. Counting Book
10 min
Read the book Ten Black Dots to the students
Discuss about the cover
o Pg #s, title, etc
Review ask if anyone has heard of number 0 (zero) before
o Briefly define and discuss number 0
Read the book
When reading the book ask questions about the book
2. Introducing Counting Book
10 min
If we wanted to make our own counting book what are some things that every page
would have to have?
Have students answer your question: page number, drawings, number and
number of objects have to match, etc.
Ask what kinds of objects they can draw on their own counting book
3. Making A Counting Book
10-20 min
Send all kids back to desk and have them begin their own counting book.
Have each kid come up with their own object to draw
Observe, walk around with assessment checklist
If kids are rushing through things and are almost done in less than 20 min.
have them add more groups to the page.
Make sure that the kids arent concentrating to much on detail, tell them how
to do a simpler drawing
4. Checking In
5 min
Gather students again even if they are not done.
Have a few students share their book with the class
What did they think was the hardest about making their own book
What do their books and the original counting book have in common
Discuss similarities between both and wrap it up.

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