Lecture 7 - Transient Analysis - Part III

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Transient Analysis

Part III

Dr. Mohamed Refky Amin

Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering Department (EECE)
Cairo University

Examples on application of Laplace in
circuits analysis

Dr. Mohamed Refky

Applications of the Laplace

Example (1)
The voltage signal , Figure (a), is applied as an input to the
circuit shown in Figure (b). Use the Laplace transform to calculate
the output voltage of the circuit .

Dr. Mohamed Refky

Applications of the Laplace

Example (2)
The switch in the circuit shown in figure has been in position for
a long time. At = 0, it moves instantaneously to position . If
the capacitor ruptures (breaks apart) when its terminal voltage
exceeds 25, how long does it take to rupture the capacitor?

Dr. Mohamed Refky

Applications of the Laplace

Example (3)
The switches 1 and 2 in the circuit shown in figure has been in
the shown position for a long time. At = 0 switch 1 is closed
and at = 5s. switch 2 moves from position to position .
Using the Laplace Transform:

Dr. Mohamed Refky

Applications of the Laplace

Example (4)
For the circuit shown in figure, calculate the output voltage ()
for > 0 if the input voltage is given by:
= 10 cos 2
What would be the steady-state value of the output voltage

Dr. Mohamed Refky

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