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Mason City Schools

welcoming, valuing and engaging each learner

6370 S. Mason-Montgomery Road

Mason, Ohio 45040
March 17,2016
To whom it may concern:
It is my great pleasure to introduce to you Ms. Mary Paige Barlow, who worked with me as a student teacher
at Mason Middle School from January 4,2016 through March 18,2016. During her l l-week placement in my
7th grade Language Arts class, Ms. Barlow implemented two complete units of study and created and
developed supplemental materials to reinforce skills learned within the units. Ms. Barlow taught a six-week
unit that incorporated guided writing instruction (analyzing an author's style) and guided speaking instruction
(small-group discussion techniques) using a self-selected mystery text. Afterwards, she developed and
implemented a four-week unit with a focus on guided reading strategies using The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.
In addition to time spent in the classroom, Ms. Barlow participated in parent/teacher conferences and
department and staff meetings.
Ms. Barlow's greatest strength is developing a rapport with her students. She shows a genuine interest in
students' lives, working to build trust. Most importantly, Ms. Barlow creates a safe and welcoming classroom
environment where all students can learn. She exudes enthusiasm for classroom content and communicates
high expectations for all students. In one particularly engaging lesson, students wrote and performed skits for
their classmates using challenging, new words that contained target root words. As students watched their
classmates perform, they had to make inferences about each word's meaning using their knowledge of the
roots and the context clues provided by the group. This student-centered approach is a hallmark of Ms.
Barlow's teaching.
In addition, Ms. Barlow's reflective nature is a predictor of her future success as an educator. She
demonstrates flexibility in executing her lesson plans, which are constantly changing as she adapts her
instructional strategies to meet the needs of her students. It is clear she believes student learning is a direct
result of her teaching. This sense of efficacy shows in her assessments as well, which are designed with a
laser-focus on standards and student learning goals.
Perhaps most notably, Ms. Barlow demonstrates an ability to provide students with effective feedback that
often takes years of experience to develop. As she confers with individuals and student groups, Ms. Barlow
provides timely, clear, and specific feedback that allows students to see their progress towards the learning
goal and identify the next steps to be taken. She encourages students to become active participants in their
own learning, acting as their guide and cheerleader along the way.
Ms. Barlow is compassionate and knowledgeable and demonstrates the professionalism required of a modernday educator. I have no doubt she will be an asset to your school and district.


Lisa Ann Speiller

7th Grade Language Arts Teacher & Department Chairperson
6370 Mason-Montgomery Road Mason, OH 45040-1796 513.398.9035 phone 513.459.0904 fax www.masonohioschools.com
Tonya McCall, Principal, mccallt@masonohioschools.com
Becky Cornett, Assistant Principal, cornettb@masonohioschools.com
Mark Murzynowski,
Assistant Principal, murzynowskim@masonohioschools.com
Lauren Gentene, Assistant Principal, gentenel@masonohioschools.com


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