2015-09-15 NDHOA Board Minutes

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9/15 Board Minutes


Attendees Rob Welch, Sam Carr, Cheryl Smith, Andy Miller, Peggy Chandler, Susan
Guest - Bob Porteous
1. No meeting minutes from brief meeting last month.
2. Treasurers report Susan presented Balance Sheet. There is a balance on the
Lowes cards and Susan needs receipts. Assessments are behind schedule by
just under $4200.00. Susan will be sending out letters with the late fee
attached to anyone behind in the payment. Attorneys have told us that we
can only collect last 4 years of HOA dues in a lien. Peggy motioned to accept
report, Andy seconded.
3. 3 Positions are coming up for election expire at end of 2016. Rick, Sam,
Andys positions are up for renewal. Rick can stay web master without
holding the board seat. Rick needs to put up request for new board
members. Peggy will follow up with Rick.
4. Old Business
a. Erosion control Construction documents will be ready in Dropbox for
board to review at the end of the week. Peggy will send out the URL as
soon as its ready. Everyone will have 2 weeks to review documents,
make notes and Peggy will schedule a conference call to discuss board
comments with JVG.
b. Need a paper newsletter to include request for new board members.
Susan Welch will ask neighbors for articles. Cheryl will format news
articles. Due date October 15 for articles. Article ideas wood chip
trail, septic maintenance, good neighbor noise control
c. Christmas end of year party simplify the party to be coffee and
cookies . Need someone to chair the party. Bob Porteous nominated
to chair the party at the Community center one day mid week. Last 2
years attendance was low.
d. Ballots need to be delivered before the end of October.
e. Susan P. will put up notice at front entrance that board positions are
f. Sign for the Tennis court Cheryl getting the Dusk til Dawn sign
g. Letter received about dogs barking. Peggy recommended that
homeowner should contact police about the barking. Suggestion made
that neighbor contact dog owners to resolve the problem.
h. Yard letters were successful in getting homeowners to clean up their
i. No Tennis, no communications committee


Dam nothing to report, will be mowed by the end of the month.

There is no key, only a bungee cord holding together.
k. Pool season is over. One complaint about cracks in cement around
baby pool. The previous vinyl coating is de-laminating. Peggy
suggested closing the baby pool, but Rob wants one more chance to
repair it. Bricks around the steps need to be repointed. Bulbs were
replace with LED bulbs and the power bill is lower and we will recover
cost of the bulbs. Recommend considering replacing the front
entrance bulbs.
l. Entrances sprinkler system being manually adjusted. Timer was off
at the Kensington entrance. Bob reset it. Needs a new cover so that it
is more difficult for folks to mess with. Water bill is reduced.
m. Meeting adjourned. Next meeting scheduled for Oct. 20.

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