2015-06-24 NDHOA Board Minutes

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6/24 Board Minutes

1. Approve previous minutes Minutes approved, Peggy motioned to approve,
Cheryl seconded
2. Treasurers report - Pool chairs were purchased with gift certificates from
Treasurer to replace furniture. Receipts are turned into Susan. Cheryl voted
to approve the minutes, Sam Carr seconded
3. JVG Civil Engineering presentation Jonathan Hicks provided large drawing
for review to board.
a. Pool, using large rip rap, 12 30 stones as used on Bridge abutments
with Geotech fabric underneath to strengthen bed under rock. 3 1
slope on bank. Contractor will need to prepare slope on Pool side only
120 long. Will also address some erosion on the side of the headwall
of the culvert. May not need a permit for this as it falls under Stream
Bank Stabilization, but will need at least an email from city/county
confirming this.
b. Tennis court need to replace stream flow with a 40 inch culvert for 50
year plan. Will also replace the headwalls and asphalt on road. The
upper parking lot needs to have the driveway with compacted stone
with a slight swale across the foot path down to creek.
c. Chery question planning for 50 year improvement vs. future life of the
pool. Rob says pool experts indicates that pool can last 10 years.
Peggy commented that any larger improvements to tennis area should
perhaps wait to be part of a future pool improvement.
d. JVG will prepare construction documents and permits for city for
$6500. Landscape Contractors are very busy right now and are leery
of bidding on a non-permitted project.
e. Rob motioned to proceed to construction documents and permitting.
Cliff seconded it. We will post diagrams at the entrances and attach
PDF to website.
f. Sam concerned that we may get opposition and what is the boards
position. Board has agreed that this needs to be done, but notification
is for neighborhood information only, not approval of the project.
g. Peggy to get with Susan for a check for the next phase of JVC.
h. Cheryl has surveys and shared these with Rob. Sam would like a copy.
4. Cheryl asked if we paid Chip Williams for the annual lake fee. Payment
should be documented as year 5 out of 10.
5. Wildlife Refuge Susan has wildlife refuge sign that needs to be placed on a
post securely.
6. Trash at the Tennis Courts, the water fountain, chair, old gate are left up
there. Who will get the trash at the tennis courts? There is no Tennis
committee chair. Cliff has agreed to take that position. Cheryl asked that
picnic table be moved up to the tennis court. Cheryl didnt have a chance to
see the police sergeant, but spoke with another police officer that

recommended we consider more lighting with motion detectors. Rob asked

Cheryl to follow up with the police.
7. Keypad, using pool/tennis court key, traffic bollards, are all options to secure
the tennis area. We need a new sign that clearly states hours of access. Cliff
will look at getting another trash can for picnic areas.
8. 4th of July picnic who will conduct the picnic?? Rob will put up a sign at the
pool asking for volunteers or well cancel.
9. Dam news Sam is working on the dam repairs on the Toe drain and has
requested rip rap from the city.
10.Question of who will be Landscape Chair. Andy mowed the dam and seems
to be doing the job, but we need to get him to the meetings. Cheryl says that
he indicated that he wants to keep the position.
11.Board meetings - Should we have a certain number of mandatory meetings
that people get paid to attend the meetings? Is this allowed in the covenants?
No action decided pending review of covenants.
12.Requests for neighbor liasons got a couple of volunteers to help in addition to
Judy and Cheryl. Cheryl needs to table the project until she can make the
Next meeting July 21
Meeting adjourned 840pm.

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