2016-01-19 NDHOA Board Minutes

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Norman Downes Homeowners Meeting

1/19 16 Meeting minutes

Attending: Peggy Chandler, Rob Welch, Susan Porteus, Cheryl Wheeler, Bob
Porteuos , Sam Carr, Cliff Curtis
Last weeks minutes approved.

1. Erosion Control Update

a. No dissention for paying for the erosion improvements, up to $60,000.
Jonathan from JVG Engineering is following up with the city to see
where they are with approving the drawings. Cheryl recommends we
contact neighborhood folks on the city council who can follow up.
Cheryl will send an email to them to see about following up on the
b. Rob thinks that someone may be re-channelling the stream by the
pool. Meanwhile the erosion at the tennis courts is getting worse with
all the rain.
2. Treasurers Report
a. Susan is not at the meeting so we did not review the treasurers report.
3. Discussion of Possible New Board Members/Elections:
a. Possible members include:
i. Cris Wilcox (Tennis Chair)
ii. Peter Van Arsdale
iii. Mark Carter would like to be a committee member
iv. Sue Van Lanen
v. Nicole Beasley
b. Deans are interested in the Lake ( maybe a Lake committee that looks
at Lake owners issues). Cheryl will tackle Lake Issues as she already
has emails.
c. Landscaping- was done by Andy Susan will take on this committee
d. General maintenance committee needs a chair they would maintain
lights at front entrance, Christmas decorations, etc.
e. Social committee social events not well attended. Not much interest
in womens club anymore. Thought is that downtown Duluth offers so
many great family events, there is not much interest. So Rob
recommends we dont have a social committee unless demand
f. We will need a paper ballot for the elections. Cheryl will contact list of
volunteers next week. We will need a blurb from everyone on
qualifications. They will be mailed out and there are 3 options for
returning them: Mail to PO, drop in boxes at entrance or at pool, give
to board member
4. Sams Dam News:

a. He unblocked the toe drains. There were several that were blocked.
He wants a drawing of the dam.
5. Tree Removal
a. Kay Brown has asked Rick for an update on the 4 trees that they want
removed. Cheryl will ask her why they need to come down and
Rob/Sam will go over and take pictures.
b. Chris got the quotes for the Tennis court trees. Cheryl wants to see
them. Peggy will summarize the quotes and send it out to the board.
6. New business:
a. Someone (?) wants to buy up houses on Church street and create a
new development that is a gated community with access to ND and
Church street.
b. Wooded area around the tennis courts could be used for a nature trail.
Possible Boy Scout project?
c. Barry wants to move the NDHOA files out of the basement. Peggy
made a motion to only retain the last 10 years of documents. Rob
seconded. Remaining documents will be sent to Rob.
Cliff made motion to adjourn. Rob seconded.

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