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NDHOA Board Minutes

Attending Board Members Cheryl Smith, Rob Welch, Judy Taylor, Robert Clark, Cliff
Curtis, Peggy Chandler, Sue VanLanen
Committee Members Sam Carr, Susan Welch
1. Reviewed and approved last months minutes
2. Reviewed and approved Treasurers report
3. Communications Report
a. Garage Sale May 7th, 8am-3pm, Cheryl S. will post on Craigs list. Rick
A. to do a blast email from the web page. Cheryl S. will call the
Gwinnett Daily Post to put in paper. Cheryl also presented newsletter
with notice about Garage Sale.
b. Normans news draft Cheryl S. presented draft of the newsletter that
will go out to the neighborhood.
4. Pool Rental Robert C. asked for current policy. Pool can be rented. There is
a requirement that based on number of folk an additional lifequard may be
required. Rob handles the reservations and the rules are in the FAQs on the
web site. Cheryl S. will research it on the covenants.
5. Pool Chair report Rob W. researched the life remaining on the pool and feels
the pool will last 5-10 more years. Rob has spent $700 to repair the baby
pool. Swim Atlanta submitted a quote for $3500 to repair the adult pool.
Pool will need to be drained significantly for these repairs. Much of the
filtration system broke over the winter. Rob wants to do the repairs himself.
Pressure washing and deck staining cost $3200. Rob is asking for plumbing
help at the pool to defray costs. County inspectors come onsite to verify all is
good before the pool is opened.
6. Erosion Peggy gave an overview of the meeting with the city. City approved
us to proceed with the repairs at the tennis courts. At the pool we are
required to get a variance for vegetation disturbance. City was glad that we
had not already started repairs or HOA could have faced significant fines.
7. Landscape contractors 2 quotes have come in Buckhead turf care was
$327 /month plus the cost of flowers. Includes the dam mowing and string
trimming. Pine Straw is extra, but Susan W. says that we can spread the
pinestraw ourselves. Current landscapers, Select Landscape, are throwing
everything into the creek. Sheryl C. recommended taking a look at Telford
Landscaping. Board approved the recommendation for Buckhead Turf for
Landscaping. Robert C. recommended that we go month to month at first to
make sure we are happy with new company.
8. Dam update Clogged toe drains were repaired and left uncovered for
inspection. The inspectors want gravel spread on the pipes and then fill dirt
to cover the pipe. Sam C. wants to purchase the 57 stone, dump trailer, and
fill dirt. Total repairs expected to run under $300. This is under the $500 limit
and does not require a vote.
9. Tree removal at the dam Rob gave the Norman Circle homeowners the
letter giving them permission to take down the trees. Attorney is drafting

letter granting same homeowners permission to keep playset on ND property

without any transfer of property ownership. Letter will insist that all liability
rest with the Norman Circle homeowners.
10.Sue V. asked about board liability but Susan P. did not get an answer. Will
need to follow up for next meeting
11.Peggy asked about message board at the Tennis Court. It is shattered. Cris
will need to check if the Alta team can build a replacement.
12.Next meeting at May 17 at 7pm. Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm

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