2016-05-15 NDHOA Board Minutes

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NDHOA Board minutes

Board Members Attending: Rob Welch, Susan Porteous, Peggy Chandler, Robert
Clark, Sue VanLanen, Cheryl Smith
Visiting Homeowners: Bob Porteous, Susan Welch

1. Board approved the minutes

2. New Positions
a. Treasurer Susan Porteous approved for another year as Treasurer
b. Secretary Peggy Chandler approved as Secretary for another year
c. Vice President Sheryl Smith nominated as Vice President
d. President Rob Welch approved as President for another year
e. Committee Chairs Susan Welch landscape, Cris Wilcox tennis, Rob
Welch Pool, Cheryl Smith Communication chair, Welcome Committee
Robert Clark, Sam Carr Dam committee,
3. Annual Yard Sale Board discussed whether to continue the annual yard sale.
Carol Vidyasagar, homeowner, is interested in April date. We typically do it
3rd week in April. Susan P. recommended 1st weekend in May. May 7
approved for neighborhood yard sell date. People will want to send
notification if they want to participate. Cheryl Smith will check emails for
participants and put notification on front entrance info boards.
4. Treasurers report Susan P. reviewed the financial report and late dues
report. Treasurers report approved by the board.
5. Erosion/Stream control Susan P. spoke to Greg W., Rob W. spoke with Billy ,
both ND residents who are on the City board. Greg says that JVG has not
submitted stream buffer variance documents to the city. Nick Colonna, with
the City of Duluth, will contact Clark Patterson Lee to meet with the City
Engineers. Susan says its important to meet with the City to get past this
impass. We want city engineers, JVG, NDHOA. Peggy will contact JVG to
determine availability for next week. Also get JVG to contact Nick Colonna
directly, Planning Directory, Duluth 770-476-1790, ext. 1229. Peggy/Susan
will coordinate a neighborhood/City meeting.
6. Tree Removal at the Dam Susan spoke to the NDHOA attorney says that we
can give permission to take down a specific tree. Susan recommends that we
submit it in writing. Attorney is drafting a license to provide permission to
leave fence/playset where it is. Georgia Power will be contacted to trim the
trees back on the easement. Rob will send a letter approving the removal of
the twin trunk tree. Browns have permission to contact Georgia Power to see
about trimming the tree. Board approved Rob sending the letter to the
7. Tennis Courts Tennis courts look great from pressure washing. They will be
resealed and new Junior lines added later this season. One light pole is tilting
and may need to reseated. We need a new message board for the tennis
courts. We will talk to Cris about the need for a new sign board.

8. Landscaping Susan W. wants to get bids on getting new landscapers. She

will get bids. Robert is concerned about shore line cleanup. There is trash
along the dam. Project will need people in boats to net and clean up the
trash. Cheryl and Robert offered to go out in boats and clean up. There is a
need for moving mulch. There is a wheelbarrow available to help move as
needed. Susan presented list of recommended landscaping for board to
review. Dam mowers can pick up trash at the dam also. Also string trim
around the vents on the dam.
9. Pool Rob W. has started preparations for pool opening on May 25. Swim
Atlanta will continue as pool coordinator. The baby pool has a leak in a pipe
from the skimmer that runs under the baby pool. Rob thinks that the pipe
can be repaired. The concrete will need to be cut to get to the repair.
10.Sue VanLanen wants to know what the liability policy amounts are for the
Board members. Peggy requested to provide membership list to Board
meetings. Peggy will also set up a group email for Board members only and a
Board member/committee member email list.
11.Next meeting April 19, 7pm, meeting adjourned 8:26pm

12. Membership List

Board Member
Rob Welch
Cheryl Smith
Susan Porteous
Peggy Chandler
Sue VanLanen
Sheryl Croy
Judy Taylor
Robert Clark

Vice President



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