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My Career In Microbiology

The career I chose in the field of microbiology is a research microbiologist. I chose

this particular career because I like working in labs, teaming up with other people
on projects, and researching different diseases. When I become a research
microbiologist I would like to work in the lab as much as I possibly could, rather than
supervising the labs themselves. I would also rather work at a company than a
college because, I would like to work more than teach. I would also try to work with
as many different doctors and scientists as I can.
When I become a research microbiologists, one of my goals is to cure as many
diseases as I can. The main disease I want to cure is cancer. Instead of a cure that
isnt permanent or a cure that doesnt work all of the time like chemo. I want to
create a cure that works 100 percent of the time, no matter what. I would also like
to try and make the world a better place by helping the doctors in Africa with
medicine supplies and cures.

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