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Domain: Knowledge

Dimension 1: Knowledge of Learners

The following artifact is the copy of Midterm Exam I took in SEDC 713 Methods 1 in the
Spring 2015 Semester. At the end of the copy of the Midterm Exam is a screenshot I took of my
BlackBoard page showing the grade of my Midterm. The course itself integrated mathematical
concepts and nontraditional ways of teaching these concepts so that all students would be
benefitted. The best way to teach to all students is to work with the knowledge they have, which
is concrete knowledge, and build up to the symbolic knowledge. The course also revealed to me
the best time to teach a new concept to students, referring to the Primacy-Recency Effect. Its
discussed that the beginning and the end of the lesson are crucial learning periods. Therefore, it
is essential to utilize the closure period by having students make sense of what they learned
through social language and build up to mathematical language. My exam responses show that I
have integrated these ideas into my own thinking.

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