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Chapter 1 London Nights

Five best friends from Mexico named Dany, Marifer, Julieta, Alondra and Alejandra went to
London to live there, because they were going to start a new college year, but they
decided to go 5 months before so they could explore London. They already got a home
there, because 3 years before the trip, they started collecting money, with help from their
parents, and for all the expense from the school.

When the girls arrived to their new house, the first thing they did was sleep, 10 hours to
get to London, and they were really tired, they slept a lot, and finally woke up at 9. The
girls wanted to explore London, but they finally got in agreement so they got divided,
Julieta and Alejandra accorded to go for a coffee, and Marifer, Dany and Alondra decided
to go to Kings Cross.

~ Julieta and Alejandra

When Julieta and Alejandra arrived to the first coffee shop they saw, and took their
respective places, the girls asked for cappuccinos and started talking.
While the girls were talking, two handsome guys arrived to the coffe shop, one of the boys,
with curly hair and green eyes, gave a quick look to Julieta and smiled to her; she smiled
him back and continues talking to Alejandra.
The two boys sat behind Julieta and started talking; Julieta started feeling nervous about
having one of the boys behind her, because she found one of them really handsome.
When the girls finished talking and were ready to leave the coffee shop, while searching
money in her handbag, Julietas handbag fell into the floor, and everything that was inside,
was in the floor. When she bend to pick up the things from her bag, she hit another head,
when she looked up to see with what she just crashed, she saw a beautiful face.
Oh, Im sorry! the boy told her. Julieta just stood there and replied. No problem and a
smile appeared in the boys face.
I think this is yours he told Julieta by the time he gave her a bracelet.
Oh yes! Thanks! she stood up and received the bracelet.
Im Harry by the way he told her. Im Julieta, nice to meet you she replied with a smile
in her face, These is my friend Alejandra The girl stood up and greet Harry.
These is MY friend Louis; Louis this is Julieta and Alejandra Harry told the girls.
Nice to meet you! the girls said at the same time, and the four of them started laughing.
Hey! said Louis, I can notice you dont have a British accent, are you in vacations here
in London?

Oh no, we moved here, like one day ago! Alejandra said.

We are from Mexico, we came here for college, we are with 3 more friends Julieta added.
Ive always wanted to go to Mexico! Harry said.
Well, your English is really good, Louis said You wont have any problem with that.
Thanks! Julieta replied, Well, we need to go!.
It was nice to meet you, Alejandra said have a good day, bye!
Goodbye! replied Harry.
The day was rainy, the girls where outside the coffee shop waiting for a taxi cab to stop,
but no cab stopped and just ignored the girls. While waiting for the taxi, Harry and Louis
left the coffee shop and were going to their car, until Harry noticed the girls were waiting for
a taxi cab in the rain, and no cab stopped.
Come on, we can deliver you wherever you are going, Harry told the girls You cant be
here outside freezing!
Oh, we are alright thanks Julieta said with her voice trembling.
You are freezing! Come on! We dont bite! replied Harry.
Ok, thanks a lot said Alejandra with a smile in her face.
When they got into the car, Louis asked the girls, where they were going; the girls told
Louis their house address and when they got there, the girls thanked them.
Thanks a lot for bringing us! Alejandra said.
No problem! said Harry, Maybe right now you would be a piece of ice! all laughed.
The girls went ahead to the red door of their house, and waved their hands saying bye.
Have a great day on London! Harry screamed while the car was moving.

~ Marifer, Dany and Alondra

The weather was cold and a lot of wind was whipping the girls, still, they wanted to explore
Kings Cross. They stopped in a tent, and bought a hot chocolate. While they were
exploring Kings Cross and their surroundings, they were talking, laughing and taking
Suddenly while the girls were walking. Dany was hit accidentally by a blonde boy, and her
chocolate drink fell on top of her.

The blonde boy and the other two guys that were with him, immediately turn and went with
the group of girls.
Im sorry! Im really sorry, it wasnt my intention to hit you or to spill your drink! Sorry! the
blonde guy told Dany.
Dont worry, its ok said Dany giving him a smile.
No, its not ok! I just make your clothes go dirty! he replied.
Seriously! Its alright, I just need to wash the clothes and voil! Dany told him.
Are you sure? he asked her with a smile. Yeap she replied, giving the smile back.
Oh, the names Niall, and you are...
Danie- I mean Dany, nice to meet you Niall! she said And these are my friends Alondra,
and Marifer.
Hey girls! These are MY friends, Liam and Zayn Niall said.
Everyone greeted each other, and started talking.
So, I see your names are not that common here, I cant even pronounce Marifer right! all
the boys and the girls started laughing.
Its because we are not from here, I think its a little bit obvious with our accent Marifer
We are from Mexico! We came here for college. Alondra added.
Wow! I would never imagine you were from Mexico! Zayn said.
Yeah, we just moved here, we arrived yesterday, we are here with two more friends!
Dany said with a smile in her face.
Niall was going to reply to Dany until a group of approximately 70 girls arrived were the
girls and the boys were talking. All the girls were screaming, really loud: ONE
DIRECTION! ONE DIRECTION! Niall! Zayn! Liam! Aaaaah! The girls didnt knew what
was happening, but between the screaming girls, Dany talked to Niall.
It was nice to meet you! Dany said, still confused about the girls being around the boys
The boys waved their hands saying bye to Dany, Alondra and Marifer. It was really cold, so
the girls took a taxi cab and went directly to their house. When the girls arrived, the red
door suddenly opened and Julieta screamed Ale! They arrived!
The girls quickly went inside the house, and when the 5 girls were at the living room, all of
the girls screamed at the same time


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