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Kuala Lumpur Post

15 May 2016

Savings for all bank starts a campaign Time for


Todays modern world
technology is the part of
everyday life and with these
advancements our very way
of living has changed. The
business sector, especially
the financial institutions like
banks operate in accordance
to technology. Credit cards,
student loans, house loans
and other everyday items
are often financed by banks.
Financial literacy is the
ability to understand the
confluence of financial,
credit and debt management
and with this understanding
and knowledge one can
make responsible financial
A childs road towards financial literacy
Financial literacy can help students in numerous ways as
in their life. The
these students can be the ones shaping the future in the
Savings for all Bank has
coming years if they are given the right guidance. The
recently launched a
Savings for all Bank hopes to acquire enough donations in
campaign to increase the
order to help open bank accounts for students so that they
awareness of financial
have a head start in saving money for their future.
literacy in the low socio
economic schools of Kuala
The campaign also hopes to teach the students various options they can opt for further
education if the government aid is not available. The bank will match 1 Rm for every 1
Rm donation received. Transform the change in your pockets into philanthropy to help the
future generation. We as a whole society know that it is so essential to manage our
finances wisely, particularly in this day and age where our modern society is extremely
competitive and there is no place for weakness or incompetence. Share this campaign on
social media e.g Instagram, Facebook and twitter with the #timeforchange


Kristina Zucchi, CFA. "Why Are Financial Literacy And Education So Important? |
Investopedia".Investopedia. N.p., 2015. Web. 19 May 2016.

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