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Assignment: Library Visit

Visual aids capture appropriate moods, clarify potentially complex

subjects, and sometimes even carry the thrust of a persuasive
message. As a start to this activity, look at magazine
advertisements and how-to articles in periodicals and look at
store windows for the use of visual aids.
Assignment Aspects:
This activity will require you to visit a library to assess its
effective or ineffective use of visual aids. Using the types of visual
materials considered in this chapter, classify those that you
encounter. Assess the purposes these visual materials serve-clarity of the message:
Reinforcement of the message
Recall of a message
Attention focusing, etc.
Finally, prepare a brief 2 minute speech of your results, site visit
and observations.
Your speech must include the following:
Introduction that includes the following:
An attention getter
Significance (why should we listen to you) importance of your
Thesis (one sentence) state your topic e.g., today I will show
Preview (tell us what you are going to tell us (a map)
Body (your findings) what you will tell us

2 cite in body as needed not end.
3 slides
Conclusion that includes the following:
Review of main points
Today I discussed
Second I discussed
Finally I discussed.
Restate your thesis
Closure (In summation do you recall(can be something
stated in your attention getting devise)

Time Limit: 2minutes

Speaking time will be divided equally between you and your

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